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youngnh committed Feb 9, 2010
1 parent 7770210 commit d96586f
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions RockPaperScissors.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
-- file: RockPaperScissors.hs
-- Play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with a friend

import Control.Monad
import System
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe

data Player = Player String

data Throw = Rock
| Paper
| Scissors
deriving (Show)

beats :: Throw -> Throw -> Bool
Rock `beats` Scissors = True
Paper `beats` Rock = True
Scissors `beats` Paper = True
_ `beats` _ = False

instance Read Throw where
readsPrec _ value = tryParse [("R", Rock), ("P", Paper), ("S", Scissors)]
where tryParse [] = []
tryParse ((attempt, result):xs) = if (take (length attempt) value) == attempt
then [(result, drop (length attempt) value)]
else tryParse xs

instance Show Player where
show (Player name) = name

instance Read Player where
readsPrec _ value = [((Player value), "")]

rpsRound :: (Player, Throw) -> (Player, Throw) -> (Int, Int)
rpsRound (p1, t1) (p2, t2)
| t1 `beats` t2 = (1, 0)
| t2 `beats` t1 = (0, 1)
| otherwise = (0, 0)

firstToWinBy :: Int -> Int -> (Player, Int) -> (Player, Int) -> Maybe Player
firstToWinBy to by (p1, p1Score) (p2, p2Score)
| (p1Score >= to) && ((p1Score - p2Score) >= by) = Just p1
| (p2Score >= to) && ((p2Score - p1Score) >= by) = Just p2
| otherwise = Nothing

firstTo :: Int -> (Player, Int) -> (Player, Int) -> Maybe Player
firstTo x = firstToWinBy x 0

bestOf :: Int -> (Player, Int) -> (Player, Int) -> Maybe Player
bestOf x a b = firstTo x' a b
where x' = (x `div` 2) + 1

type WinLogic = (Player, Int) -> (Player, Int) -> Maybe Player

game :: WinLogic -> (Player, Int) -> (Player, Int) -> [Throw] -> [Throw] -> Player
game getWinner (p1, p1Score) (p2, p2Score) p1Throws p2Throws =
case (getWinner (p1, p1Score) (p2, p2Score)) of
Nothing -> game getWinner (p1, p1Score') (p2, p2Score') t1s t2s
Just winner -> winner
where (t1:t1s) = p1Throws
(t2:t2s) = p2Throws
(p1RoundScore, p2RoundScore) = rpsRound (p1, t1) (p2, t2)
(p1Score', p2Score') = (p1Score + p1RoundScore, p2Score + p2RoundScore)

getPlayer :: Int -> IO Player
getPlayer i = do putStr prompt
hFlush stdout
read `liftM` getLine
where prompt = "Player " ++ (show i) ++ " Name: "

getThrow :: IO Throw
getThrow = do putStr prompt
hFlush stdout
read `liftM` getLine
where prompt = "[R]ock, [P]aper, or [S]cissors? "

getAllThrows :: IO [Throw]
getAllThrows = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do throw <- getThrow
rest <- getAllThrows
return (throw:rest)

getGameType :: [String] -> Either String WinLogic
getGameType ["-to", to, "-by", by] = Right (firstToWinBy (read to) (read by))
getGameType ["-bestOf", x] = Right (bestOf (read x))
getGameType ["-to", x] = Right (firstTo (read x))
getGameType [] = Right (firstTo 1)
getGameType _ = Left ("usage:\tRockPaperScissors -to to\n" ++
" \tRockPaperScissors -bestof x\n" ++
" \tRockPaperScissors -to to -by by")

stdIOGame :: WinLogic -> IO Player
stdIOGame logic = do p1 <- getPlayer 1
p2 <- getPlayer 2
p1Throws <- getAllThrows
p2Throws <- getAllThrows
return $ game logic (p1, 0) (p2, 0) p1Throws p2Throws

main = do args <- getArgs
case getGameType args of
Left usage -> putStrLn usage
Right logic -> do winner <- stdIOGame logic
putStrLn $ (show winner) ++ " Wins!"

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