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Verified: March 2022 - TM:PE

Settings: General | Gameplay | Policies | Overlays | Maintenance | Keybinds


Use these settings to set the default transport and road customisation policies in your entire city.

Most policies can be overriden for individual lanes, junctions or roads using the features of the Toolbar.


At Junctions

Use these options to set default traffic policies at road junctions...

Busses may ignore lane arrows

In TM:PE and later, this option is enabled by default for new cities.

Vehicles may enter blocked junctions

Vehicles may do U-turns at junctions

Vehicles may turn at red traffic lights

  • Allow vehicles to Turn on Red in to a near-side road:
    • Depending on which side traffic drives on, it can turn in that direction
    • Example: If traffic drives on the right, it's a right turn
  • Override any junction with Junction Restrictions tool

Also apply to left & right turns between one-way streets

  • Allows vehicles to Turn on Red in to a far-side road:
    • Depending on which side traffic drives on, it can turn in the opposite direction
    • Example: If traffic drives on the right, it's a left turn
    • Only applied if the destination is a one-way road
    • They must stop and wait for clear path before making the turn
  • Requires the incoming road to have Turn on Red enabled

Vehicles going straight on may change lanes at junctions

Vehicles follow priority rules at junctions with timed traffic lights

Automatically add traffic lights if applicable

  • If enabled, traffic lights will automatically be added to big junctions
  • Override any junction with Traffic Lights tools

Dedicated turning lanes

It may take a few minutes before changes to this setting take effect.

On Roads

Vehicle restrictions aggression

Ban private cars and trucks on bus lanes

Note: Vehicles will still be able to use bus lane when spawning, delivering, or arriving at destination.

At a segment to segment transition, only the smaller segment gets crossings

For definition of transition nodes, see Nodes, Segments, Lanes

  • Normally transition nodes will get two pedestrian crossings, one for each segment
  • When enabled, this option removes the crossing from the larger road
  • If both roads are the same size, neither crossing is removed

On Highways

Use these options to control vehicles on highways and ramps...

Enable highway-specific lane merging/splitting rules

Heavy vehicles prefer outer lanes on highways

In Case of Emergency

This section is only shown if you have Natural Disasters DLC.

Use this option to give evacuation buses more flexibility during disasters...

Evacuation busses may ignore traffic rules

  • Allows evacuation busses to ignore the rules and possibly save more people
  • For more information, see: Buses

High priority roads

Use these options to customise the High Priority Roads bulk applicators...

Important: Provide Collector Roads (or tunnels/bridges) to enable cims and vehicles to reach the other side of a high priority road.

Allow pedestrian crossings on main road

  • Determines whether pedestrians can cross over the priority road
  • If disabled, cims will need another way to cross (bridge, traffic lights...)
  • Override any junction with Junction Restrictions tool

Allow cars to take far turn from/into main road (not recommended)

  • Determines whether vehicles can cut across oncoming traffic on the priority road
  • If disabled, vehicles will need another way to reach the other side (traffic lights, collector roads...)
  • Override any junction with Lane Arrows or Lane Connectors tools

Allow cars on yield road to enter blocked main road

This option is ignored if you enable Use stop signs when entering main road.

Use stop signs when entering main road

  • If enabled, side-roads use Stop signs instead of Yield signs
    • Reduces disruption of priority road traffic, but increases congestion on side-roads
  • Override any junction with Priority Signs tool


Use these options to customise the Roundabout Policies bulk applicators...

Note: If High Priority Roads bulk applicators encounter a roundabout, they'll use these settings at the roundabout junction.

Pedestrians shall not cross to the center of roundabout

  • Removes pedestrian crossings that connect to center of roundabout
  • Override any junction with Junction Restrictions tool

Pedestrians shall not cross the roads approaching the roundabout

  • Removes pedestrian crossings that cross roads entering/leaving the roundabout
  • Override any junction with Junction Restrictions tool

Stay in lane inside the roundabout

  • Discourage vehicles from changing lanes in the roundabout
  • Override any junction/node with Lane Connectors tool

Stay in lane on the roads approaching the roundabout

  • Prevent lane changes at nodes close to the roundabout
  • Forces traffic to get in correct lane sooner
  • Override any junction/node with Lane Connectors tool

Allocate dedicated exit lanes

  • Dedicate outer lane of roundabout to traffic leaving at next exit
    • This improves lane utilisation and flow inside the roundabout
  • Override any junction/node with Lane Connectors tool

Add priority signs on the roundabout junction

  • Vehicles in the roundabout have priority over vehicles entering the roundabout
  • Override any junction with Priority Signs tool

Yielding vehicles keep clear of blocked roundabout

Assign realistic speed limits to roundabouts

  • If enabled, the speed limits on roundabouts will be adjusted based on road curvature
    • This is just to make roundabout traffic look more realistic

Put parking ban inside roundabouts

  • If enabled, any parking lanes on the roundabout itself (1-way roads) will be disabled
  • Override any segment with Parking Restrictions tool

Put parking bans on roundabout branches

  • If enabled, parking lanes on roads at junctions on the roundabout will be disabled
  • Override any segment with Parking Restrictions tool


Do these settings affect frame rate or cause lag?

  • Not directly; policies just change global defaults for the Toolbar tools.
  • See documentation of each tool for specific details.

What happens if I change the policies later in the game?

  • Roads, junctions, etc., which were using default values will be updated
  • However, custom settings (via Toolbar) will be retained

See Also


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