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yuki-kimoto edited this page Oct 13, 2012 · 1 revision

Create model

Model is useful feature to execute query easily.

Create model by create_model.

$dbi->create_model(table => 'book');

You get created model by model method using table name.

my $book_model = $dbi->model('book');

Model is DBIx::Custom::Model object. DBIx::Custom::Model has some methods, and can call all of DBIx::Custom methods.

my $result = $book_model->select;

create_model method can set the following attributes, table, primary_key, join, ctime, mtime.

  table => 'book',
  primary_key => 'id',
  join => [
      'left outer join company on book.company_id ='
  ctime => 'ctime',
  mtime => 'mtime'

These attributes are used automatically when insert, update, delete, select methods is called from model.

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