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File metadata and controls

19 lines (10 loc) · 1.09 KB


List messages are a vertically scrollable set of items that may each contain text, an image, and message actions. Not all messaging channels fully support list messages. * Facebook Messenger and WeChat have native support. * For LINE and our Android, iOS and Web SDK, Sunshine Conversations converts list messages to carousel. * On WhatsApp, Telegram and Twitter, Sunshine Conversations converts list messages to multiple rich messages. * On all other platforms, Sunshine Conversations converts list messages to raw text.


Name Type Description Notes
type String The type of message.
items List<Item> An array of objects representing the items associated with the message. Only present in carousel and list type messages.
actions List<ActionSubset> An array of objects representing the actions associated with the message. The array length is limited by the third party channel. [optional]

Implemented Interfaces

  • Content