A javascript fallback for CSS3 emphasis mark, aka text-emphasis. It’s really useful for East Asian documents. Using small symbols next to each glyph to emphasize a run of text.
Depends on jQuery >= 1.10. Tested on IE 8+, Chrome, Firefox 4+, Safari 5+, Opera 12+, Mobile Safari(iOS 5+)
Checkout demo first, see what jQuery.emphasis can do.
Include jQuery and emphasis plugin into html like this:
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.emphasis.js"></script>
- text-emphasis
Type: String
A string representing text-emphasis style. For example: filled, dotted, filled sesame red, "@" #069. You can also use value none to remove the style. It's using navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage to define which language was used. And it's not supporting vertical writing-mode.
Type: String
A string representing text-emphasis style. -
Type: String
A string representing text-emphasis-position style. Currently it's not support "right" and "left" in vertical writing-mode.
- Not support "right" and "left" position.
- Not work right on inline-block element in some case.
If you find more issue, welcome to report it.
- 0.1.0
init - 0.1.1
changed mainfest, added notation for src file. - 0.2.0
fix priority bug
use grunt
update index page - 0.2.1
Fixed #2