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Getting Started

fig02 edited this page May 13, 2020 · 5 revisions


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Undecompiled code is located in the asm/non_matchings folder. There are two folders, code and boot, which represent the two main executables (more on that later). Each subfolder represents one of the original C files, and contains a .S assembly file for each function within that C file (Note: Not all C files have been split into these folders yet).

Before working on a C file, check the Projects tab to make sure no one else is working on it. Be sure to reserve the file so that no one else takes it.

In the src/ folder, you'll find a set of .c files. Assuming no decompilation work has been done on a given file, you'll find a bunch of statements like so:

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_lights/func_80079D30.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_lights/func_80079D8C.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_lights/func_80079E58.s")

#pragma GLOBAL_ASM is a command which tells the assembly processor to include the assembly function from the specified file path. As you work on a file, you will replace these commands with proper C functions, until none of these remain.

Decompiling your first function

Let's take the following function from z_actor and convert it to C.

glabel func_8002CCF0
/* AA3E90 8002CCF0 8C8E1D3C */  lw    $t6, 0x1d3c($a0)
/* AA3E94 8002CCF4 240F0001 */  li    $t7, 1
/* AA3E98 8002CCF8 00AFC004 */  sllv  $t8, $t7, $a1
/* AA3E9C 8002CCFC 01D8C825 */  or    $t9, $t6, $t8
/* AA3EA0 8002CD00 03E00008 */  jr    $ra
/* AA3EA4 8002CD04 AC991D3C */   sw    $t9, 0x1d3c($a0)

Let's take a look at the firt line.

/* AA3E90 8002CCF0 8C8E1D3C */ lw $t6, 0x1d3c($a0)

There are two things that we can take away from this line.

First, $a0 is in use. $a0 contains the first argument to the function, and thus we know that this function has at least one argument.

Second, we know that $a0 is a pointer because it is loading something relative to the address it points to and storing it in $t6. Since the lw or "load word" instruction is being used, we know its loading a 32-bit integer.

void func_8002CCF0(u32 a0)
    u32 t6 = *(u32*)(a0 + 0x13DC);


Let's take a look at the next few lines:

/* AA3E94 8002CCF4 240F0001 */  li    $t7, 1
/* AA3E98 8002CCF8 00AFC004 */  sllv  $t8, $t7, $a1
/* AA3E9C 8002CCFC 01D8C825 */  or    $t9, $t6, $t8

An integer value 1 is being loaded into register $t7. This value is then shifted to the left using $a1 to determine how many bits it should be shifted, with the resullt being saved in $t8. Finally, this result is Binary OR'd with the contents of $t6. This roughly translates to:

void func_8002CCF0(u32 a0, u32 a1)
    u32 t6 = *(u32*)(a0 + 0x13DC);
    u32 t7 = 1;
    u32 t8 = t7 << a1;
    u32 t9 = t6 | t8;


Let's take a look at the final two lines:

/* AA3EA0 8002CD00 03E00008 */  jr    $ra
/* AA3EA4 8002CD04 AC991D3C */   sw    $t9, 0x1d3c($a0)

The result of these calculations are saved back into $a0 + 0x1D3C, then the function returns. Although the return instrument, jr $ra comes first, the following instruction gets executed first due to the use of a delay slot.

This translates to:

void func_8002CCF0(u32 a0, u32 a1)
    u32 t6 = *(u32*)(a0 + 0x13DC);
    u32 t7 = 1;
    u32 t8 = t7 << a1;
    u32 t9 = t6 | t8;

    *(u32*)(a0 + 0x13DC) = t9;

This can be simplified down to:

void func_8002CCF0(u32 a0, u32 a1)
    *(u32*)(a0 + 0x13DC) |= (1 << a1);

Be sure to comment out the #pragma GLOBAL_ASM line with your function. Otherwise, you'll get an error about duplicate functions.


Open up a terminal and type make

If after compilation you see a message which says, zelda_ocarina_mq_dbg.z64: OK , you've successfully matched that function. If you've instead received a messasge which states, zelda_ocarina_mq_dbg.z64: FAILED, then your function does not match the original. You can find your compiled function in build/src/code/[name of your c file]. From there you can compare the two functions side by side to see what is different.

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