Code and documentation for the Aurora Shanty.
- Get Raspbian
- System settings
- Expand filesystem
- Boot to CLI
- Enable I2C
- (optional) WiFi setup
- (optional) Mausberry power switch
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
(can take a while)
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri
x11vnc -bg -nevershared -forever -tightfilexfer -nopw -display :0
/boot/config.txt Uncomment: hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=16
sudo apt-get install netatalk git tightvncserver
curl | sudo sh
cd /home/pi && git clone
cd /home/pi && git clone && cd aurora-shanty
- FCServer startup
sudo cp ./deploy/fcserver.conf /etc/init.d/fcserver && sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/fcserver
sudo /etc/init.d/fcserver start
sudo update-rc.d fcserver defaults
- VNC setup. This is needed so Processing thinks there is a screen. How this is setup requires that a user does this and is logged in. Reference
- Run once to setup password:
vncserver :1
- Run once to setup password:
- Processing sketch
- Add to cron:
@reboot $HOME/.profile; /home/pi/aurora-shanty/deploy/ > /home/pi/aurora.log 2>&1
- Add to cron:
- FadeCandy Server config docs
- LED curtain example config
- LED curtain processing example
- Processing OPC docs
wget && unzip -d fcserver;
./fcserver/fadecandy-fcserver-1.04/bin/fcserver-osx ./fcserver-conf.json