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Add ONIX::Normaliser class
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yob committed Aug 19, 2009
1 parent ad9d976 commit 02077ca
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Showing 8 changed files with 477 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
v0.7.2 (19th August 2009)
- Added ONIX::Normaliser class
- for normalising various ONIX files into a form that makes them easy
to process. Shouldn't be necesary to pre-process files like this, but
I'm sick of trying to wrestle the libxml ruby bindings

v0.7.1 (24th June 2009) v0.7.1 (24th June 2009)
- Small tweak to ordering of elements in the Product group - Small tweak to ordering of elements in the Product group

Expand Down
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions data/short_tags.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ONIXmessage release="2.1">
<m174>Baylor University Press</m174>
<m175>Jennifer Hannah, 2547104800,</m175>
<m183>Title information from Baylor University Press</m183>
<m193>General trade</m193>
<b203>The Acts of the Apostles</b203>
<b031>Acts of the Apostles</b031>
<b029>Four Centuries of Baptist Interpretation</b029>
<b036>Beth Allison Barr</b036>
<b037>Barr, Beth Allison</b037>
Beth Allison Barr is Assistant Professor of European Women?s History, Baylor University. Her research interests focus on sermon literature in England, 1350-1750, and she is the author of The Pastoral Care of Women in Late Medieval England. She lives in Waco, Texas.]]>
<b036>Bill J. Leonard</b036>
<b037>Leonard, Bill J.</b037>
Bill J. Leonard is Dean of the School of Divinity and Professor of Church History, Wake Forest University. A prolific writer, his most recent books include Baptist Questions, Baptist Answers: Exploring Christian Faith (2008), Baptists in America (2007), and Baptist Ways: A History (2003). He lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.]]>
<b036>Mikeal C. Parsons</b036>
<b037>Parsons, Mikeal C.</b037>
Mikeal C. Parsons is Kidd L. and Buna Hitchcock Macon Chair in Religion, Baylor University. His most recently published books are Acts: Paideia Commentary on the New Testament (2008), Luke: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist (2007), Body and Character in Luke and Acts: The Subversion of Physiognomy in Early Christianity (2006), and with Heidi J. Hornik, the three-volume work Illuminating Luke. He lives in Waco, Texas.]]>
<b036>C. Douglas Weaver</b036>
<b037>Weaver, C. Douglas</b037>
C. Douglas Weaver is Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor of Religion, Baylor University. He is the author or editor of six books, including most recently In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story (2008), Second to None: A History of Second-Ponce de Leon.]]>
<b036>Helen Barrett Montgomery</b036>
<b037>Montgomery, Helen Barrett</b037>
<b070>Baptist; theology; religion; interpretation; Scripture; Bible; Acts; hermeneutics; New Testament</b070>
<i>The Acts of the Apostles: Four Centuries of Baptist Interpretation</i> is a landmark work of research, containing examples of specific ways that Baptists have used Acts in their confessions, sermons, tracts, commentaries, monographs, devotional and denominational literature, speeches, and hymns. Including the entirety of the Acts as translated by Baptist luminary Helen Barrett Montgomery, this commentary beautifully illustrates the diversity of Baptist responses to this book of Scripture, and in so doing, a variety of hermeneutical approaches within the Baptist tradition.]]>
?This is a path-breaking scholarly undertaking that shows Baptisst the scriptural reasoning that underlies their denominational existence.?<br><br>?David W. Bebbington, Professor of History, University of Stirling]]>
<b242>Baylor University Press</b242>
<b079>Baylor University Press</b079>
<b081>Baylor University Press</b081>
<b083>United States</b083>
<j137>Baylor University Press</j137>
<j378>Baylor University Press</j378>
<j378>Baylor University Press</j378>
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/onix.rb
Expand Up @@ -100,3 +100,5 @@ def self.two_digit
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "onix", "simple_product") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "onix", "simple_product")
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "onix", "apa_product") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "onix", "apa_product")

# misc
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "onix", "normaliser")
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions lib/onix/normaliser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# coding: utf-8

require 'tempfile'
require 'fileutils'

module ONIX

# A standalone class that can be used to normalise ONIX files
# into a standardised form. If you're accepting ONIX files from a wide range
# of suppliers, you're guarunteed to get all sorts of dialects.
# This will create a new file that:
# - is UTF-8 encoded
# - uses reference tags, not short
# - has no named entities (ndash, etc) other than &amp; &lt; and &gt;
# Usage:
# ONIX::Normaliser.process("oldfile.xml", "newfile.xml")
# Dependencies:
# At this stage the class depends on several external apps, all commonly available
# on *nix systems: xsltproc, isutf8, iconv and sed
class Normaliser

class << self

# normalise oldfile and save it as newfile. oldfile
# will be left untouched
def process(oldfile, newfile), newfile).run

def initialize(oldfile, newfile)
raise ArgumentError, "#{oldfile} does not exist" unless File.file?(oldfile)
raise ArgumentError, "#{newfile} already exists" if File.file?(newfile)
raise "xsltproc app not found" unless app_available?("xsltproc")
raise "isutf8 app not found" unless app_available?("isutf8")
raise "iconv app not found" unless app_available?("iconv")
raise "sed app not found" unless app_available?("sed")

@oldfile = oldfile
@newfile = newfile
@curfile = next_tempfile
FileUtils.cp(@oldfile, @curfile)
@head =, "r") { |f| }

def run
# remove short tags
if @head.include?("ONIXmessage")
dest = next_tempfile
to_reference_tags(@curfile, dest)
@curfile = dest

# convert to utf8
dest = next_tempfile
to_utf8(@curfile, dest)
@curfile = dest

# remove entities

FileUtils.cp(@curfile, @newfile)


def app_available?(app)
`which #{app}`.strip == "" ? false : true

def next_tempfile"onix") do |tf|

# uses an XSLT stylesheet provided by edituer to convert
# a file from short tags to long tags.
# more detail here:
def to_reference_tags(src, dest)
inpath = File.expand_path(src)
outpath = File.expand_path(dest)
xsltpath = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../support/switch-onix-tagnames-1.1.xsl"
`xsltproc -o #{outpath} #{xsltpath} #{inpath}`

def to_utf8(src, dest)
inpath = File.expand_path(src)
outpath = File.expand_path(dest)

m, src_enc = *@head.match(/encoding=.([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)./i)

# ensure the file is actually utf8
if `isutf8 #{inpath}`.strip == ""
FileUtils.cp(inpath, outpath)
`iconv --from-code=#{src_enc} --to-code=UTF-8 #{inpath} > #{outpath}`

# ensure the encoding delcaration is correct
if src_enc.downcase != "utf-8"
`sed -i 's/#{src_enc}/UTF-8/' #{outpath}`

def replace_named_entities(path)
entity_map.each do |named, numeric|
`sed -i 's/\\&#{named};/\\&#{numeric};/g' #{path}`

def entity_map
return @map if @map

path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../support/entities.txt"
@map = {} do |line|
elements = line.split(";")
@map[elements.first] = elements.last



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