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Multiple Style Combine & Transfer - Image / Video

It is based on the pytorch fast-neural-style example for artistic style transfer. We further modify the instance normalization in the transform network, making it conditional with multiple style images. So, you can combine effects from multiple style images and transfer to a target image. We also use this model to transfer videos in the multiple-style-combined ways. But note that the video style transfer is not real time. The video is pre-processed frame-by-frame and converted back to video after style transfer.

Training content image datasets

COCO 2014 Training images dataset [83K/13GB]



python train --dataset /scratch/ywn202/style_train_data  \
                             --style-image ./images/style_images/   \
                             --save-model-dir ./trained_models   \
                             --epochs 5 --cuda 1 --log-interval 100 --batch-size 12
  • --dataset: the content images that used to train the tranformer network in fast-neural-style-transfer.
  • --style-image: the dir where the style images stored. Images should be in .jpg format.
  • --batch-size: number of images fed in each batch does not need to be the same to the number of style images.

Stylize Image

python eval --content-image ./images/content_images/hkbuilding.jpg   \
	--model ./trained_models/epoch_10_Mon_Dec_17_102213_2018_100000_10000000000.model   \
	--output-image hkbuilding --cuda 1 \
	--style-num 20 --style-control 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
  • --content-image: the image to stylized.
  • --model: the trained model with the transformer network to stylize the image.
  • --output-image: the name prefix of the output image, it will be saved to ./images/output_images/
  • --cuda: running the style transfer in GPU if specified, if not, in CPU (will be slow)
  • --style-num: total number of style images, must be the same as the amount used in training.
  • --style-control: a vector to specify which style(s) is/are combined & tranferred.

Stylize Video

python eval --content-video ./videos/content_videos/fox.mp4    \
	--model ./trained_models/epoch_10_Mon_Dec_17_102213_2018_100000_10000000000.model   \
	--output-video fox  --cuda 1 \
	--style-num 20 --style-control 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
  • --content-video: the video to stylized.
  • --model: the trained model with the transformer network to stylize the video.
  • --output-video: the name prefix of the output video, it will be saved to ./videos/output_videos/
  • --cuda: running the style transfer in GPU if specified, if not, in CPU (will be slow)
  • --style-num: total number of style images, must be the same as the amount used in training.
  • --style-control: a vector to specify which style(s) is/are combined & tranferred.


Pretrained model

Models trained by us are saved in the trained_models folder. It is trained with the style images stored in the /images/style_images

Example of combining 4 different styles to stylize an image:

Example of combining 3 different styles to stylize a video:


Can combine multiple styles and transfer.







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