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Krzysztof edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 62 revisions

Verified: June 2023 - TM:PE

Exit the game first, then follow these steps...

1. Subscribe and enable TM:PE

Only have one version of TM:PE subscribed/installed at a time.

Completely unsubscribe/remove all other versions of TM:PE, otherwise you get save/load bugs.

You can use TM:PE on the following game portals:

Unfortunately, the following game portals don't allow code mods:

  • Console (Xbox, PS4, Switch) - no support for mods
  • Windows 10 Edition (Xbox live) - it's the Xbox version of the game

2. Unsubscribe incompatible mods

When TM:PE is first enabled, and also each time you launch Cities: Skylines app, it will scan for Incompatible Mods and display a warning if any are found.

You're now ready to start a game! Use the Toolbar to customise your roads.


If I unsubscribe TM:PE will my save games break?

You can safely remove TM:PE at any time, save games will still work without it

Does it reduce framerate or cause lag?

Yes, some of its features can cause fps drop or lag, and it will be worse on large cities:


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