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Fix data propagation for collections in xargs (#112)
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* Fix data propagation for collections in xargs

* Fixup tests for xargs behavior
  • Loading branch information
devth committed Oct 17, 2019
1 parent 5066036 commit 6ee48e9
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Showing 3 changed files with 55 additions and 47 deletions.
34 changes: 22 additions & 12 deletions src/yetibot/core/commands/collections.clj
Expand Up @@ -167,24 +167,34 @@
:result/data-collection data-collection}
(if-let [itms (or (ensure-items-collection opts)
(ensure-items-collection data-collection))]
(let [cat (-> (str args " " (first opts))
(let [indexed-itms (map-indexed (comp identity vector) itms)
cat (-> (str args " " (first opts))
command-execution-info :matched-sub-cmd meta :yb/cat)
;; do not propagate top-level data or data-collection args to the
;; cmd that xargs is running for each item
params (dissoc cmd-params :data :data-collection)
cmd-runner (if (contains? cat :async) 'map 'pmap)
_ (debug "xargs using cmd-runner:" cmd-runner "for command"
(pr-str args))
((resolve cmd-runner)
(fn [item]
(fn [[idx item]]
(let [cmd-result
(apply handle-cmd
;; item could be a collection, such as when xargs
;; is used on nested collections, e.g.:
;; repeat 5 jargon | xargs words | xargs head
(if (coll? item)
[args (merge cmd-params {:raw item :opts item})]
[(psuedo-format args item)
(merge cmd-params {:raw item :opts nil})]))
(let [params-with-data (if data-collection
(assoc params
:data (nth data-collection
_ (info "data for" idx (nth data-collection idx))
;; item could be a collection, such as when xargs is
;; used on nested collections, e.g.:
;; repeat 5 jargon | xargs words | xargs head
(if (coll? item)
[args (merge params-with-data {:raw item :opts item})]
[(psuedo-format args item)
(merge params-with-data {:raw item :opts nil})]))

_ (debug "xargs cmd-result" (pr-str cmd-result))]
(if (map? cmd-result)
Expand All @@ -197,7 +207,7 @@
(error "Exception in xargs cmd-runner:" cmd-runner
(format-exception-log ex))
{:result/value (map :result/value xargs-results)
:result/data-collection (map :result/data-collection xargs-results)
:result/data (map :result/data xargs-results)})
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/yetibot/core/commands/render.clj
Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
See for docs on templating."
[{data :data match :match raw :raw :as args}]
(info "render-cmd" match raw)
(info "render-cmd" {:data data :match match :raw raw})
(let [template (if (and raw (not (coll? raw)))
(string/replace match raw "") ;; remove piped args
(string/replace match (str " " raw) "") ;; remove piped args
rendered (if (sequential? data)
(map (partial render template) data)
Expand Down
64 changes: 31 additions & 33 deletions test/yetibot/core/test/commands/collections.clj
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
(ns yetibot.core.test.commands.collections
[yetibot.core.commands.collections :refer :all]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [info]]
[yetibot.core.util.command-info :refer [command-execution-info]]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
[yetibot.core.commands.collections :refer :all]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [info]]
[yetibot.core.util.command-info :refer [command-execution-info]]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))

(deftest random-test
(testing "Random with no args"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,30 +219,35 @@
(testing "xargs still works on simple commands that don't return a map"
(is (= ["value is red" "value is green" "value is blue"]
(-> (command-execution-info
;; only matches "red" and
;; "green"
;; only matches "red" and "green"
"xargs echo value is" params)

(testing "xargs accumulates and propagates data when it exists"
(is (= #:result{:value ["red" "green" "blue"],
[[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]
[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]
[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]],
[{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}
{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}
{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}]}
(-> (command-execution-info
(is (=
(-> (command-execution-info
;; only matches "red" and
;; "green"
"xargs trim" params)
"xargs trim" params)
#:result{:value ["red" "green" "blue"],
:data-collection [nil nil nil],
:data [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]})))

"xargs should properly propagate data for each item when data-collection is
(= (-> (command-execution-info
"xargs render {{name}}"
{:data [{:name "foo"} {:name "bar"} {:name "qux"}]
:data-collection [{:name "foo"} {:name "bar"} {:name "qux"}]
:opts ["foo" "bar" "qux"]
:run-command? true})
["foo" "bar" "qux"])))

(testing "xargs falls back to data if opts not passed in"
Expand All @@ -251,14 +258,5 @@
(-> params (dissoc :opts)))
#:result{:value [["red"] ["green"] ["blue"]],
[[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]
[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]
[{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]],
[{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}
{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}
{:items [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}],
:count 3}]}))))
:data-collection [nil nil nil],
:data [{"red" "red"} {"green" "green"} {"blue" "blue"}]}))))

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