Code for paper Neural Manifold Clustering and Embedding (NMCE)
NMCE uses MCR2 objective to perform unsupervised clustering and embedding learning on non-linear manifolds. Data-augmentation is used to enforce constraint that makes the problem tractable. In the example above, the locality constraint is enforced with Gaussian noise augmentation, for image clustering, standard self-supervise learning augmentation is used.
The double spiral toy example is included in NMCE_toy.
First, decompresse the original datasets and run the following command to convert them:
python NMCE/ --COIL_20_path /path_to_coil-20 --COIL_100_path /path_to_coil-100
Train COIL-20:
python NMCE/
Train COIL-100 (will take a while):
python NMCE/
To select which GPU(s) to use, pass list of gpus to --gpu_ids argument. Specify path to dataset with --data_dir argument
Stage 1: Self-supervised learning with TCR (Total Coding Rate) objective:
python NMCE/ --arch resnet18cifar --data cifar10 --data_dir ../../data/ --aug_name cifar_simclr_norm --loss totalcodingrate --z_dim 128 --epo 600 --bs 1024 --lr 0.3 --wd 1e-4 --eps 0.2 --z_weight 30. --gpu_ids [0] --fp16 --doc tcr_zw30
Evaluate network trained with TCR:
python NMCE/ --arch resnet18cifar --data cifar10 --aug_name cifar_simclr_norm --feature_type proj --z_dim 128 --load_ep 600 --gpu_ids [0] --aug_avg 16 --doc tcr_zw30 --svm --knn --nearsub
Stage 2: Clustering with backbone frozen:
python NMCE/ --arch resnet18cifar --data cifar10 --data_dir ../../data/ --aug_name cifar_simclr_norm --z_dim 128 --epo 100 --bs 1024 --lr 0.3 --eps 0.2 --z_weight 0. --wd1 0.005 --wd2 0.005 --gpu_ids [0] --doc tcr_zw30 --load_ep 600 --seed 42
Stage 3: Fine-tune backbone with full NMCE objective:
python NMCE/ --arch resnet18cifar --data cifar10 --data_dir ../../data/ --aug_name cifar_simclr_norm --z_dim 128 --epo 100 --bs 1024 --lr 0.003 --eps 0.2 --z_weight 0. --wd1 0.0001 --wd2 0.0001 --gpu_ids [0] --doc tcr_zw30 --load_ep 700 --train_backbone
Cluster accuracy should be ~83%.
This repo borrowed significantly from MCR2 and solo-learn repo.