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Kafka Only Consumer Coordination

This is a description of the consumer coordination protocol implemented by the Marshal library.


It is possible to coordinate N consumers without any shared state other than what Kafka provides. Without using Zookeeper or any other such coordination system, and still provide similar guarantees/functionality.

The essence of this approach is that we can use a new topic in Kafka such as __marshal as a write-ahead log/transaction log and use it for constructing a race-safe consumer coordination protocol. Since Kafka guarantees ordering within a partition, outside of an unclean leader election we can safely coordinate consumers.

The goal is for this protocol to be robust to all failure cases. The goal is not for the protocol to be the absolute fastest thing out there.

Protocol Messages

This section defines the messages used in the protocol.

In the following definitions, certain bolded words are used to define parameters to the message:

  • client_id is an arbitrary string.
    • This value should be unique within a group_id (see below).
    • This can be random, but, you might want to make it predictable for your set of consumers. If you do, you gain the property that your consumer can restart where it left off if you restart it (since it can resume its own heartbeats as long as the client_id is stable).
  • group_id is a namespaced opaque string. I.e., if you are the foo team, you should use a value such as foo.bar_consumer.
  • topic, desired_topic is a string of the topic name, this is also namespaced by your team.
  • partition, desired_partition is an integer as provided by Kafka.
  • last_offset, proposed_last_offset is an integer representing a message offset as provided by Kafka. This should never be generated on your own.

Some constants defined in the protocol

  • HeartbeatInterval is the maximum allowed time between two heartbeats. Consumers are expected to send heartbeat messages once per interval. The smaller this number is, the busier the coordination topic will be, but the faster failure recovery will be.

The protocol is defined with several simple messages:

  1. Heartbeat which includes client_id, group_id, topic, partition, last_offset. These are sent at most every HeartbeatInterval seconds apart.
  2. ClaimingPartition which includes client_id, group_id, topic, partition and is used as the initial request stating that you wish to claim a partition.
  3. ReleasingPartition which includes client_id, group_id, topic, partition, last_offset and is used when a consumer wants to proactively release a partition.
  4. ClaimingMessages which includes client_id, group_id, topic, partition, proposed_last_offset is used for the At Most Once consumption flow.
  5. ReleaseGroup which includes client_id, group_id, msg_expire_time. This message is sent by a special Admin actor, which can pause an entire consumer group identified by the group_id, until msg_expire_time. This message is used to set a consumer group's position. See the section "Setting Consumer Group Position."

Determining World State

This is the primary engine of Marshal. The "rationalizer" will read the messages in the coordination topic and calculate a "world state" given the sequence of messages in the log. The algorithm works based on everybody coming to the same conclusion about the world state given the same log, i.e., every state transition is determined solely by the messages in the logs and their relative ordering.

The state is calculated, for a given topic/partition you wish to know about, by fully consuming the data from the coordination topic (which should be relatively minimal and fast to process) and constructing a current state of the world (as of the last message you have).

You can know what consumers exist (actively) based on the heartbeats and partition messages.


Every consumer is required to heartbeat every HeartbeatInterval seconds.

A client is considered fresh when less than HeartbeatInterval seconds have elapsed since the last heartbeat.

A client is considered to be in an unknown state when HeartbeatInterval to twice that value seconds have elapsed.

A client is considered stale when more than twice HeartbeatInterval seconds have elapsed and no further heartbeat has been received.

Partition Assignment for Consumption

This is the meat of the system and the reason for such an algorithm. Being able to safely assign partitions to consumers such that they can process messages with the desired properties is non-trivial and requires this coordination.

Consuming a New Partition

This assumes that you want to start consuming a new partition.

  1. Pick a partition to try to claim
  2. This is done by whatever method you choose. Random, round-robin, etc.
  3. Pick coordinating partition based on hash(desired_topic, desired_partition) % number of partitions in coordinating topic
  4. Determine state of world on chosen coordinating partition
  5. If the partition you wish to claim is already claimed, and the heartbeat for that partition is not stale, return to step 1 (remember, "stale" is defined as twice the HeartbeatInterval)
  6. Since the heartbeat is stale, this consumer may continue to step 4 and attempt to claim
  7. Send a ClaimingPartition message
  8. Re-determine the state of the world (read up to the end)
  9. Look for the earliest ClaimingPartition message associated with the desired topic/partition, if it was ours (message from step 4) then continue
  10. If somebody else won the race, return to step 1
  11. If the current client wins (has the earliest claim), send an immediate Heartbeat message and consumption on desired topic/partition can begin

This process, assuming no Kafka data loss (we'll have to carefully make sure to produce with the right options), should guarantee safe partition assignment.

Consuming Recently Used Partitions on Restart

This is an optimization to help prevent churn of consumption. If you define your consumer such that you have a predictable client_id and it is unique within your consumer group, you can use that to determine what partitions your client was previously consuming.

  1. Determine the complete state of the world
  2. This requires scanning "recent" events for the entire coordination topic (all partitions)
  3. If heartbeats are found for the current client_id+group_id, and if those heartbeats are fresh (only), then send a new heartbeat and recover state
  4. Note: The previous heartbeats should contain enough information to continue where you left off (modulo the guarantees of ALO/AMO consumption)


There are two main algorithms for message processing. Both of these assume that your client already has a valid claim to a partition that you are going to be consuming from.

At Most Once (AMO)

The semantics of at-most-once consumption are that you would prefer to consume a message zero (0) times (never see it) than to consume it more than once.

To do safely, we use the same linear nature of the Kafka partitions to make a transactional guarantee:

  1. Determine that we still have the claim to this partition
  2. Fetch a batch of messages
  3. Batch size should be adjusted for the QPS of your category, the smaller your batches the more traffic against the coordination topic, but the fewer you lose in the failure case
  4. Produce a ClaimingMessages message with the last offset from our batch of messages
  5. Re-determine the state of the world
  6. Validate we still hold the claim on this partition
  7. Validate that our claim of the messages from step 2 is in the log
  8. Send Heartbeat with the offset to "commit" the transaction
  9. Process the messages in this batch

Assuming again that Kafka is durable and we use the right settings, this should provide the guarantees we want for at-most-once. Any failure along the way will be handled by either a normal heartbeat-expire-retry loop (steps 1-4 fail) and if we fail during step 5 then that batch of messages will be dropped per AMO semantics.

At Least Once (ALO)

Much easier than at-most-once, still assuming we have the claim to a partition:

  1. Determine that we still have the claim to this partition
  2. Fetch a batch of messages
  3. Process batch of messages
  4. Every HeartbeatInterval, send a Heartbeat message with the last processed offset

As long as you heartbeat every interval, failure is constrained to only re-process at most one single HeartbeatInterval of messages.

Consumer Failure

If a consumer stops reporting heartbeats, other consumers can pick up that partition. In essence, if no Heartbeat messages have arrived on a partition for twice the HeartbeatInterval, then whichever consumers are looking for partitions will attempt to claim that partition, starting that whole process.

In the ALO consumption case, this can lead to two consumers running on a single batch of messages at the same time, but it is constrained to one batch. The AMO consumer cannot have that failure case, at worst it will never process some messages.

Setting Consumer Group Position

Documentation being written.


I believe a Kafka-service system would want to consume messages off of a partition but not necessarily take a whole lock on the partition. I.e. just saying "I claim message offsets X-Y". You can also then fix latency issues by pre-claiming ranges so that the instant they become used you've already negotiated the lock on that range and can start processing them/handing them out?