DDSimca is a Matlab tool which implements the Data-Driven SIMCA method. The tool is built using object-oriented approach and consists of several Matlab classes. It can be used as a Matlab script as well as a graphical user interface (GUI). The latter variant materially simplifies the analysis. The Tool was first presented at the Tenth Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, WSC-10 (P09. Zontov Y., Pomerantsev A., Rodionova O. "Software implementation of the Data-Driven SIMCA method").
Y.V. Zontov, O.Ye. Rodionova, S.V. Kucheryavskiy, A.L. Pomerantsev, DD-SIMCA – A MATLAB GUI tool for data driven SIMCA approach, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Volume 167, 2017, Pages 23-28, ISSN 0169-7439, DOI:10.1016/j.chemolab.2017.05.010.
In the latest release (1.2) the separate Extreme plots for New and Test datasets have been implemented. A history of changes is available here
To get the latest release plase use GitHub sources. You can download the source as a zip-file and install it in your Matlab environment. To use the Tool you should set the Matlab current directory to the folder, which contains the Tool main classes ("DDSGUI.m", "DDSimca.m", "DDSTask.m" and the "help" folder) or add this folder to the Matlab Path. One should load the analyzed data into the MATLAB workspace for working with GUI.