ZMIOUSB is a framework that bridges IOKit USB APIs to Swift.
- Requirements: OS X 10.9 or later
- Swift version: 4.0
To install this framework using Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile.
github "zumuya/ZMIOUSB"
let deviceInterface = try USBDeviceInterface.create(vendorIdentifier: VENDOR_ID, productIdentifier: PRODUCT_ID)
defer { deviceInterface.release() }
let interfaceInterface = try deviceInterface.createInterfaceInterface()
defer { interfaceInterface.release() }
If you create interfaces, you must call release()
after using them. We recommend to use defer {}
since many functions in this framework throw errors.
try deviceInterface.openAndPerform {
try interfaceInterface.openAndPerform {
try interfaceInterface.write(someData, pipe: PIPE_WRITE)
let result = try interfaceInterface.readBytes(pipe: PIPE_READ) {
do {
let deviceInterface = try USBDeviceInterface.create(vendorIdentifier: VENDOR_ID, productIdentifier: PRODUCT_ID)
defer { deviceInterface.release() }
let interfaceInterface = try deviceInterface.createInterfaceInterface()
defer { interfaceInterface.release() }
try interfaceInterface.openAndPerform {
try interfaceInterface.write([0x01, 0x02, 0x03], pipe: PIPE_WRITE)
let result = try interfaceInterface.readBytes(minCount: 16, pipe: PIPE_READ)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.displayText("Received: " + result.description)
} catch let error {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Use USBDeviceInterface.observeDeviceList(...)
to get callbacks when USB devices are connected or disconnected.
let observer = try USBDeviceInterface.observeDeviceList(vendorIdentifier: VENDOR_ID, productIdentifier: PRODUCT_ID) { (notification, service) in
do {
switch notification {
case kIOFirstMatchNotification:
print("device is connected!")
let deviceInterface = try USBDeviceInterface.create(service: service)
defer { deviceInterface.release() }
case kIOTerminatedNotification:
print("device is disconnected!")
} catch let error {
print("error: \(error)")
self.deviceListObserver = observer //keep it!
Since this framework just extends original types, you can use original APIs without casting.
let ioReturn = interfaceInterface.pointee?.pointee.ResetPipe(interfaceInterface, 1)
This framework extends IOReturn
with LocalizedError
You can throw an IOReturn
as a Swift error.
let ioReturn = interfaceInterface.pointee?.pointee.ResetPipe(interfaceInterface, 1)
if (ioReturn != .success) {
throw ioReturn
By using IOReturn.throwIfNotSuccess()
method, you can call existing functions with try
try interfaceInterface.pointee?.pointee.ResetPipe(interfaceInterface, 1).throwIfNotSuccess()
This framework doesn't contain any localization for error messages. But you can provide and customize messages.
IOReturn.errorDescriptionHandlers.append { error in
NSLocalizedString(String(format: "IOReturn_description_%i", error.rawValue), comment: "")
IOReturn.recoverySuggestionHandlers.append { error in
NSLocalizedString(String(format: "IOReturn_recoverySuggestion_%i", error.rawValue), comment: "")
This framework is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.