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Heavy Truck Highway Rules

Guy Fraser edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Use this feature to make large trucks prefer the outer lanes on highways.


In the vanilla game, trucks will use any lane of the highway, and behave like other road vehicles.

In real life, however, trucks prefer to drive on the outermost lanes on highways and only venture in to the adjacent lane when overtaking. This leaves other lanes for faster-moving traffic, such as cars and vans.

You can enable this feature to make trucks behave in a more realistic manner.


Choose the Heavy trucks prefer outer lanes on highways option in Policies and Restrictions settings.


No further customisation is required; the option applies to all highways.

However, for best results, use highways that have 3 or more lanes.


Does this affect frame rate or cause lag?

Only a small amount. The effect is applied during path finding, but it doesn't add much overhead.

See Also

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