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#Metagene plot for Rec-Seq deep sequencing results. the script was initially provided by Dr. Byung-sik Shin at National Institute of Health for creating metagene plot for visualizing ribosome profiling foot-print distribution across transcripts aligned to main AUG or stop codon.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

-- coding: utf-8 --

""" you need a sam file aligned for transcript, and "yeast25_size.txt" having information of utr length """

def metagene_len(sam, map_position): """get the metagene image plot with 5utr(span5) and 3utr(span3) with fragment length information as a heatmap style """

fin1 = open(sam)

Count = 0
for iR in fin1:
    if iR.startswith('@'):
        Count += 1
dfsam = pd.read_table(sam, sep='\t', header=None, 
                      usecols=[2,3,9],  skiprows=Count)
dfsam.columns = ['gene','pos','seq']
dfsam1 = dfsam.assign(Len = dfsam.seq.str.len())
dfsam2 = dfsam1.loc[:,['gene','pos','Len']]
dfsam2 = dfsam2.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore')
if map_position == 5:
    dfsam4 = dfsam2
if map_position == 3:
    dfsam3 = dfsam2.assign(pos2 = dfsam2.pos + dfsam2.Len)
    dfsam4 = dfsam3.loc[:,['gene','pos2','Len']]
    dfsam4.columns = ['gene','pos','Len']

orfsize = pd.read_table('yeast25_size.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
orfsize.columns = ['gene', 'utr5', 'cds', 'utr3']
dfsam41 = pd.merge(dfsam4, orfsize, on='gene')
dfsam5 = dfsam41.assign(pos5 = dfsam41.pos - dfsam41.utr5)
dfsam6 = dfsam5.assign(pos3 = dfsam5.pos - dfsam5.utr5 - dfsam5.cds)

if map_position == 5:
    dfsam7 = dfsam6[(dfsam6['pos5'] >= -15) & (dfsam6['pos5'] <= 5)]
    dfsam8 = dfsam6[(dfsam6['pos3'] <= 10) & (dfsam6['pos3'] >= -10)]
if map_position == 3:
    dfsam7 = dfsam6[(dfsam6['pos5'] >= -10) & (dfsam6['pos5'] <= 50)]
    dfsam8 = dfsam6[(dfsam6['pos3'] <= 25) & (dfsam6['pos3'] >= -35)]
dfutr5 = dfsam7.loc[:,['pos5','Len']]
dfutr3 = dfsam8.loc[:,['pos3','Len']]

def transpose_df(df, Pos):
    df1 = df.groupby([Pos,'Len']).size().reset_index()
    df1.columns = [Pos,'Len','reads']
    df2 = df1[(df1['Len']>=15) & (df1['Len'] <= 34)]
    df3 = pd.pivot_table(df2, values='reads', index=Pos, 
                             columns='Len', fill_value=0).T
    return df3

dfutr31 = transpose_df(dfutr3, 'pos3')
dfutr51 = transpose_df(dfutr5, 'pos5')
return dfutr51, dfutr31

import argparse import pandas as pd #import scanpy as sc import os

def heatmap_plot(df, name,dirt, vMAX):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,3))
plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', top=False)
plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', right=False)
sns.heatmap(df, cmap="Blues", square=True, vmin=0, vmax=vMAX, cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5}, 
            ax=ax, yticklabels = 5, robust=True,
plt.savefig(dirt+"/"+name +'.png', dpi=300)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=""" meta plot. """, add_help=False )

parser.add_argument( '-i', '--i_sam', action='store', dest='i', required=True, help='input sam file.' )

parser.add_argument( '-pos', '--pos_num', action='store', dest='pos', type=int, required=True, help='postion 5 or 3' )

parser.add_argument( '-n', '--name_output', action='store', dest='n', help='Layer in anndata to use for plots.' ) parser.add_argument( '-dirt', '--out_dir', action='store', dest='dirt', help='output directory' )

parser.add_argument( '-vMAX', '--vMAX_end', action='store', dest='vMAX', type=int, required=True, help='The max number of reads in density scale' )

options = parser.parse_args()

#if options.output_file != '':

os.makedirs(options.output_file, exist_ok=True)

sam=options.i pos=options.pos name=options.n dirt=options.dirt vmax=options.vMAX #sam = 'GCATA.sam' ## put your sam file here df1,df2 = metagene_len(sam, pos) ## 3 for 3' and 5 for 5' end mapping name5=name + "5_small" heatmap_plot(df1, name5,dirt,vmax) ## plot for 5' utr. put file name here you want to save name3=name + "3_small" heatmap_plot(df2, name3,dirt,vmax) ## plot for 3' utr.


Metagene plot for Rec-Seq deep sequencing results






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