diff --git a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-coverage.js b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-coverage.js index 7ceab13184e..c0a9fe0ebfc 100644 --- a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-coverage.js +++ b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-coverage.js @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ _yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"] = { path: "build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", code: [] }; -_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].code=["YUI.add('dd-drag', function (Y, NAME) {","",""," /**"," * Provides the ability to drag a Node."," * @module dd"," * @submodule dd-drag"," */"," /**"," * Provides the ability to drag a Node."," * @class Drag"," * @extends Base"," * @constructor"," * @namespace DD"," */",""," var DDM = Y.DD.DDM,"," NODE = 'node',"," DRAGGING = 'dragging',"," DRAG_NODE = 'dragNode',"," OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',"," OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',"," /**"," * @event drag:mouseup"," * @description Handles the mouseup DOM event, does nothing internally just fires."," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:mouseDown"," * @description Handles the mousedown DOM event, checks to see if you have a valid handle then starts the drag timers."," * @preventable _defMouseDownFn"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The original mousedown event.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:mouseDown',"," /**"," * @event drag:afterMouseDown"," * @description Fires after the mousedown event has been cleared."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The original mousedown event.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:afterMouseDown',"," /**"," * @event drag:removeHandle"," * @description Fires after a handle is removed."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was removed.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_REMOVE_HANDLE = 'drag:removeHandle',"," /**"," * @event drag:addHandle"," * @description Fires after a handle is added."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was added.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ADD_HANDLE = 'drag:addHandle',"," /**"," * @event drag:removeInvalid"," * @description Fires after an invalid selector is removed."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was removed.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_REMOVE_INVALID = 'drag:removeInvalid',"," /**"," * @event drag:addInvalid"," * @description Fires after an invalid selector is added."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was added.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ADD_INVALID = 'drag:addInvalid',"," /**"," * @event drag:start"," * @description Fires at the start of a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The original node position X.
"," *
The original node position Y.
"," *
The startTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_START = 'drag:start',"," /**"," * @event drag:end"," * @description Fires at the end of a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
The startTime of the event, from the start event.
"," *
The endTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_END = 'drag:end',"," /**"," * @event drag:drag"," * @description Fires every mousemove during a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
Should a scroll action occur.
"," *
Object hash containing calculated XY arrays: start, xy, delta, offset
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_DRAG = 'drag:drag',"," /**"," * @event drag:align"," * @preventable _defAlignFn"," * @description Fires when this node is aligned."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ALIGN = 'drag:align',"," /**"," * @event drag:over"," * @description Fires when this node is over a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:enter"," * @description Fires when this node enters a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:exit"," * @description Fires when this node exits a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:drophit"," * @description Fires when this node is dropped on a valid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The best guess on what was dropped on.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
An array of all the other drop targets that was dropped on.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:dropmiss"," * @description Fires when this node is dropped on an invalid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */",""," Drag = function(o) {"," this._lazyAddAttrs = false;"," Drag.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);",""," var valid = DDM._regDrag(this);"," if (!valid) {"," Y.error('Failed to register node, already in use: ' + o.node);"," }"," };",""," Drag.NAME = 'drag';",""," /**"," * This property defaults to \"mousedown\", but when drag-gestures is loaded, it is changed to \"gesturemovestart\""," * @static"," * @property START_EVENT"," */"," Drag.START_EVENT = 'mousedown';",""," Drag.ATTRS = {"," /**"," * @attribute node"," * @description Y.Node instance to use as the element to initiate a drag operation"," * @type Node"," */"," node: {"," setter: function(node) {"," if (this._canDrag(node)) {"," return node;"," }"," var n = Y.one(node);"," if (!n) {"," Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid Node Given: ' + node);"," }"," return n;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute dragNode"," * @description Y.Node instance to use as the draggable element, defaults to node"," * @type Node"," */"," dragNode: {"," setter: function(node) {"," if (this._canDrag(node)) {"," return node;"," }"," var n = Y.one(node);"," if (!n) {"," Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid dragNode Given: ' + node);"," }"," return n;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute offsetNode"," * @description Offset the drag element by the difference in cursor position: default true"," * @type Boolean"," */"," offsetNode: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * @attribute startCentered"," * @description Center the dragNode to the mouse position on drag:start: default false"," * @type Boolean"," */"," startCentered: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute clickPixelThresh"," * @description The number of pixels to move to start a drag operation, default is 3."," * @type Number"," */"," clickPixelThresh: {"," value: DDM.get('clickPixelThresh')"," },"," /**"," * @attribute clickTimeThresh"," * @description The number of milliseconds a mousedown has to pass to start a drag operation, default is 1000."," * @type Number"," */"," clickTimeThresh: {"," value: DDM.get('clickTimeThresh')"," },"," /**"," * @attribute lock"," * @description Set to lock this drag element so that it can't be dragged: default false."," * @type Boolean"," */"," lock: {"," value: false,"," setter: function(lock) {"," if (lock) {"," this.get(NODE).addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked');"," } else {"," this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked');"," }"," return lock;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute data"," * @description A payload holder to store arbitrary data about this drag object, can be used to store any value."," * @type Mixed"," */"," data: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute move"," * @description If this is false, the drag element will not move with the cursor: default true. Can be used to \"resize\" the element."," * @type Boolean"," */"," move: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * @attribute useShim"," * @description Use the protective shim on all drag operations: default true. Only works with dd-ddm, not dd-ddm-base."," * @type Boolean"," */"," useShim: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * Config option is set by Drag to inform you of which handle fired the drag event (in the case that there are several handles): default false."," * @attribute activeHandle"," * @type Node"," */"," activeHandle: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * By default a drag operation will only begin if the mousedown occurred with the primary mouse button."," * Setting this to false will allow for all mousedown events to trigger a drag."," * @attribute primaryButtonOnly"," * @type Boolean"," */"," primaryButtonOnly: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * This attribute is not meant to be used by the implementor, it is meant to be used as an Event tracker so you can listen for it to change."," * @attribute dragging"," * @type Boolean"," */"," dragging: {"," value: false"," },"," parent: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute target"," * @description This attribute only works if the dd-drop module has been loaded. It will make this node a drop target as well as draggable."," * @type Boolean"," */"," target: {"," value: false,"," setter: function(config) {"," this._handleTarget(config);"," return config;"," }"," },"," /**"," * This attribute only works if the dd-drop module is active. It will set the dragMode (point, intersect, strict) of this Drag instance."," * @attribute dragMode"," * @type String"," */"," dragMode: {"," value: null,"," setter: function(mode) {"," return DDM._setDragMode(mode);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute groups"," * @description Array of groups to add this drag into."," * @type Array"," */"," groups: {"," value: ['default'],"," getter: function() {"," if (!this._groups) {"," this._groups = {};"," }"," var ret = [];"," Y.each(this._groups, function(v, k) {"," ret[ret.length] = k;"," });"," return ret;"," },"," setter: function(g) {"," this._groups = {};"," Y.each(g, function(v) {"," this._groups[v] = true;"," }, this);"," return g;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute handles"," * @description Array of valid handles to add. Adding something here will set all handles, even if previously added with addHandle"," * @type Array"," */"," handles: {"," value: null,"," setter: function(g) {"," if (g) {"," this._handles = {};"," Y.each(g, function(v) {"," var key = v;"," if (v instanceof Y.Node || v instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = v._yuid;"," }"," this._handles[key] = v;"," }, this);"," } else {"," this._handles = null;"," }"," return g;"," }"," },"," /**"," * Controls the default bubble parent for this Drag instance. Default: Y.DD.DDM. Set to false to disable bubbling. Use bubbleTargets in config"," * @deprecated"," * @attribute bubbles"," * @type Object"," */"," bubbles: {"," setter: function(t) {"," this.addTarget(t);"," return t;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute haltDown"," * @description Should the mousedown event be halted. Default: true"," * @type Boolean"," */"," haltDown: {"," value: true"," }"," };",""," Y.extend(Drag, Y.Base, {"," /**"," * Checks the object for the methods needed to drag the object around."," * Normally this would be a node instance, but in the case of Graphics, it"," * may be an SVG node or something similar."," * @method _canDrag"," * @private"," * @param {Object} n The object to check"," * @return {Boolean} True or false if the Object contains the methods needed to Drag"," */"," _canDrag: function(n) {"," if (n && n.setXY && n.getXY && n.test && n.contains) {"," return true;"," }"," return false;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _bubbleTargets"," * @description The default bubbleTarget for this object. Default: Y.DD.DDM"," */"," _bubbleTargets: Y.DD.DDM,"," /**"," * @method addToGroup"," * @description Add this Drag instance to a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group additions."," * @param {String} g The group to add this Drag Instance to."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addToGroup: function(g) {"," this._groups[g] = true;"," DDM._activateTargets();"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method removeFromGroup"," * @description Remove this Drag instance from a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group removals."," * @param {String} g The group to remove this Drag Instance from."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeFromGroup: function(g) {"," delete this._groups[g];"," DDM._activateTargets();"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @property target"," * @description This will be a reference to the Drop instance associated with this drag if the target: true config attribute is set.."," * @type {Object}"," */"," target: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleTarget"," * @description Attribute handler for the target config attribute."," * @param {Boolean/Object} config The Config"," */"," _handleTarget: function(config) {"," if (Y.DD.Drop) {"," if (config === false) {"," if (this.target) {"," DDM._unregTarget(this.target);"," this.target = null;"," }"," } else {"," if (!Y.Lang.isObject(config)) {"," config = {};"," }"," config.bubbleTargets = config.bubbleTargets || Y.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets);"," config.node = this.get(NODE);"," config.groups = config.groups || this.get('groups');"," this.target = new Y.DD.Drop(config);"," }"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _groups"," * @description Storage Array for the groups this drag belongs to."," * @type {Array}"," */"," _groups: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _createEvents"," * @description This method creates all the events for this Event Target and publishes them so we get Event Bubbling."," */"," _createEvents: function() {",""," this.publish(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, {"," defaultFn: this._defMouseDownFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_ALIGN, {"," defaultFn: this._defAlignFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_DRAG, {"," defaultFn: this._defDragFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_END, {"," defaultFn: this._defEndFn,"," preventedFn: this._prevEndFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," var ev = ["," EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN,"," EV_REMOVE_HANDLE,"," EV_ADD_HANDLE,"," EV_REMOVE_INVALID,"," EV_ADD_INVALID,"," EV_START,"," 'drag:drophit',"," 'drag:dropmiss',"," 'drag:over',"," 'drag:enter',"," 'drag:exit'"," ];",""," Y.each(ev, function(v) {"," this.publish(v, {"," type: v,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," preventable: false,"," queuable: false,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });"," }, this);"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _ev_md"," * @description A private reference to the mousedown DOM event"," * @type {EventFacade}"," */"," _ev_md: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _startTime"," * @description The getTime of the mousedown event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it."," * @type Date"," */"," _startTime: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _endTime"," * @description The getTime of the mouseup event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it."," * @type Date"," */"," _endTime: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _handles"," * @description A private hash of the valid drag handles"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _handles: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _invalids"," * @description A private hash of the invalid selector strings"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _invalids: null,"," /**"," * A private hash of the default invalid selector strings: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true}"," * @private"," * @property _invalidsDefault"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _invalidsDefault: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _dragThreshMet"," * @description Private flag to see if the drag threshhold was met"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _dragThreshMet: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _fromTimeout"," * @description Flag to determine if the drag operation came from a timeout"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _fromTimeout: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _clickTimeout"," * @description Holder for the setTimeout call"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _clickTimeout: null,"," /**"," * @property deltaXY"," * @description The offset of the mouse position to the element's position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," deltaXY: null,"," /**"," * @property startXY"," * @description The initial mouse position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," startXY: null,"," /**"," * @property nodeXY"," * @description The initial element position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," nodeXY: null,"," /**"," * @property lastXY"," * @description The position of the element as it's moving (for offset calculations)"," * @type {Array}"," */"," lastXY: null,"," /**"," * @property actXY"," * @description The xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged."," * @type {Array}"," */"," actXY: null,"," /**"," * @property realXY"," * @description The real xy position of the node."," * @type {Array}"," */"," realXY: null,"," /**"," * @property mouseXY"," * @description The XY coords of the mousemove"," * @type {Array}"," */"," mouseXY: null,"," /**"," * @property region"," * @description A region object associated with this drag, used for checking regions while dragging."," * @type Object"," */"," region: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleMouseUp"," * @description Handler for the mouseup DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," */"," _handleMouseUp: function() {"," this.fire('drag:mouseup');"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," if (DDM.activeDrag) {"," DDM._end();"," }"," },"," /**"," * The function we use as the ondragstart handler when we start a drag"," * in Internet Explorer. This keeps IE from blowing up on images as drag handles."," * @private"," * @method _fixDragStart"," * @param {Event} e The Event"," */"," _fixDragStart: function(e) {"," if (this.validClick(e)) {"," e.preventDefault();"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _ieSelectFix"," * @description The function we use as the onselectstart handler when we start a drag in Internet Explorer"," */"," _ieSelectFix: function() {"," return false;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _ieSelectBack"," * @description We will hold a copy of the current \"onselectstart\" method on this property, and reset it after we are done using it."," */"," _ieSelectBack: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _fixIEMouseDown"," * @description This method copies the onselectstart listner on the document to the _ieSelectFix property"," */"," _fixIEMouseDown: function() {"," if (Y.UA.ie) {"," this._ieSelectBack = Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart;"," Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectFix;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _fixIEMouseUp"," * @description This method copies the _ieSelectFix property back to the onselectstart listner on the document."," */"," _fixIEMouseUp: function() {"," if (Y.UA.ie) {"," Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectBack;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleMouseDownEvent"," * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," */"," _handleMouseDownEvent: function(ev) {"," this.fire(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev });"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defMouseDownFn"," * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} e The Event"," */"," _defMouseDownFn: function(e) {"," var ev = e.ev;",""," this._dragThreshMet = false;"," this._ev_md = ev;",""," if (this.get('primaryButtonOnly') && ev.button > 1) {"," return false;"," }"," if (this.validClick(ev)) {"," this._fixIEMouseDown(ev);"," if (Drag.START_EVENT.indexOf('gesture') !== 0) {"," //Only do these if it's not a gesture"," if (this.get('haltDown')) {"," ev.halt();"," } else {"," ev.preventDefault();"," }"," }",""," this._setStartPosition([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);",""," DDM.activeDrag = this;",""," this._clickTimeout = Y.later(this.get('clickTimeThresh'), this, this._timeoutCheck);"," }"," this.fire(EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev });"," },"," /**"," * Method first checks to see if we have handles, if so it validates the click"," * against the handle. Then if it finds a valid handle, it checks it against"," * the invalid handles list. Returns true if a good handle was used, false otherwise."," * @method validClick"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," * @return {Boolean}"," */"," validClick: function(ev) {"," var r = false, n = false,"," tar = ev.target,"," hTest = null,"," els = null,"," nlist = null,"," set = false;"," if (this._handles) {"," Y.each(this._handles, function(i, n) {"," if (i instanceof Y.Node || i instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," if (!r) {"," nlist = i;"," if (nlist instanceof Y.Node) {"," nlist = new Y.NodeList(i._node);"," }"," nlist.each(function(nl) {"," if (nl.contains(tar)) {"," r = true;"," }"," });"," }"," } else if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) {"," //Am I this or am I inside this"," if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *') && !hTest) {"," hTest = n;"," r = true;"," }"," }"," });"," } else {"," n = this.get(NODE);"," if (n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) {"," r = true;"," }"," }"," if (r) {"," if (this._invalids) {"," Y.each(this._invalids, function(i, n) {"," if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) {"," //Am I this or am I inside this"," if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *')) {"," r = false;"," }"," }"," });"," }"," }"," if (r) {"," if (hTest) {"," els = ev.currentTarget.all(hTest);"," set = false;"," els.each(function(n) {"," if ((n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) && !set) {"," set = true;"," this.set('activeHandle', n);"," }"," }, this);"," } else {"," this.set('activeHandle', this.get(NODE));"," }"," }"," return r;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _setStartPosition"," * @description Sets the current position of the Element and calculates the offset"," * @param {Array} xy The XY coords to set the position to."," */"," _setStartPosition: function(xy) {"," this.startXY = xy;",""," this.nodeXY = this.lastXY = this.realXY = this.get(NODE).getXY();",""," if (this.get('offsetNode')) {"," this.deltaXY = [(this.startXY[0] - this.nodeXY[0]), (this.startXY[1] - this.nodeXY[1])];"," } else {"," this.deltaXY = [0, 0];"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _timeoutCheck"," * @description The method passed to setTimeout to determine if the clickTimeThreshold was met."," */"," _timeoutCheck: function() {"," if (!this.get('lock') && !this._dragThreshMet && this._ev_md) {"," this._fromTimeout = this._dragThreshMet = true;"," this.start();"," this._alignNode([this._ev_md.pageX, this._ev_md.pageY], true);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @method removeHandle"," * @description Remove a Selector added by addHandle"," * @param {String} str The selector for the handle to be removed."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeHandle: function(str) {"," var key = str;"," if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = str._yuid;"," }"," if (this._handles[key]) {"," delete this._handles[key];"," this.fire(EV_REMOVE_HANDLE, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method addHandle"," * @description Add a handle to a drag element. Drag only initiates when a mousedown happens on this element."," * @param {String} str The selector to test for a valid handle. Must be a child of the element."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addHandle: function(str) {"," if (!this._handles) {"," this._handles = {};"," }"," var key = str;"," if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = str._yuid;"," }"," this._handles[key] = str;"," this.fire(EV_ADD_HANDLE, { handle: str });"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method removeInvalid"," * @description Remove an invalid handle added by addInvalid"," * @param {String} str The invalid handle to remove from the internal list."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeInvalid: function(str) {"," if (this._invalids[str]) {"," this._invalids[str] = null;"," delete this._invalids[str];"," this.fire(EV_REMOVE_INVALID, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method addInvalid"," * @description Add a selector string to test the handle against. If the test passes the drag operation will not continue."," * @param {String} str The selector to test against to determine if this is an invalid drag handle."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addInvalid: function(str) {"," if (Y.Lang.isString(str)) {"," this._invalids[str] = true;"," this.fire(EV_ADD_INVALID, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method initializer"," * @description Internal init handler"," */"," initializer: function() {",""," this.get(NODE).dd = this;",""," if (!this.get(NODE).get('id')) {"," var id = Y.stamp(this.get(NODE));"," this.get(NODE).set('id', id);"," }",""," this.actXY = [];",""," this._invalids = Y.clone(this._invalidsDefault, true);",""," this._createEvents();",""," if (!this.get(DRAG_NODE)) {"," this.set(DRAG_NODE, this.get(NODE));"," }",""," //Fix for #2528096"," //Don't prep the DD instance until all plugins are loaded."," this.on('initializedChange', Y.bind(this._prep, this));",""," //Shouldn't have to do this.."," this.set('groups', this.get('groups'));"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _prep"," * @description Attach event listners and add classname"," */"," _prep: function() {"," this._dragThreshMet = false;"," var node = this.get(NODE);"," node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable');"," node.on(Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent, this));"," node.on('mouseup', Y.bind(this._handleMouseUp, this));"," node.on('dragstart', Y.bind(this._fixDragStart, this));"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _unprep"," * @description Detach event listeners and remove classname"," */"," _unprep: function() {"," var node = this.get(NODE);"," node.removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable');"," node.detachAll('mouseup');"," node.detachAll('dragstart');"," node.detachAll(Drag.START_EVENT);"," this.mouseXY = [];"," this.deltaXY = [0,0];"," this.startXY = [];"," this.nodeXY = [];"," this.lastXY = [];"," this.actXY = [];"," this.realXY = [];"," },"," /**"," * @method start"," * @description Starts the drag operation"," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," start: function() {"," if (!this.get('lock') && !this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," var node = this.get(NODE), ow, oh, xy;"," this._startTime = (new Date()).getTime();",""," DDM._start();"," node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging');"," this.fire(EV_START, {"," pageX: this.nodeXY[0],"," pageY: this.nodeXY[1],"," startTime: this._startTime"," });"," node = this.get(DRAG_NODE);"," xy = this.nodeXY;",""," ow = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH);"," oh = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT);",""," if (this.get('startCentered')) {"," this._setStartPosition([xy[0] + (ow / 2), xy[1] + (oh / 2)]);"," }","",""," this.region = {"," '0': xy[0],"," '1': xy[1],"," area: 0,"," top: xy[1],"," right: xy[0] + ow,"," bottom: xy[1] + oh,"," left: xy[0]"," };"," this.set(DRAGGING, true);"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method end"," * @description Ends the drag operation"," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," end: function() {"," this._endTime = (new Date()).getTime();"," if (this._clickTimeout) {"," this._clickTimeout.cancel();"," }"," this._dragThreshMet = this._fromTimeout = false;",""," if (!this.get('lock') && this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," this.fire(EV_END, {"," pageX: this.lastXY[0],"," pageY: this.lastXY[1],"," startTime: this._startTime,"," endTime: this._endTime"," });"," }"," this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging');"," this.set(DRAGGING, false);"," this.deltaXY = [0, 0];",""," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defEndFn"," * @description Handler for fixing the selection in IE"," */"," _defEndFn: function() {"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," this._ev_md = null;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _prevEndFn"," * @description Handler for preventing the drag:end event. It will reset the node back to it's start position"," */"," _prevEndFn: function() {"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," //Bug #1852577"," this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY(this.nodeXY);"," this._ev_md = null;"," this.region = null;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _align"," * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to."," * @param {Array} xy The xy coords to align with."," */"," _align: function(xy) {"," this.fire(EV_ALIGN, {pageX: xy[0], pageY: xy[1] });"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defAlignFn"," * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to."," * @param {EventFacade} e The drag:align event."," */"," _defAlignFn: function(e) {"," this.actXY = [e.pageX - this.deltaXY[0], e.pageY - this.deltaXY[1]];"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _alignNode"," * @description This method performs the alignment before the element move."," * @param {Array} eXY The XY to move the element to, usually comes from the mousemove DOM event."," */"," _alignNode: function(eXY, scroll) {"," this._align(eXY);"," if (!scroll) {"," this._moveNode();"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _moveNode"," * @description This method performs the actual element move."," */"," _moveNode: function(scroll) {"," //if (!this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," // return;"," //}"," var diffXY = [], diffXY2 = [], startXY = this.nodeXY, xy = this.actXY;",""," diffXY[0] = (xy[0] - this.lastXY[0]);"," diffXY[1] = (xy[1] - this.lastXY[1]);",""," diffXY2[0] = (xy[0] - this.nodeXY[0]);"," diffXY2[1] = (xy[1] - this.nodeXY[1]);","",""," this.region = {"," '0': xy[0],"," '1': xy[1],"," area: 0,"," top: xy[1],"," right: xy[0] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_WIDTH),"," bottom: xy[1] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),"," left: xy[0]"," };",""," this.fire(EV_DRAG, {"," pageX: xy[0],"," pageY: xy[1],"," scroll: scroll,"," info: {"," start: startXY,"," xy: xy,"," delta: diffXY,"," offset: diffXY2"," }"," });",""," this.lastXY = xy;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defDragFn"," * @description Default function for drag:drag. Fired from _moveNode."," * @param {EventFacade} ev The drag:drag event"," */"," _defDragFn: function(e) {"," if (this.get('move')) {"," if (e.scroll && e.scroll.node) {"," e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top);"," e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left);"," }"," this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]);"," this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY];"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _move"," * @description Fired from DragDropMgr (DDM) on mousemove."," * @param {EventFacade} ev The mousemove DOM event"," */"," _move: function(ev) {"," if (this.get('lock')) {"," return false;"," }",""," this.mouseXY = [ev.pageX, ev.pageY];"," if (!this._dragThreshMet) {"," var diffX = Math.abs(this.startXY[0] - ev.pageX),"," diffY = Math.abs(this.startXY[1] - ev.pageY);"," if (diffX > this.get('clickPixelThresh') || diffY > this.get('clickPixelThresh')) {"," this._dragThreshMet = true;"," this.start();"," //This only happens on gestures to stop the page from scrolling"," if (ev && ev.preventDefault) {"," ev.preventDefault();"," }"," this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);"," }"," } else {"," if (this._clickTimeout) {"," this._clickTimeout.cancel();"," }"," this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @method stopDrag"," * @description Method will forcefully stop a drag operation. For example calling this from inside an ESC keypress handler will stop this drag."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," stopDrag: function() {"," if (this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," DDM._end();"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method destructor"," * @description Lifecycle destructor, unreg the drag from the DDM and remove listeners"," */"," destructor: function() {"," this._unprep();"," if (this.target) {"," this.target.destroy();"," }"," DDM._unregDrag(this);"," }"," });"," Y.namespace('DD');"," Y.DD.Drag = Drag;","","","","","}, '@VERSION@', {\"requires\": [\"dd-ddm-base\"]});"]; -_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].lines = {"1":0,"17":0,"195":0,"196":0,"198":0,"199":0,"200":0,"204":0,"211":0,"213":0,"221":0,"222":0,"224":0,"225":0,"226":0,"228":0,"238":0,"239":0,"241":0,"242":0,"243":0,"245":0,"288":0,"289":0,"291":0,"293":0,"356":0,"357":0,"368":0,"379":0,"380":0,"382":0,"383":0,"384":0,"386":0,"389":0,"390":0,"391":0,"393":0,"404":0,"405":0,"406":0,"407":0,"408":0,"409":0,"411":0,"414":0,"416":0,"427":0,"428":0,"441":0,"452":0,"453":0,"455":0,"471":0,"472":0,"473":0,"483":0,"484":0,"485":0,"500":0,"501":0,"502":0,"503":0,"504":0,"507":0,"508":0,"510":0,"511":0,"512":0,"513":0,"531":0,"539":0,"547":0,"555":0,"564":0,"578":0,"579":0,"707":0,"708":0,"709":0,"710":0,"721":0,"722":0,"731":0,"745":0,"746":0,"747":0,"756":0,"757":0,"767":0,"776":0,"778":0,"779":0,"781":0,"782":0,"784":0,"785":0,"786":0,"788":0,"789":0,"791":0,"795":0,"797":0,"799":0,"801":0,"812":0,"818":0,"819":0,"820":0,"821":0,"822":0,"823":0,"824":0,"826":0,"827":0,"828":0,"832":0,"834":0,"835":0,"836":0,"841":0,"842":0,"843":0,"846":0,"847":0,"848":0,"849":0,"851":0,"852":0,"858":0,"859":0,"860":0,"861":0,"862":0,"863":0,"864":0,"865":0,"869":0,"872":0,"881":0,"883":0,"885":0,"886":0,"888":0,"897":0,"898":0,"899":0,"900":0,"911":0,"912":0,"913":0,"915":0,"916":0,"917":0,"919":0,"929":0,"930":0,"932":0,"933":0,"934":0,"936":0,"937":0,"938":0,"948":0,"949":0,"950":0,"951":0,"953":0,"963":0,"964":0,"965":0,"967":0,"976":0,"978":0,"979":0,"980":0,"983":0,"985":0,"987":0,"989":0,"990":0,"995":0,"998":0,"1006":0,"1007":0,"1008":0,"1009":0,"1010":0,"1011":0,"1019":0,"1020":0,"1021":0,"1022":0,"1023":0,"1024":0,"1025":0,"1026":0,"1027":0,"1028":0,"1029":0,"1030":0,"1039":0,"1040":0,"1041":0,"1043":0,"1044":0,"1045":0,"1050":0,"1051":0,"1053":0,"1054":0,"1056":0,"1057":0,"1061":0,"1070":0,"1072":0,"1081":0,"1082":0,"1083":0,"1085":0,"1087":0,"1088":0,"1095":0,"1096":0,"1097":0,"1099":0,"1107":0,"1108":0,"1116":0,"1118":0,"1119":0,"1120":0,"1129":0,"1138":0,"1147":0,"1148":0,"1149":0,"1161":0,"1163":0,"1164":0,"1166":0,"1167":0,"1170":0,"1180":0,"1192":0,"1201":0,"1202":0,"1203":0,"1204":0,"1206":0,"1207":0,"1217":0,"1218":0,"1221":0,"1222":0,"1223":0,"1225":0,"1226":0,"1227":0,"1229":0,"1230":0,"1232":0,"1235":0,"1236":0,"1238":0,"1248":0,"1249":0,"1251":0,"1259":0,"1260":0,"1261":0,"1263":0,"1266":0,"1267":0}; -_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].functions = {"Drag:194":0,"setter:220":0,"setter:237":0,"setter:287":0,"setter:355":0,"setter:367":0,"(anonymous 2):383":0,"getter:378":0,"(anonymous 3):390":0,"setter:388":0,"(anonymous 4):406":0,"setter:403":0,"setter:426":0,"_canDrag:451":0,"addToGroup:470":0,"removeFromGroup:482":0,"_handleTarget:499":0,"(anonymous 5):578":0,"_createEvents:529":0,"_handleMouseUp:706":0,"_fixDragStart:720":0,"_ieSelectFix:730":0,"_fixIEMouseDown:744":0,"_fixIEMouseUp:755":0,"_handleMouseDownEvent:766":0,"_defMouseDownFn:775":0,"(anonymous 7):826":0,"(anonymous 6):819":0,"(anonymous 8):848":0,"(anonymous 9):862":0,"validClick:811":0,"_setStartPosition:880":0,"_timeoutCheck:896":0,"removeHandle:910":0,"addHandle:928":0,"removeInvalid:947":0,"addInvalid:962":0,"initializer:974":0,"_prep:1005":0,"_unprep:1018":0,"start:1038":0,"end:1080":0,"_defEndFn:1106":0,"_prevEndFn:1115":0,"_align:1128":0,"_defAlignFn:1137":0,"_alignNode:1146":0,"_moveNode:1157":0,"_defDragFn:1200":0,"_move:1216":0,"stopDrag:1247":0,"destructor:1258":0,"(anonymous 1):1":0}; -_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].coveredLines = 275; +_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].code=["YUI.add('dd-drag', function (Y, NAME) {","",""," /**"," * Provides the ability to drag a Node."," * @module dd"," * @submodule dd-drag"," */"," /**"," * Provides the ability to drag a Node."," * @class Drag"," * @extends Base"," * @constructor"," * @namespace DD"," */",""," var DDM = Y.DD.DDM,"," NODE = 'node',"," DRAGGING = 'dragging',"," DRAG_NODE = 'dragNode',"," OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',"," OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',"," /**"," * @event drag:mouseup"," * @description Handles the mouseup DOM event, does nothing internally just fires."," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:mouseDown"," * @description Handles the mousedown DOM event, checks to see if you have a valid handle then starts the drag timers."," * @preventable _defMouseDownFn"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The original mousedown event.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:mouseDown',"," /**"," * @event drag:afterMouseDown"," * @description Fires after the mousedown event has been cleared."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The original mousedown event.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN = 'drag:afterMouseDown',"," /**"," * @event drag:removeHandle"," * @description Fires after a handle is removed."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was removed.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_REMOVE_HANDLE = 'drag:removeHandle',"," /**"," * @event drag:addHandle"," * @description Fires after a handle is added."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was added.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ADD_HANDLE = 'drag:addHandle',"," /**"," * @event drag:removeInvalid"," * @description Fires after an invalid selector is removed."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was removed.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_REMOVE_INVALID = 'drag:removeInvalid',"," /**"," * @event drag:addInvalid"," * @description Fires after an invalid selector is added."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
The handle that was added.
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ADD_INVALID = 'drag:addInvalid',"," /**"," * @event drag:start"," * @description Fires at the start of a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The original node position X.
"," *
The original node position Y.
"," *
The startTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_START = 'drag:start',"," /**"," * @event drag:end"," * @description Fires at the end of a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
The startTime of the event, from the start event.
"," *
The endTime of the event. getTime on the current Date object.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_END = 'drag:end',"," /**"," * @event drag:drag"," * @description Fires every mousemove during a drag operation."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
Should a scroll action occur.
"," *
Object hash containing calculated XY arrays: start, xy, delta, offset
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_DRAG = 'drag:drag',"," /**"," * @event drag:align"," * @preventable _defAlignFn"," * @description Fires when this node is aligned."," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," EV_ALIGN = 'drag:align',"," /**"," * @event drag:over"," * @description Fires when this node is over a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:enter"," * @description Fires when this node enters a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:exit"," * @description Fires when this node exits a Drop Target. (Fired from dd-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The drop object at the time of the event.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:drophit"," * @description Fires when this node is dropped on a valid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The best guess on what was dropped on.
"," *
The drag object at the time of the event.
"," *
An array of all the other drop targets that was dropped on.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */"," /**"," * @event drag:dropmiss"," * @description Fires when this node is dropped on an invalid Drop Target. (Fired from dd-ddm-drop)"," * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:"," *
"," *
The current node position X.
"," *
The current node position Y.
"," *
"," * @bubbles DDM"," * @type {CustomEvent}"," */",""," Drag = function(o) {"," this._lazyAddAttrs = false;"," Drag.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);",""," var valid = DDM._regDrag(this);"," if (!valid) {"," Y.error('Failed to register node, already in use: ' + o.node);"," }"," };",""," Drag.NAME = 'drag';",""," /**"," * This property defaults to \"mousedown\", but when drag-gestures is loaded, it is changed to \"gesturemovestart\""," * @static"," * @property START_EVENT"," */"," Drag.START_EVENT = 'mousedown';",""," Drag.ATTRS = {"," /**"," * @attribute node"," * @description Y.Node instance to use as the element to initiate a drag operation"," * @type Node"," */"," node: {"," setter: function(node) {"," if (this._canDrag(node)) {"," return node;"," }"," var n = Y.one(node);"," if (!n) {"," Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid Node Given: ' + node);"," }"," return n;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute dragNode"," * @description Y.Node instance to use as the draggable element, defaults to node"," * @type Node"," */"," dragNode: {"," setter: function(node) {"," if (this._canDrag(node)) {"," return node;"," }"," var n = Y.one(node);"," if (!n) {"," Y.error('DD.Drag: Invalid dragNode Given: ' + node);"," }"," return n;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute offsetNode"," * @description Offset the drag element by the difference in cursor position: default true"," * @type Boolean"," */"," offsetNode: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * @attribute startCentered"," * @description Center the dragNode to the mouse position on drag:start: default false"," * @type Boolean"," */"," startCentered: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute clickPixelThresh"," * @description The number of pixels to move to start a drag operation, default is 3."," * @type Number"," */"," clickPixelThresh: {"," value: DDM.get('clickPixelThresh')"," },"," /**"," * @attribute clickTimeThresh"," * @description The number of milliseconds a mousedown has to pass to start a drag operation, default is 1000."," * @type Number"," */"," clickTimeThresh: {"," value: DDM.get('clickTimeThresh')"," },"," /**"," * @attribute lock"," * @description Set to lock this drag element so that it can't be dragged: default false."," * @type Boolean"," */"," lock: {"," value: false,"," setter: function(lock) {"," if (lock) {"," this.get(NODE).addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked');"," } else {"," this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-locked');"," }"," return lock;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute data"," * @description A payload holder to store arbitrary data about this drag object, can be used to store any value."," * @type Mixed"," */"," data: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute move"," * @description If this is false, the drag element will not move with the cursor: default true. Can be used to \"resize\" the element."," * @type Boolean"," */"," move: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * @attribute useShim"," * @description Use the protective shim on all drag operations: default true. Only works with dd-ddm, not dd-ddm-base."," * @type Boolean"," */"," useShim: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * Config option is set by Drag to inform you of which handle fired the drag event (in the case that there are several handles): default false."," * @attribute activeHandle"," * @type Node"," */"," activeHandle: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * By default a drag operation will only begin if the mousedown occurred with the primary mouse button."," * Setting this to false will allow for all mousedown events to trigger a drag."," * @attribute primaryButtonOnly"," * @type Boolean"," */"," primaryButtonOnly: {"," value: true"," },"," /**"," * This attribute is not meant to be used by the implementor, it is meant to be used as an Event tracker so you can listen for it to change."," * @attribute dragging"," * @type Boolean"," */"," dragging: {"," value: false"," },"," parent: {"," value: false"," },"," /**"," * @attribute target"," * @description This attribute only works if the dd-drop module has been loaded. It will make this node a drop target as well as draggable."," * @type Boolean"," */"," target: {"," value: false,"," setter: function(config) {"," this._handleTarget(config);"," return config;"," }"," },"," /**"," * This attribute only works if the dd-drop module is active. It will set the dragMode (point, intersect, strict) of this Drag instance."," * @attribute dragMode"," * @type String"," */"," dragMode: {"," value: null,"," setter: function(mode) {"," return DDM._setDragMode(mode);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute groups"," * @description Array of groups to add this drag into."," * @type Array"," */"," groups: {"," value: ['default'],"," getter: function() {"," if (!this._groups) {"," this._groups = {};"," }"," var ret = [];"," Y.each(this._groups, function(v, k) {"," ret[ret.length] = k;"," });"," return ret;"," },"," setter: function(g) {"," this._groups = {};"," Y.each(g, function(v) {"," this._groups[v] = true;"," }, this);"," return g;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute handles"," * @description Array of valid handles to add. Adding something here will set all handles, even if previously added with addHandle"," * @type Array"," */"," handles: {"," value: null,"," setter: function(g) {"," if (g) {"," this._handles = {};"," Y.each(g, function(v) {"," var key = v;"," if (v instanceof Y.Node || v instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = v._yuid;"," }"," this._handles[key] = v;"," }, this);"," } else {"," this._handles = null;"," }"," return g;"," }"," },"," /**"," * Controls the default bubble parent for this Drag instance. Default: Y.DD.DDM. Set to false to disable bubbling. Use bubbleTargets in config"," * @deprecated"," * @attribute bubbles"," * @type Object"," */"," bubbles: {"," setter: function(t) {"," this.addTarget(t);"," return t;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @attribute haltDown"," * @description Should the mousedown event be halted. Default: true"," * @type Boolean"," */"," haltDown: {"," value: true"," }"," };",""," Y.extend(Drag, Y.Base, {"," /**"," * Checks the object for the methods needed to drag the object around."," * Normally this would be a node instance, but in the case of Graphics, it"," * may be an SVG node or something similar."," * @method _canDrag"," * @private"," * @param {Object} n The object to check"," * @return {Boolean} True or false if the Object contains the methods needed to Drag"," */"," _canDrag: function(n) {"," if (n && n.setXY && n.getXY && n.test && n.contains) {"," return true;"," }"," return false;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _bubbleTargets"," * @description The default bubbleTarget for this object. Default: Y.DD.DDM"," */"," _bubbleTargets: Y.DD.DDM,"," /**"," * @method addToGroup"," * @description Add this Drag instance to a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group additions."," * @param {String} g The group to add this Drag Instance to."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addToGroup: function(g) {"," this._groups[g] = true;"," DDM._activateTargets();"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method removeFromGroup"," * @description Remove this Drag instance from a group, this should be used for on-the-fly group removals."," * @param {String} g The group to remove this Drag Instance from."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeFromGroup: function(g) {"," delete this._groups[g];"," DDM._activateTargets();"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @property target"," * @description This will be a reference to the Drop instance associated with this drag if the target: true config attribute is set.."," * @type {Object}"," */"," target: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleTarget"," * @description Attribute handler for the target config attribute."," * @param {Boolean/Object} config The Config"," */"," _handleTarget: function(config) {"," if (Y.DD.Drop) {"," if (config === false) {"," if (this.target) {"," DDM._unregTarget(this.target);"," this.target = null;"," }"," } else {"," if (!Y.Lang.isObject(config)) {"," config = {};"," }"," config.bubbleTargets = config.bubbleTargets || Y.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets);"," config.node = this.get(NODE);"," config.groups = config.groups || this.get('groups');"," this.target = new Y.DD.Drop(config);"," }"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _groups"," * @description Storage Array for the groups this drag belongs to."," * @type {Array}"," */"," _groups: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _createEvents"," * @description This method creates all the events for this Event Target and publishes them so we get Event Bubbling."," */"," _createEvents: function() {",""," this.publish(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, {"," defaultFn: this._defMouseDownFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_ALIGN, {"," defaultFn: this._defAlignFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_DRAG, {"," defaultFn: this._defDragFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," this.publish(EV_END, {"," defaultFn: this._defEndFn,"," preventedFn: this._prevEndFn,"," queuable: false,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });",""," var ev = ["," EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN,"," EV_REMOVE_HANDLE,"," EV_ADD_HANDLE,"," EV_REMOVE_INVALID,"," EV_ADD_INVALID,"," EV_START,"," 'drag:drophit',"," 'drag:dropmiss',"," 'drag:over',"," 'drag:enter',"," 'drag:exit'"," ];",""," Y.each(ev, function(v) {"," this.publish(v, {"," type: v,"," emitFacade: true,"," bubbles: true,"," preventable: false,"," queuable: false,"," prefix: 'drag'"," });"," }, this);"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _ev_md"," * @description A private reference to the mousedown DOM event"," * @type {EventFacade}"," */"," _ev_md: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _startTime"," * @description The getTime of the mousedown event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it."," * @type Date"," */"," _startTime: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _endTime"," * @description The getTime of the mouseup event. Not used, just here in case someone wants/needs to use it."," * @type Date"," */"," _endTime: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _handles"," * @description A private hash of the valid drag handles"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _handles: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _invalids"," * @description A private hash of the invalid selector strings"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _invalids: null,"," /**"," * A private hash of the default invalid selector strings: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true}"," * @private"," * @property _invalidsDefault"," * @type {Object}"," */"," _invalidsDefault: {'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'a': true, 'button': true, 'select': true },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _dragThreshMet"," * @description Private flag to see if the drag threshhold was met"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _dragThreshMet: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _fromTimeout"," * @description Flag to determine if the drag operation came from a timeout"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _fromTimeout: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _clickTimeout"," * @description Holder for the setTimeout call"," * @type {Boolean}"," */"," _clickTimeout: null,"," /**"," * @property deltaXY"," * @description The offset of the mouse position to the element's position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," deltaXY: null,"," /**"," * @property startXY"," * @description The initial mouse position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," startXY: null,"," /**"," * @property nodeXY"," * @description The initial element position"," * @type {Array}"," */"," nodeXY: null,"," /**"," * @property lastXY"," * @description The position of the element as it's moving (for offset calculations)"," * @type {Array}"," */"," lastXY: null,"," /**"," * @property actXY"," * @description The xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged."," * @type {Array}"," */"," actXY: null,"," /**"," * @property realXY"," * @description The real xy position of the node."," * @type {Array}"," */"," realXY: null,"," /**"," * @property mouseXY"," * @description The XY coords of the mousemove"," * @type {Array}"," */"," mouseXY: null,"," /**"," * @property region"," * @description A region object associated with this drag, used for checking regions while dragging."," * @type Object"," */"," region: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleMouseUp"," * @description Handler for the mouseup DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," */"," _handleMouseUp: function() {"," this.fire('drag:mouseup');"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," if (DDM.activeDrag) {"," DDM._end();"," }"," },"," /**"," * The function we use as the ondragstart handler when we start a drag"," * in Internet Explorer. This keeps IE from blowing up on images as drag handles."," * @private"," * @method _fixDragStart"," * @param {Event} e The Event"," */"," _fixDragStart: function(e) {"," if (this.validClick(e)) {"," e.preventDefault();"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _ieSelectFix"," * @description The function we use as the onselectstart handler when we start a drag in Internet Explorer"," */"," _ieSelectFix: function() {"," return false;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @property _ieSelectBack"," * @description We will hold a copy of the current \"onselectstart\" method on this property, and reset it after we are done using it."," */"," _ieSelectBack: null,"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _fixIEMouseDown"," * @description This method copies the onselectstart listner on the document to the _ieSelectFix property"," */"," _fixIEMouseDown: function() {"," if (Y.UA.ie) {"," this._ieSelectBack = Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart;"," Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectFix;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _fixIEMouseUp"," * @description This method copies the _ieSelectFix property back to the onselectstart listner on the document."," */"," _fixIEMouseUp: function() {"," if (Y.UA.ie) {"," Y.config.doc.body.onselectstart = this._ieSelectBack;"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _handleMouseDownEvent"," * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," */"," _handleMouseDownEvent: function(ev) {"," this.fire(EV_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev });"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defMouseDownFn"," * @description Handler for the mousedown DOM event"," * @param {EventFacade} e The Event"," */"," _defMouseDownFn: function(e) {"," var ev = e.ev;",""," this._dragThreshMet = false;"," this._ev_md = ev;",""," if (this.get('primaryButtonOnly') && ev.button > 1) {"," return false;"," }"," if (this.validClick(ev)) {"," this._fixIEMouseDown(ev);"," if (Drag.START_EVENT.indexOf('gesture') !== 0) {"," //Only do these if it's not a gesture"," if (this.get('haltDown')) {"," ev.halt();"," } else {"," ev.preventDefault();"," }"," }",""," this._setStartPosition([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);",""," DDM.activeDrag = this;",""," this._clickTimeout = Y.later(this.get('clickTimeThresh'), this, this._timeoutCheck);"," }"," this.fire(EV_AFTER_MOUSE_DOWN, { ev: ev });"," },"," /**"," * Method first checks to see if we have handles, if so it validates the click"," * against the handle. Then if it finds a valid handle, it checks it against"," * the invalid handles list. Returns true if a good handle was used, false otherwise."," * @method validClick"," * @param {EventFacade} ev The Event"," * @return {Boolean}"," */"," validClick: function(ev) {"," var r = false, n = false,"," tar = ev.target,"," hTest = null,"," els = null,"," nlist = null,"," set = false;"," if (this._handles) {"," Y.each(this._handles, function(i, n) {"," if (i instanceof Y.Node || i instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," if (!r) {"," nlist = i;"," if (nlist instanceof Y.Node) {"," nlist = new Y.NodeList(i._node);"," }"," nlist.each(function(nl) {"," if (nl.contains(tar)) {"," r = true;"," }"," });"," }"," } else if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) {"," //Am I this or am I inside this"," if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *') && !hTest) {"," hTest = n;"," r = true;"," }"," }"," });"," } else {"," n = this.get(NODE);"," if (n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) {"," r = true;"," }"," }"," if (r) {"," if (this._invalids) {"," Y.each(this._invalids, function(i, n) {"," if (Y.Lang.isString(n)) {"," //Am I this or am I inside this"," if (tar.test(n + ', ' + n + ' *')) {"," r = false;"," }"," }"," });"," }"," }"," if (r) {"," if (hTest) {"," els = ev.currentTarget.all(hTest);"," set = false;"," els.each(function(n) {"," if ((n.contains(tar) || n.compareTo(tar)) && !set) {"," set = true;"," this.set('activeHandle', n);"," }"," }, this);"," } else {"," this.set('activeHandle', this.get(NODE));"," }"," }"," return r;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _setStartPosition"," * @description Sets the current position of the Element and calculates the offset"," * @param {Array} xy The XY coords to set the position to."," */"," _setStartPosition: function(xy) {"," this.startXY = xy;",""," this.nodeXY = this.lastXY = this.realXY = this.get(NODE).getXY();",""," if (this.get('offsetNode')) {"," this.deltaXY = [(this.startXY[0] - this.nodeXY[0]), (this.startXY[1] - this.nodeXY[1])];"," } else {"," this.deltaXY = [0, 0];"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _timeoutCheck"," * @description The method passed to setTimeout to determine if the clickTimeThreshold was met."," */"," _timeoutCheck: function() {"," if (!this.get('lock') && !this._dragThreshMet && this._ev_md) {"," this._fromTimeout = this._dragThreshMet = true;"," this.start();"," this._alignNode([this._ev_md.pageX, this._ev_md.pageY], true);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @method removeHandle"," * @description Remove a Selector added by addHandle"," * @param {String} str The selector for the handle to be removed."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeHandle: function(str) {"," var key = str;"," if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = str._yuid;"," }"," if (this._handles[key]) {"," delete this._handles[key];"," this.fire(EV_REMOVE_HANDLE, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method addHandle"," * @description Add a handle to a drag element. Drag only initiates when a mousedown happens on this element."," * @param {String} str The selector to test for a valid handle. Must be a child of the element."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addHandle: function(str) {"," if (!this._handles) {"," this._handles = {};"," }"," var key = str;"," if (str instanceof Y.Node || str instanceof Y.NodeList) {"," key = str._yuid;"," }"," this._handles[key] = str;"," this.fire(EV_ADD_HANDLE, { handle: str });"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method removeInvalid"," * @description Remove an invalid handle added by addInvalid"," * @param {String} str The invalid handle to remove from the internal list."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," removeInvalid: function(str) {"," if (this._invalids[str]) {"," this._invalids[str] = null;"," delete this._invalids[str];"," this.fire(EV_REMOVE_INVALID, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method addInvalid"," * @description Add a selector string to test the handle against. If the test passes the drag operation will not continue."," * @param {String} str The selector to test against to determine if this is an invalid drag handle."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," addInvalid: function(str) {"," if (Y.Lang.isString(str)) {"," this._invalids[str] = true;"," this.fire(EV_ADD_INVALID, { handle: str });"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method initializer"," * @description Internal init handler"," */"," initializer: function() {",""," this.get(NODE).dd = this;",""," if (!this.get(NODE).get('id')) {"," var id = Y.stamp(this.get(NODE));"," this.get(NODE).set('id', id);"," }",""," this.actXY = [];",""," this._invalids = Y.clone(this._invalidsDefault, true);",""," this._createEvents();",""," if (!this.get(DRAG_NODE)) {"," this.set(DRAG_NODE, this.get(NODE));"," }",""," //Fix for #2528096"," //Don't prep the DD instance until all plugins are loaded."," this.on('initializedChange', Y.bind(this._prep, this));",""," //Shouldn't have to do this.."," this.set('groups', this.get('groups'));"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _prep"," * @description Attach event listners and add classname"," */"," _prep: function() {"," this._dragThreshMet = false;"," var node = this.get(NODE);"," node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable');"," node.on(Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent, this));"," node.on('mouseup', Y.bind(this._handleMouseUp, this));"," node.on('dragstart', Y.bind(this._fixDragStart, this));"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _unprep"," * @description Detach event listeners and remove classname"," */"," _unprep: function() {"," var node = this.get(NODE);"," node.removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable');"," node.detachAll('mouseup');"," node.detachAll('dragstart');"," node.detachAll(Drag.START_EVENT);"," this.mouseXY = [];"," this.deltaXY = [0,0];"," this.startXY = [];"," this.nodeXY = [];"," this.lastXY = [];"," this.actXY = [];"," this.realXY = [];"," },"," /**"," * @method start"," * @description Starts the drag operation"," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," start: function() {"," if (!this.get('lock') && !this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," var node = this.get(NODE), ow, oh, xy;"," this._startTime = (new Date()).getTime();",""," DDM._start();"," node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging');"," this.fire(EV_START, {"," pageX: this.nodeXY[0],"," pageY: this.nodeXY[1],"," startTime: this._startTime"," });"," node = this.get(DRAG_NODE);"," xy = this.nodeXY;",""," ow = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH);"," oh = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT);",""," if (this.get('startCentered')) {"," this._setStartPosition([xy[0] + (ow / 2), xy[1] + (oh / 2)]);"," }","",""," this.region = {"," '0': xy[0],"," '1': xy[1],"," area: 0,"," top: xy[1],"," right: xy[0] + ow,"," bottom: xy[1] + oh,"," left: xy[0]"," };"," this.set(DRAGGING, true);"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @method end"," * @description Ends the drag operation"," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," end: function() {"," this._endTime = (new Date()).getTime();"," if (this._clickTimeout) {"," this._clickTimeout.cancel();"," }"," this._dragThreshMet = this._fromTimeout = false;",""," if (!this.get('lock') && this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," this.fire(EV_END, {"," pageX: this.lastXY[0],"," pageY: this.lastXY[1],"," startTime: this._startTime,"," endTime: this._endTime"," });"," }"," this.get(NODE).removeClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-dragging');"," this.set(DRAGGING, false);"," this.deltaXY = [0, 0];",""," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defEndFn"," * @description Handler for fixing the selection in IE"," */"," _defEndFn: function() {"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," this._ev_md = null;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _prevEndFn"," * @description Handler for preventing the drag:end event. It will reset the node back to it's start position"," */"," _prevEndFn: function() {"," this._fixIEMouseUp();"," //Bug #1852577"," this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY(this.nodeXY);"," this._ev_md = null;"," this.region = null;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _align"," * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to."," * @param {Array} xy The xy coords to align with."," */"," _align: function(xy) {"," this.fire(EV_ALIGN, {pageX: xy[0], pageY: xy[1] });"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defAlignFn"," * @description Calculates the offsets and set's the XY that the element will move to."," * @param {EventFacade} e The drag:align event."," */"," _defAlignFn: function(e) {"," this.actXY = [e.pageX - this.deltaXY[0], e.pageY - this.deltaXY[1]];"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _alignNode"," * @description This method performs the alignment before the element move."," * @param {Array} eXY The XY to move the element to, usually comes from the mousemove DOM event."," */"," _alignNode: function(eXY, scroll) {"," this._align(eXY);"," if (!scroll) {"," this._moveNode();"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _moveNode"," * @description This method performs the actual element move."," */"," _moveNode: function(scroll) {"," //if (!this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," // return;"," //}"," var diffXY = [], diffXY2 = [], startXY = this.nodeXY, xy = this.actXY;",""," diffXY[0] = (xy[0] - this.lastXY[0]);"," diffXY[1] = (xy[1] - this.lastXY[1]);",""," diffXY2[0] = (xy[0] - this.nodeXY[0]);"," diffXY2[1] = (xy[1] - this.nodeXY[1]);","",""," this.region = {"," '0': xy[0],"," '1': xy[1],"," area: 0,"," top: xy[1],"," right: xy[0] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_WIDTH),"," bottom: xy[1] + this.get(DRAG_NODE).get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),"," left: xy[0]"," };",""," this.fire(EV_DRAG, {"," pageX: xy[0],"," pageY: xy[1],"," scroll: scroll,"," info: {"," start: startXY,"," xy: xy,"," delta: diffXY,"," offset: diffXY2"," }"," });",""," this.lastXY = xy;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _defDragFn"," * @description Default function for drag:drag. Fired from _moveNode."," * @param {EventFacade} ev The drag:drag event"," */"," _defDragFn: function(e) {"," if (this.get('move')) {"," if (e.scroll && e.scroll.node) {"," var domNode = e.scroll.node.getDOMNode();"," //If it's the window"," if (domNode === Y.config.win) {"," domNode.scrollTo(e.scroll.left, e.scroll.top);"," } else {"," e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top);"," e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left);"," }"," }"," this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]);"," this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY];"," }"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method _move"," * @description Fired from DragDropMgr (DDM) on mousemove."," * @param {EventFacade} ev The mousemove DOM event"," */"," _move: function(ev) {"," if (this.get('lock')) {"," return false;"," }",""," this.mouseXY = [ev.pageX, ev.pageY];"," if (!this._dragThreshMet) {"," var diffX = Math.abs(this.startXY[0] - ev.pageX),"," diffY = Math.abs(this.startXY[1] - ev.pageY);"," if (diffX > this.get('clickPixelThresh') || diffY > this.get('clickPixelThresh')) {"," this._dragThreshMet = true;"," this.start();"," //This only happens on gestures to stop the page from scrolling"," if (ev && ev.preventDefault) {"," ev.preventDefault();"," }"," this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);"," }"," } else {"," if (this._clickTimeout) {"," this._clickTimeout.cancel();"," }"," this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]);"," }"," },"," /**"," * @method stopDrag"," * @description Method will forcefully stop a drag operation. For example calling this from inside an ESC keypress handler will stop this drag."," * @return {Self}"," * @chainable"," */"," stopDrag: function() {"," if (this.get(DRAGGING)) {"," DDM._end();"," }"," return this;"," },"," /**"," * @private"," * @method destructor"," * @description Lifecycle destructor, unreg the drag from the DDM and remove listeners"," */"," destructor: function() {"," this._unprep();"," if (this.target) {"," this.target.destroy();"," }"," DDM._unregDrag(this);"," }"," });"," Y.namespace('DD');"," Y.DD.Drag = Drag;","","","","","}, '@VERSION@', {\"requires\": [\"dd-ddm-base\"]});"]; +_yuitest_coverage["build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js"].lines = 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=== Y.config.win) { + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1206); +domNode.scrollTo(e.scroll.left, e.scroll.top); + } else { + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1208); e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1204); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1209); e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + } } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1206); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1212); this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1207); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1213); this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; } }, @@ -1549,42 +1558,42 @@ this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; * @param {EventFacade} ev The mousemove DOM event */ _move: function(ev) { - _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "_move", 1216); -_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1217); + _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "_move", 1222); +_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1223); if (this.get('lock')) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1218); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1224); return false; } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1221); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1227); this.mouseXY = [ev.pageX, ev.pageY]; - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1222); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1228); if (!this._dragThreshMet) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1223); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1229); var diffX = Math.abs(this.startXY[0] - ev.pageX), diffY = Math.abs(this.startXY[1] - ev.pageY); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1225); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1231); if (diffX > this.get('clickPixelThresh') || diffY > this.get('clickPixelThresh')) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1226); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1232); this._dragThreshMet = true; - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1227); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1233); this.start(); //This only happens on gestures to stop the page from scrolling - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1229); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1235); if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1230); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1236); ev.preventDefault(); } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1232); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1238); this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); } } else { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1235); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1241); if (this._clickTimeout) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1236); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1242); this._clickTimeout.cancel(); } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1238); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1244); this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); } }, @@ -1595,13 +1604,13 @@ this._alignNode([ev.pageX, ev.pageY]); * @chainable */ stopDrag: function() { - _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "stopDrag", 1247); -_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1248); + _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "stopDrag", 1253); +_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1254); if (this.get(DRAGGING)) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1249); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1255); DDM._end(); } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1251); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1257); return this; }, /** @@ -1610,21 +1619,21 @@ return this; * @description Lifecycle destructor, unreg the drag from the DDM and remove listeners */ destructor: function() { - _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "destructor", 1258); -_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1259); + _yuitest_coverfunc("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", "destructor", 1264); +_yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1265); this._unprep(); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1260); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1266); if (this.target) { - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1261); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1267); this.target.destroy(); } - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1263); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1269); DDM._unregDrag(this); } }); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1266); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1272); Y.namespace('DD'); - _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1267); + _yuitest_coverline("build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js", 1273); Y.DD.Drag = Drag; diff --git a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-debug.js b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-debug.js index 6aa27c11e2b..6d8d45f790f 100644 --- a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-debug.js +++ b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-debug.js @@ -1203,8 +1203,14 @@ YUI.add('dd-drag', function (Y, NAME) { _defDragFn: function(e) { if (this.get('move')) { if (e.scroll && e.scroll.node) { - e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); - e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + var domNode = e.scroll.node.getDOMNode(); + //If it's the window + if (domNode === Y.config.win) { + domNode.scrollTo(e.scroll.left, e.scroll.top); + } else { + e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); + e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + } } this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]); this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; diff --git a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-min.js b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-min.js index fb416ea454f..50291dd49f9 100644 --- a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-min.js +++ b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag-min.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -YUI.add("dd-drag",function(e,t){var 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e?this.get(r).addClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-locked"):this.get(r).removeClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-locked"),e}},data:{value:!1},move:{value:!0},useShim:{value:!0},activeHandle:{value:!1},primaryButtonOnly:{value:!0},dragging:{value:!1},parent:{value:!1},target:{value:!1,setter:function(e){return this._handleTarget(e),e}},dragMode:{value:null,setter:function(e){return n._setDragMode(e)}},groups:{value:["default"],getter:function(){this._groups||(this._groups={});var t=[];return e.each(this._groups,function(e,n){t[t.length]=n}),t},setter:function(t){return this._groups={},e.each(t,function(e){this._groups[e]=!0},this),t}},handles:{value:null,setter:function(t){return t?(this._handles={},e.each(t,function(t){var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;this._handles[n]=t},this)):this._handles=null,t}},bubbles:{setter:function(e){return this.addTarget(e),e}},haltDown:{value:!0}},e.extend(y,e.Base,{_canDrag:function(e){return e&&e.setXY&&e.getXY&&e.test&&e.contains?!0:!1},_bubbleTargets:e.DD.DDM,addToGroup:function(e){return this._groups[e]=!0,n._activateTargets(),this},removeFromGroup:function(e){return delete this._groups[e],n._activateTargets(),this},target:null,_handleTarget:function(t){e.DD.Drop&&(t===!1?this.target&&(n._unregTarget(this.target),this.target=null):(e.Lang.isObject(t)||(t={}),t.bubbleTargets=t.bubbleTargets||e.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets),t.node=this.get(r),t.groups=t.groups||this.get("groups"),this.target=new e.DD.Drop(t)))},_groups:null,_createEvents:function(){this.publish(a,{defaultFn:this._defMouseDownFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(g,{defaultFn:this._defAlignFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(m,{defaultFn:this._defDragFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(v,{defaultFn:this._defEndFn,preventedFn:this._prevEndFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"});var 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*")&&(n=!1)}),n&&(o?(u=t.currentTarget.all(o),f=!1,u.each(function(e){(e.contains(s)||e.compareTo(s))&&!f&&(f=!0,this.set("activeHandle",e))},this)):this.set("activeHandle",this.get(r))),n},_setStartPosition:function(e){this.startXY=e,this.nodeXY=this.lastXY=this.realXY=this.get(r).getXY(),this.get("offsetNode")?this.deltaXY=[this.startXY[0]-this.nodeXY[0],this.startXY[1]-this.nodeXY[1]]:this.deltaXY=[0,0]},_timeoutCheck:function(){!this.get("lock")&&!this._dragThreshMet&&this._ev_md&&(this._fromTimeout=this._dragThreshMet=!0,this.start(),this._alignNode([this._ev_md.pageX,this._ev_md.pageY],!0))},removeHandle:function(t){var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;return this._handles[n]&&(delete this._handles[n],this.fire(l,{handle:t})),this},addHandle:function(t){this._handles||(this._handles={});var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;return this._handles[n]=t,this.fire(c,{handle:t}),this},removeInvalid:function(e){return 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Date).getTime(),this._clickTimeout&&this._clickTimeout.cancel(),this._dragThreshMet=this._fromTimeout=!1,!this.get("lock")&&this.get(i)&&this.fire(v,{pageX:this.lastXY[0],pageY:this.lastXY[1],startTime:this._startTime,endTime:this._endTime}),this.get(r).removeClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-dragging"),this.set(i,!1),this.deltaXY=[0,0],this},_defEndFn:function(){this._fixIEMouseUp(),this._ev_md=null},_prevEndFn:function(){this._fixIEMouseUp(),this.get(s).setXY(this.nodeXY),this._ev_md=null,this.region=null},_align:function(e){this.fire(g,{pageX:e[0],pageY:e[1]})},_defAlignFn:function(e){this.actXY=[e.pageX-this.deltaXY[0],e.pageY-this.deltaXY[1]]},_alignNode:function(e,t){this._align(e),t||this._moveNode()},_moveNode:function(e){var 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this._clickTimeout&&this._clickTimeout.cancel(),this._alignNode([e.pageX,e.pageY])},stopDrag:function(){return this.get(i)&&n._end(),this},destructor:function(){this._unprep(),this.target&&this.target.destroy(),n._unregDrag(this)}}),e.namespace("DD"),e.DD.Drag=y},"@VERSION@",{requires:["dd-ddm-base"]}); +YUI.add("dd-drag",function(e,t){var n=e.DD.DDM,r="node",i="dragging",s="dragNode",o="offsetHeight",u="offsetWidth",a="drag:mouseDown",f="drag:afterMouseDown",l="drag:removeHandle",c="drag:addHandle",h="drag:removeInvalid",p="drag:addInvalid",d="drag:start",v="drag:end",m="drag:drag",g="drag:align",y=function(t){this._lazyAddAttrs=!1,y.superclass.constructor.apply(this,arguments);var r=n._regDrag(this);r||e.error("Failed to register node, already in use: "+t.node)};y.NAME="drag",y.START_EVENT="mousedown",y.ATTRS={node:{setter:function(t){if(this._canDrag(t))return t;var n=e.one(t);return n||e.error("DD.Drag: Invalid Node Given: "+t),n}},dragNode:{setter:function(t){if(this._canDrag(t))return t;var n=e.one(t);return n||e.error("DD.Drag: Invalid dragNode Given: "+t),n}},offsetNode:{value:!0},startCentered:{value:!1},clickPixelThresh:{value:n.get("clickPixelThresh")},clickTimeThresh:{value:n.get("clickTimeThresh")},lock:{value:!1,setter:function(e){return e?this.get(r).addClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-locked"):this.get(r).removeClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-locked"),e}},data:{value:!1},move:{value:!0},useShim:{value:!0},activeHandle:{value:!1},primaryButtonOnly:{value:!0},dragging:{value:!1},parent:{value:!1},target:{value:!1,setter:function(e){return this._handleTarget(e),e}},dragMode:{value:null,setter:function(e){return n._setDragMode(e)}},groups:{value:["default"],getter:function(){this._groups||(this._groups={});var t=[];return e.each(this._groups,function(e,n){t[t.length]=n}),t},setter:function(t){return this._groups={},e.each(t,function(e){this._groups[e]=!0},this),t}},handles:{value:null,setter:function(t){return t?(this._handles={},e.each(t,function(t){var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;this._handles[n]=t},this)):this._handles=null,t}},bubbles:{setter:function(e){return this.addTarget(e),e}},haltDown:{value:!0}},e.extend(y,e.Base,{_canDrag:function(e){return e&&e.setXY&&e.getXY&&e.test&&e.contains?!0:!1},_bubbleTargets:e.DD.DDM,addToGroup:function(e){return this._groups[e]=!0,n._activateTargets(),this},removeFromGroup:function(e){return delete this._groups[e],n._activateTargets(),this},target:null,_handleTarget:function(t){e.DD.Drop&&(t===!1?this.target&&(n._unregTarget(this.target),this.target=null):(e.Lang.isObject(t)||(t={}),t.bubbleTargets=t.bubbleTargets||e.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets),t.node=this.get(r),t.groups=t.groups||this.get("groups"),this.target=new e.DD.Drop(t)))},_groups:null,_createEvents:function(){this.publish(a,{defaultFn:this._defMouseDownFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(g,{defaultFn:this._defAlignFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(m,{defaultFn:this._defDragFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"}),this.publish(v,{defaultFn:this._defEndFn,preventedFn:this._prevEndFn,queuable:!1,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,prefix:"drag"});var t=[f,l,c,h,p,d,"drag:drophit","drag:dropmiss","drag:over","drag:enter","drag:exit"];e.each(t,function(e){this.publish(e,{type:e,emitFacade:!0,bubbles:!0,preventable:!1,queuable:!1,prefix:"drag"})},this)},_ev_md:null,_startTime:null,_endTime:null,_handles:null,_invalids:null,_invalidsDefault:{textarea:!0,input:!0,a:!0,button:!0,select:!0},_dragThreshMet:null,_fromTimeout:null,_clickTimeout:null,deltaXY:null,startXY:null,nodeXY:null,lastXY:null,actXY:null,realXY:null,mouseXY:null,region:null,_handleMouseUp:function(){this.fire("drag:mouseup"),this._fixIEMouseUp(),n.activeDrag&&n._end()},_fixDragStart:function(e){this.validClick(e)&&e.preventDefault()},_ieSelectFix:function(){return!1},_ieSelectBack:null,_fixIEMouseDown:function(){e.UA.ie&&(this._ieSelectBack=e.config.doc.body.onselectstart,e.config.doc.body.onselectstart=this._ieSelectFix)},_fixIEMouseUp:function(){e.UA.ie&&(e.config.doc.body.onselectstart=this._ieSelectBack)},_handleMouseDownEvent:function(e){this.fire(a,{ev:e})},_defMouseDownFn:function(t){var r=t.ev;this._dragThreshMet=!1,this._ev_md=r;if(this.get("primaryButtonOnly")&&r.button>1)return!1;this.validClick(r)&&(this._fixIEMouseDown(r),y.START_EVENT.indexOf("gesture")!==0&&(this.get("haltDown")?r.halt():r.preventDefault()),this._setStartPosition([r.pageX,r.pageY]),n.activeDrag=this,this._clickTimeout=e.later(this.get("clickTimeThresh"),this,this._timeoutCheck)),this.fire(f,{ev:r})},validClick:function(t){var n=!1,i=!1,s=t.target,o=null,u=null,a=null,f=!1;if(this._handles)e.each(this._handles,function(t,r){t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList?n||(a=t,a instanceof e.Node&&(a=new e.NodeList(t._node)),a.each(function(e){e.contains(s)&&(n=!0)})):e.Lang.isString(r)&&s.test(r+", "+r+" *")&&!o&&(o=r,n=!0)});else{i=this.get(r);if(i.contains(s)||i.compareTo(s))n=!0}return n&&this._invalids&&e.each(this._invalids,function(t,r){e.Lang.isString(r)&&s.test(r+", "+r+" *")&&(n=!1)}),n&&(o?(u=t.currentTarget.all(o),f=!1,u.each(function(e){(e.contains(s)||e.compareTo(s))&&!f&&(f=!0,this.set("activeHandle",e))},this)):this.set("activeHandle",this.get(r))),n},_setStartPosition:function(e){this.startXY=e,this.nodeXY=this.lastXY=this.realXY=this.get(r).getXY(),this.get("offsetNode")?this.deltaXY=[this.startXY[0]-this.nodeXY[0],this.startXY[1]-this.nodeXY[1]]:this.deltaXY=[0,0]},_timeoutCheck:function(){!this.get("lock")&&!this._dragThreshMet&&this._ev_md&&(this._fromTimeout=this._dragThreshMet=!0,this.start(),this._alignNode([this._ev_md.pageX,this._ev_md.pageY],!0))},removeHandle:function(t){var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;return this._handles[n]&&(delete this._handles[n],this.fire(l,{handle:t})),this},addHandle:function(t){this._handles||(this._handles={});var n=t;if(t instanceof e.Node||t instanceof e.NodeList)n=t._yuid;return this._handles[n]=t,this.fire(c,{handle:t}),this},removeInvalid:function(e){return this._invalids[e]&&(this._invalids[e]=null,delete this._invalids[e],this.fire(h,{handle:e})),this},addInvalid:function(t){return e.Lang.isString(t)&&(this._invalids[t]=!0,this.fire(p,{handle:t})),this},initializer:function(){this.get(r).dd=this;if(!this.get(r).get("id")){var t=e.stamp(this.get(r));this.get(r).set("id",t)}this.actXY=[],this._invalids=e.clone(this._invalidsDefault,!0),this._createEvents(),this.get(s)||this.set(s,this.get(r)),this.on("initializedChange",e.bind(this._prep,this)),this.set("groups",this.get("groups"))},_prep:function(){this._dragThreshMet=!1;var t=this.get(r);t.addClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-draggable"),t.on(y.START_EVENT,e.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent,this)),t.on("mouseup",e.bind(this._handleMouseUp,this)),t.on("dragstart",e.bind(this._fixDragStart,this))},_unprep:function(){var e=this.get(r);e.removeClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-draggable"),e.detachAll("mouseup"),e.detachAll("dragstart"),e.detachAll(y.START_EVENT),this.mouseXY=[],this.deltaXY=[0,0],this.startXY=[],this.nodeXY=[],this.lastXY=[],this.actXY=[],this.realXY=[]},start:function(){if(!this.get("lock")&&!this.get(i)){var e=this.get(r),t,a,f;this._startTime=(new Date).getTime(),n._start(),e.addClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-dragging"),this.fire(d,{pageX:this.nodeXY[0],pageY:this.nodeXY[1],startTime:this._startTime}),e=this.get(s),f=this.nodeXY,t=e.get(u),a=e.get(o),this.get("startCentered")&&this._setStartPosition([f[0]+t/2,f[1]+a/2]),this.region={0:f[0],1:f[1],area:0,top:f[1],right:f[0]+t,bottom:f[1]+a,left:f[0]},this.set(i,!0)}return this},end:function(){return this._endTime=(new Date).getTime(),this._clickTimeout&&this._clickTimeout.cancel(),this._dragThreshMet=this._fromTimeout=!1,!this.get("lock")&&this.get(i)&&this.fire(v,{pageX:this.lastXY[0],pageY:this.lastXY[1],startTime:this._startTime,endTime:this._endTime}),this.get(r).removeClass(n.CSS_PREFIX+"-dragging"),this.set(i,!1),this.deltaXY=[0,0],this},_defEndFn:function(){this._fixIEMouseUp(),this._ev_md=null},_prevEndFn:function(){this._fixIEMouseUp(),this.get(s).setXY(this.nodeXY),this._ev_md=null,this.region=null},_align:function(e){this.fire(g,{pageX:e[0],pageY:e[1]})},_defAlignFn:function(e){this.actXY=[e.pageX-this.deltaXY[0],e.pageY-this.deltaXY[1]]},_alignNode:function(e,t){this._align(e),t||this._moveNode()},_moveNode:function(e){var t=[],n=[],r=this.nodeXY,i=this.actXY;t[0]=i[0]-this.lastXY[0],t[1]=i[1]-this.lastXY[1],n[0]=i[0]-this.nodeXY[0],n[1]=i[1]-this.nodeXY[1],this.region={0:i[0],1:i[1],area:0,top:i[1],right:i[0]+this.get(s).get(u),bottom:i[1]+this.get(s).get(o),left:i[0]},this.fire(m,{pageX:i[0],pageY:i[1],scroll:e,info:{start:r,xy:i,delta:t,offset:n}}),this.lastXY=i},_defDragFn:function(t){if(this.get("move")){if(t.scroll&&t.scroll.node){var n=t.scroll.node.getDOMNode();n===e.config.win?n.scrollTo(t.scroll.left,t.scroll.top):(t.scroll.node.set("scrollTop",t.scroll.top),t.scroll.node.set("scrollLeft",t.scroll.left))}this.get(s).setXY([t.pageX,t.pageY]),this.realXY=[t.pageX,t.pageY]}},_move:function(e){if(this.get("lock"))return!1;this.mouseXY=[e.pageX,e.pageY];if(!this._dragThreshMet){var t=Math.abs(this.startXY[0]-e.pageX),n=Math.abs(this.startXY[1]-e.pageY);if(t>this.get("clickPixelThresh")||n>this.get("clickPixelThresh"))this._dragThreshMet=!0,this.start(),e&&e.preventDefault&&e.preventDefault(),this._alignNode([e.pageX,e.pageY])}else this._clickTimeout&&this._clickTimeout.cancel(),this._alignNode([e.pageX,e.pageY])},stopDrag:function(){return this.get(i)&&n._end(),this},destructor:function(){this._unprep(),this.target&&this.target.destroy(),n._unregDrag(this)}}),e.namespace("DD"),e.DD.Drag=y},"@VERSION@",{requires:["dd-ddm-base"]}); diff --git a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js index 281c481dd41..123c251d587 100644 --- a/build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js +++ b/build/dd-drag/dd-drag.js @@ -1200,8 +1200,14 @@ YUI.add('dd-drag', function (Y, NAME) { _defDragFn: function(e) { if (this.get('move')) { if (e.scroll && e.scroll.node) { - e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); - e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + var domNode = e.scroll.node.getDOMNode(); + //If it's the window + if (domNode === Y.config.win) { + domNode.scrollTo(e.scroll.left, e.scroll.top); + } else { + e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); + e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + } } this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]); this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; diff --git a/src/dd/docs/index.mustache b/src/dd/docs/index.mustache index 31345f6153a..5a671707096 100644 --- a/src/dd/docs/index.mustache +++ b/src/dd/docs/index.mustache @@ -453,8 +453,3 @@ YUI().use('dd-delegate', function(Y) { -

Known Issues

- -

-As of 3.6.0, window scrolling does not work properly on Safari 6 (build 8536.25) due to a regression in it's viewport reporting. -

diff --git a/src/dd/js/drag.js b/src/dd/js/drag.js index 75bc55bf4ff..e83484ec740 100644 --- a/src/dd/js/drag.js +++ b/src/dd/js/drag.js @@ -1201,8 +1201,14 @@ _defDragFn: function(e) { if (this.get('move')) { if (e.scroll && e.scroll.node) { - e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); - e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + var domNode = e.scroll.node.getDOMNode(); + //If it's the window + if (domNode === Y.config.win) { + domNode.scrollTo(e.scroll.left, e.scroll.top); + } else { + e.scroll.node.set('scrollTop', e.scroll.top); + e.scroll.node.set('scrollLeft', e.scroll.left); + } } this.get(DRAG_NODE).setXY([e.pageX, e.pageY]); this.realXY = [e.pageX, e.pageY];