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Road and Rail customisations lost

Aubergine edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Article verified: July 2019


Note: If it's the mod settings (mod options screen) that are lost, see TMPE mod options lost instead.

  • In-game road/rail customisations (lane arrows, traffic lights, restrictions, etc.) are not loading/saving properly


This is usually due to having two or more versions of TM:PE subscribed at the same time, even if only one is active.

For detailed technical information, see Issue #211

There are other causes, such as incorrectly moving Steam library to a different drive, mod conflicts, etc., however those will exhibit more obvious game stopping errors when launching the game or loading a game.


  • Make sure you only have one version of TM:PE subscribed
    • Disabling mods is not sufficient, you must completely unsubscribe them
    • Do this from Content Manager > Mods, or from Steam Workshop
  • Make sure you don't have any Incompatible Mods
    • If you do, unsubscribe those as well
  • After changing mod subscriptions, always exit the game to desktop to flush old code from RAM

Note: Mod settings are per save, so you'll need to load a save to see them

If problems persist, check for recent updates that might have caused the problem:

  1. In Steam client, select Workshop tab
  2. In the sidebar, select Subscribed Items from the Your Files menu
  3. On the page that appears, change Date Subscribed to Date Updated in the sidebar

That will show you what's been updated recently, with the most recent items at the top:

  • If TM:PE is in that list, it's likely a bug in the update: Report a bug
  • If it's some other mod, it might be a conflict:
    • Try disabling that mod (then exit to desktop to flush from RAM) and try again
    • If problem is resolved, contact the author of that mod to let them know

If there's nothing obvious causing the issue, it might be a game update:


If not, please let us know: Report a bug

Other issues? See: Troubleshooting

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