diff --git a/Addons/Strat_mode/Functions/SM_RepairVehicule.sqf b/Addons/Strat_mode/Functions/SM_RepairVehicule.sqf index 07fae55e5..16d8df982 100644 --- a/Addons/Strat_mode/Functions/SM_RepairVehicule.sqf +++ b/Addons/Strat_mode/Functions/SM_RepairVehicule.sqf @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SM_repair_vehicle={ [localize "STR_RepairingVehicle",0,1,0] call HUD_PBar_start; ["CLIENT", "Repair_vehicle",[_target,_caller,_pos],true] call CTI_CO_FNC_NetSend; - + ["SERVER", "Repair_vehicle",[_target,_caller,_pos],true] call CTI_CO_FNC_NetSend; while {alive _caller && alive _target && _hps > 0 && (_caller distance2d _target) <5 && (_caller distance _target) <7 && (_caller distance _pos)<=1 && (vehicle _caller) ==_caller && _currentdamage > ((getdammage _target) - 0.01) && _currentcallerdamage > ((getdammage _caller) - 0.02)} do { sleep 1; diff --git a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_act_rev.sqf b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_act_rev.sqf index 89d0075d0..d1bffbe0f 100644 --- a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_act_rev.sqf +++ b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_act_rev.sqf @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ sleep 5; if (isplayer _caller && !((animationstate _caller ) == "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic")) exitwith {false}; _unit setvariable ["REV_DRAGGED",false,true]; _unit setDamage 0.25; -_unit setVariable ["REV_UNC", false, true]; +_unit setVariable ["REV_REQREV", true, true]; diff --git a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_obj_init.sqf b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_obj_init.sqf index 3cf260750..2218e0a8c 100644 --- a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_obj_init.sqf +++ b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_obj_init.sqf @@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ diag_log format [":: REV:: trying to handle player as %1", _obj]; waitUntil {! isnull _obj && alive _obj}; -_obj setvariable ["REV_UNC",false,true]; -_obj setvariable ["REV_DRAGGED",false,true]; -_obj setvariable ["REV_DRAGGING",objnull,false]; +_obj setvariable ["REV_UNC",false,true]; //unconsious +_obj setvariable ["REV_REQREV",false,true]; // revive requested by action +_obj setvariable ["REV_DRAGGED",false,true]; //dragging diabled for now +_obj setvariable ["REV_DRAGGING",objnull,false]; //dragging diabled for now _obj addeventhandler["HandleDamage",REV_HANDLER]; -_obj addaction ["Suicide",REV_ACT_SUIC, [], 666, false, true, "", "_this == _target && _target getVariable ['REV_UNC',false]"]; +_obj addaction ["Suicide",REV_ACT_SUIC, [], 666, false, true, "", "_this == _target && _target getVariable ['REV_UNC',true]"]; _obj addaction ["Revive",REV_ACT_REV, [], 9, false, true, "", "! (isplayer _this) && _target getVariable ['REV_UNC',true]&& (_target distance _this) <100"];// //_obj addaction ["Release",REV_ACT_REL, [], 9, false, true, "", "_this == _target && ! (_target getVariable ['REV_UNC',true])&&!(_target getVariable ['REV_DRAGGED',true])&& ! isNull (_this getVariable ['REV_DRAGGING',objNull])"]; diff --git a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_ui_mod.sqf b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_ui_mod.sqf index db15aac88..602789773 100644 --- a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_ui_mod.sqf +++ b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_ui_mod.sqf @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ private ["_main_disp","_ntime"]; inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", " - if (_this select 5 != 666 && player getVariable ['REV_UNC',false]) then { - hint 'Sorry, You are down!'; + if (round(_this select 5) != 666 && player getVariable ['REV_UNC',false]) then { + hint 'Sorry, You are down! :: %1'; true } "]; diff --git a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_unc_loop.sqf b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_unc_loop.sqf index 0db5e6547..315660b27 100644 --- a/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_unc_loop.sqf +++ b/Addons/Strat_mode/REV/REV_unc_loop.sqf @@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ while {(!CTI_GameOver && alive _unit && _unit getVariable ["REV_UNC",false] && t _unit action ["getOut", (vehicle _unit)]; }; ((time- _starting_time) / BLEEDOUT_TIME ) call HUD_PBar_update; + if (_unit getVariable ["REV_REQREV",false]) then {_unit setVariable ["REV_UNC",false,true];}; // revive request has arrived sleep 0.1; }; if (! (alive _unit) || CTI_GameOver) exitwith { if (player == _unit ) then {CTI_P_PreBuilding = false}; player setCaptive false; _unit setVariable ["REV_UNC", false, true]; + _unit setvariable ["REV_REQREV",false,true]; _unit setvariable ["REV_DRAGGED",false,true]; 0 call HUD_PBar_stop; false @@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ _unit enableSimulation true; _unit setDamage 0.25; _unit setCaptive false; _unit setVariable ["REV_UNC", false, true]; +_unit setvariable ["REV_REQREV",false,true]; _unit setvariable ["REV_DRAGGED",false,true]; if (player == _unit ) then {CTI_P_PreBuilding = false}; diff --git a/Rsc/Game.hpp b/Rsc/Game.hpp index 83c03d361..390cf1167 100644 --- a/Rsc/Game.hpp +++ b/Rsc/Game.hpp @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ respawnDelay = 10; respawnDialog = false; //--- Require briefing.html to show up. -onLoadMission = "BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; +onLoadMission = "BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; onLoadMissionTime = false; onLoadName = "BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; -briefingName = "BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; +briefingName = "BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; //--- ArmA 3 Specifics dev = "Benny"; diff --git a/Server/Functions/Server_HandleStaticDefenses.sqf b/Server/Functions/Server_HandleStaticDefenses.sqf index a5e04b805..074bcfc3f 100644 --- a/Server/Functions/Server_HandleStaticDefenses.sqf +++ b/Server/Functions/Server_HandleStaticDefenses.sqf @@ -44,37 +44,59 @@ while {! CTI_GAMEOVER} do { { - if ((_x getVariable ["cti_aman_enabled", false])||(_x isKindOf "B_AAA_System_01_F" || _x isKindOf "B_SAM_System_01_F" || _x isKindOf "B_SAM_System_02_F")) then { + if ((_x getVariable ["cti_aman_enabled", false])|| (typeof _x )in ["B_AAA_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_02_F"]) then { _defense_team = _logic getVariable "cti_defensive_team"; - if (_x emptyPositions "gunner" > 0 && alive _x) then { + if (((_x emptyPositions "gunner" > 0)|| (gunner _x ) != (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]) || ((isnull (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])) && ! isnull (gunner _x))) && alive _x) then { _nearest_b = [CTI_BARRACKS, _x, (_side) call CTI_CO_FNC_GetSideStructures, CTI_BASE_DEFENSES_AUTO_REARM_RANGE] call CTI_CO_FNC_GetClosestStructure; - if (!(isnull _nearest_b) && alive _nearest_b) then { - if (isnull (assignedGunner _x) && count(_defense_team call CTI_CO_FNC_GetLiveUnits) < CTI_BASE_DEFENSES_AUTO_LIMIT) then { + if (!(isnull _nearest_b) && alive _nearest_b && (getDammage _x) < 0.4 ) then { + if (isnull (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]) && count(_defense_team call CTI_CO_FNC_GetLiveUnits) < CTI_BASE_DEFENSES_AUTO_LIMIT) then { _var = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["CTI_%1_%2", _side, _nearest_b getVariable "cti_structure_type"],[[0,"Town"],0,0,0,[0,0]]]; _direction = 360 - ((_var select 4) select 0); _distance = (_var select 4) select 1; _position = _nearest_b modelToWorld [(sin _direction * _distance), (cos _direction * _distance), 0]; - if ( isNull _defense_team) then {_defense_team = createGroup _side; _logic setVariable ["cti_defensive_team",_defense_team,true];}; - _ai = [missionNamespace getVariable format["CTI_%1_Soldier", _side], _defense_team, _position, _sideID, _net] call CTI_CO_FNC_CreateUnit; - [_ai] allowGetIn true; - _ai assignAsGunner _x; - _x setVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",time,false]; - [_ai] orderGetIn true; - _defense_team setBehaviour "AWARE"; - _defense_team setCombatMode "RED"; - _defense_team setSpeedMode "FULL"; - diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: creating crew for %1 of side %2 at time %3 : %4", _x,_side,(_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0]),_ai]; + + if ((typeof _x )in ["B_AAA_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_02_F"] ) then { + if (isnull (gunner _x) || !alive (gunner _x)) then { + _x deleteVehicleCrew ( gunner _x); + createVehicleCrew _x; + _x joinAsSilent [createGroup _side, 99]; + (group _x) setBehaviour "COMBAT"; + (group _x) setCombatMode "RED"; + _x setVehicleRadar 1; + _x setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; + diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: creating crew for %1 of side %2 at time %3 ", _x,_side,(_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0])]; + }; + } else { + if ( isNull _defense_team) then {_defense_team = createGroup _side; _logic setVariable ["cti_defensive_team",_defense_team,true];}; + _ai = [missionNamespace getVariable format["CTI_%1_Soldier", _side], _defense_team, _position, _sideID, _net] call CTI_CO_FNC_CreateUnit; + [_ai] allowGetIn true; + _ai assignAsGunner _x; + _ai setvariable ["CTI_assigned_def",_x,false]; + _x setvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",_ai,false]; + _x setVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",time,false]; + [_ai] orderGetIn true; + _defense_team setBehaviour "AWARE"; + _defense_team setCombatMode "RED"; + _defense_team setSpeedMode "FULL"; + diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: creating crew for %1 of side %2 at time %3 : %4", _x,_side,(_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0]),_ai]; + }; + } else { - if (!(isnull (assignedGunner _x)) &&alive (assignedGunner _x)) then { + if (!(isnull (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])) && alive (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])) then { if (time > ((_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0])+_man_timeout)) then { - diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: Moving late crew for %1 of side %2 expected at %3 (rt: %4) : %5", _x,_side,((_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0])+_man_timeout),time,(assignedGunner _x)]; - (assignedGunner _x) moveInGunner _x; + diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: Moving late crew for %1 of side %2 expected at %3 (rt: %4) : %5", _x,_side,((_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",0])+_man_timeout),time,(_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])]; + moveout (gunner _x); + (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]) moveInGunner _x; + } else { + [(_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])] allowGetIn true; + (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]) assignAsGunner _x; + [(_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])] orderGetIn true; }; } else { - if (!(isnull (assignedGunner _x))) then { - diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: deleting dead crew for %1 of side %2 : %3", _x,_side,(assignedGunner _x)]; - deleteVehicle (assignedGunner _x); - objnull assignAsGunner _x; + if (!(isnull (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]))) then { + diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: deleting dead crew for %1 of side %2 : %3", _x,_side,(_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull])]; + deleteVehicle (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]); + _x setvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull,false]; _x setVariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner_time",-1,false]; }; }; @@ -89,12 +111,22 @@ while {! CTI_GAMEOVER} do { _nearest = [CTI_AMMO, _x, (_side) call CTI_CO_FNC_GetSideStructures, CTI_BASE_DEFENSES_AUTO_REARM_RANGE] call CTI_CO_FNC_GetClosestStructure; if (count _ammo_trucks > 0 || (!isNull _nearest && alive _nearest)) then { - _x setVehicleAmmoDef 1; - diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: %1 of side %2 rearmed", _x,_side]; + if ((gunner _x) == (_x getvariable ["CTI_assigned_gunner",objnull]) || (typeof _x )in ["B_AAA_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_01_F","B_SAM_System_02_F"]) then { + _x setVehicleAmmoDef 1; + diag_log format [":: DEF NG :: %1 of side %2 rearmed", _x,_side]; + }; }; }; }; } forEach _defs; + + _defense_team = _logic getVariable "cti_defensive_team"; + if !(isnull _defense_team) then { + { + if (isnull (_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_def",objNull]) || (!alive (_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_def",objNull])) || ( getDammage (_x getVariable ["CTI_assigned_def",objNull]) >= 0.4 ) ) then {deleteVehicle _x;}; + } forEach (units _defense_team); + }; + sleep 60; -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; diff --git a/banner.jpg b/banner.jpg index e50ea5066..6a148103a 100644 Binary files a/banner.jpg and b/banner.jpg differ diff --git a/mission.sqm b/mission.sqm index c7bd0cebd..ec662fa41 100644 --- a/mission.sqm +++ b/mission.sqm @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class EditorData pos[]={2450.3237,25.100098,9116.7275}; dir[]={0,-0.70710683,0.70710683}; up[]={0,0.70710677,0.70710677}; - aside[]={0.99999994,0,-0}; + aside[]={0.99999994,0,0}; }; }; binarizationWanted=0; @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Mission { class Intel { - briefingName="BECTI - Zerty/HTom/Yoshi_E"; + briefingName="BECTI BE 0.97 - Zerty"; overviewText="By Benny - Adapted from OFP era MFCTI (Mike Melvin)"; resistanceWest=0; timeOfChanges=24720; @@ -2017,6 +2017,7 @@ class Mission }; id=127; type="O_Soldier_SL_F"; + atlOffset=4.7683716e-007; }; class Item14 { @@ -2109,7 +2110,7 @@ class Mission }; id=132; type="O_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=2.7273612; + atlOffset=2.7273622; }; class Item19 { @@ -2163,7 +2164,7 @@ class Mission }; id=135; type="O_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=3.6859956; + atlOffset=3.6859965; }; class Item22 { @@ -2181,14 +2182,14 @@ class Mission }; id=136; type="O_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=2.4978232; + atlOffset=2.4978242; }; class Item23 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { - position[]={14512.12,9.7627974,5843.0957}; + position[]={14512.12,9.7627964,5843.0957}; }; side="East"; class Attributes @@ -2217,7 +2218,7 @@ class Mission }; id=138; type="O_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=3.7724271; + atlOffset=3.772428; }; }; class Attributes @@ -2503,7 +2504,7 @@ class Mission }; id=151; type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=1.9073486e-006; + atlOffset=3.8146973e-006; }; class Item12 { @@ -2540,7 +2541,7 @@ class Mission }; id=153; type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=2.7794733; + atlOffset=2.7794752; }; class Item14 { @@ -2633,7 +2634,7 @@ class Mission }; id=158; type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; - atlOffset=2.4224777; + atlOffset=2.4224787; }; class Item19 {