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File metadata and controls

60 lines (41 loc) · 2.25 KB

Rationale for writing new flag parsing stuff.

The Go standard package has some annoying properties:

  • It stops parsing flags at the first non-flag argument:

    prog -v test     Works as expected
    prog test -v     Stops parsing at "test" and "-v" is added to flag.Args()

    I don't really like that. If I write foo bar then I want to be able to quickly add -v as foo bar -v without having to edit the commandline to put it as foo -v bar.

    You can still use -- if you want to stop flag parsing: foo -- bar -v.

  • Awkward to see if a flag wasn't given at all vs. whether someone passed an empty string. This is useful sometimes.

  • I don't like the automatic usage-generation (it looks ugly) and usage often prints to stderr even when it really shouldn't (this is fixable, but many people don't).

  • Awkward to add flag aliases (e.g. have both -v and -verbose).

  • prog -ab is interpreted as a single flag even when they're boolean flags, instead of prog -a -b.

  • You can't add flags more than once (and it won't give an error if you do!), the last value is always used. So something like the "-v for verbose, -vv for more verbose"-pattern or "-exclude foo -exclude bar" is hard.

  • flag.StringVar(&s, ..) requires declaring the variable first, and s := flag.String(..) means having pointers everywhere. Neither is great IMO.

I looked at some existing libraries and there were always some things to my dislike.

Note that the below isn't a full review, just a very short "why not?" list. Most of these packages are really not bad at all and I've used several of them with great success, and all of them also cover more use cases. Please don't take it as a "this sucks"-list.