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Releases: foundation/foundation-cli

Foundation CLI v2.3.2

10 Jan 18:45
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This fixes the LIBERTY issue with colors.js

Foundation CLI v2.3.0

02 Nov 20:36
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This version updates a lot of the dependencies to the latest versions. It also fixes creating new Foundation for Sites projects. Both Basic and Panini based templates for sites have also been overhauled with the latest hotness.

Installing of the NPM packages is currently failing. You will simply need to run yarn install manually.

The new method is currently the only method that has been tested. There are still some issues with other methods such as watch. However, you can use yarn start to get that going well.

Please file an issue if you have any issues. All PRs are welcome.


25 Aug 19:41
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This release updated repository references to the new foundation repos.

Version 2.1.0

17 Feb 22:14
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The CLI now works with the Foundation for Emails template! Foundation for Emails 2 is currently in the release candidate stage.

Version 2.0.2

05 Jan 23:40
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  • Don't allow project folders with spaces in the names. #19
  • Make the -v flag work as a shorthand for --version.

Version 2.0.1

04 Dec 22:30
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  • Removed the --version and --edge flags, which weren't being used. They'll be back eventually!
  • Changed the shorthand for --directory to -d.
  • Removed the post-install script that wasn't being used anyway.
  • Updated Bower to 1.6.8, which will remove a warning related to fs-write-stream-atomic.
  • Switched from the exec module to Node's built-in child_process.exec, which removes a deprecation warning seen when installing the CLI.

Version 2.0.0

18 Nov 07:28
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The Foundation CLI now works with all three Foundation frameworks: Sites, Apps, and Emails!

  • The global command name is now foundation instead of foundation-apps.
  • The format of the new command has changed. You can just run foundation new, and you'll get a series of prompts to configure your project.
  • The build command runs npm run build instead of npm start build now. This command will be used to add the --production flag to a Gulp build.
  • Dropped the docs command since there's like three frameworks now.
  • Added fantastic ASCII mascots.

Version 1.1.2

02 Jul 15:58
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  • Fixed an error that came up when foundation-apps new was run without a project name.
  • #11: Fixed a bug where foundation-apps -v would not show the current version.

Version 1.1.1

20 Apr 18:11
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  • Updated readme to remove references to Ruby, and add documentation for new command line flags and docs.
  • #8: Fixed yeti is not defined error appearing instead of the standard error message, when running new as root.
  • zurb/foundation-apps#586: Fixed the watch and build commands not working in Node 0.12.

Version 1.1

17 Mar 16:55
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This update drastically improves stability, error-handing, and cross-platform support.

New Features:

  • Dropped the Ruby dependency. Yes, this is a feature! The starter project now compiles with libsass, which means you don't need Ruby or Bundler on your machine to use it.
  • Use foundation-apps new app -v 1.x.x to use a different version of the framework. If you're extra-adventurous, use foundation-apps new app --edge to install Foundation for Apps directly from the master branch.
  • The new command will copy _settings.scss out of the Foundation for Apps Bower package, into a new project's scss folder.

Stability improvements:

  • Every command that leverages Bower or npm uses the actual library, instead of using exec() to spawn a child process. This makes the process of setting up a new project way less error-prone.
  • The new command uses more asynchronous functions (like you're supposed to in Node!), which makes it a little faster.
  • The new command will warn you if you try to:
    • Install as root
    • Install without Git installed
    • Set -v to an invalid version number (following semver patterns)
    • Create a project with the name of an existing folder