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Aubergine edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 12 revisions

Verified: January 2022 - TM:PE 11.5.2 / TM:PE 11.6.2


The TMPE.log is an additional log file that's created when TM:PE is active.

The contents of the log are usually mundane, just lists of the routine tasks TM:PE performs when starting up and shutting down. However, sometimes it will contain additional information about errors, particularly mod conflicts, that won't be listed in the main game log file.

File location

On Windows:


Note: The <SteamFolder> is usually found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam.

On Mac:

Navigate to:

Users/username/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Cities_Skylines

Then right-click Cities and choose Show Package Options (Yosemite users: Choose Open in new tab instead, then click on the new tab), then you can find the log file in:


On Linux:


Custom log file location:

Note: Only tested on Windows, might not work on Linux/Mac?

As of TM:PE 11.6.2 we check for the -LogFile command line parameter. If specified, TMPE.log will be placed in the specified folder. For details see PR #1151.


See: Sharing your log

Identifying mod conflicts

If another mod conflicts with TM:PE, details will appear in the TMPE.log. You'll see something like this:

[Info] @ 2322974790 ThreadingExtension.OnBeforeSimulationFrame: First frame detected. Detours checked. Result: 2 missing detours
[Error] @ 2322980450 Traffic Manager: President Edition detected an incompatibility with another mod! You can continue playing but it's NOT recommended. Traffic Manager will not work as expected. See TMPE.log for technical details.
   at CSUtil.Commons.Log.LogToFile(System.String log, LogLevel level)
   at CSUtil.Commons.Log.Error(System.String s)
   at TrafficManager.ThreadingExtension.OnBeforeSimulationFrame()
   at ThreadingWrapper.OnBeforeSimulationFrame()
   at SimulationManager.SimulationStep()
   at SimulationManager.SimulationThread()

[Info] @ 2322991320 The following methods were overriden by another mod:
	ResidentAI.GetVehicleInfo with 4 parameters (ResidentAI, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
	TouristAI.GetVehicleInfo with 4 parameters (TouristAI, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

In the example above, another mod has altered the ResidentAI.GetVehicleInfo and TouristAI.GetVehicleInfo methods in such a way that TM:PE wasn't able to apply its own alterations to those methods.

We also highly recommend using the Compatibility Report mod which scans all your mods and identifies any that are outdated/incompatible.

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