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Array Index Symptom 8

Aubergine edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

Article verified: September 2019

This is one cause of the Simulation error Array index is out of range error.


You will see this error:

  • Simulation error: Array index is out of range.

In the log file, you'll see one of the following below the error:

  • at UnlockManager.Unlocked ...


This appears to be caused by Network Extensions 2 mod, however it is very rare error which only affects small number of users.

WARNING: Don't just unsubscribe NExt2; go through procedure in the Solution section first.

We suspect the issue is actually another mod conflicting with NExt2, maybe some sort of milestone unlocker mod?


Try disabling any milestone or building unlocker mods you have, exit to desktop then restart game and see if that helps.

Failing that, you would need to disable or unsubscribe Network Extensions 2 - there is a very specific process for doing that, see: How to remove workshop networks


If not, see other causes of Simulation error Array index is out of range.

Other issues? See: Troubleshooting

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