comic release dates right in your google calendar! by brandon sachs
these are available using pip
- requests
- beautifulsoup4
- google-api-python-client
- register an app on google
- plug your OAuth info into support/
- add a comic --add -p publisher -t title -u uri
- uri? --info
- remove a comic --remove -p publisher -t title
- view your comics --list
- scan and import all comics --scan
- scan and import a single comic --scan -p publisher -t title
- after gathering release info, comiCal will launch a browser window prompting you to log in, and to allow calendar access.
- comiCal creates a new calendar called "comiCal" to prevent cluttering your main calendar.
- if you need to update a uri, you don't have to remove then re-add the comic; just re-add it, and it will overwrite the old value.
argument values are case-sensitive; superman is not Superman