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Aubergine edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 26 revisions


To display the Toolbar, click the TM:PE menu button (usually top-left of screen):

Menu button

Use the Toolbar to access all the main features of TM:PE:

Toolbar buttons

Buttons missing? Enable features in Maintenance settings.

For documentation on any button, click the icons below:

Parking Speeds Vehicles Junctions Arrows Connectors Priority Toggle Manual Timed Clear Despawn

The toolbar and most tools can be accessed via keyboard shortcuts, which you can customise in Keybinds settings.

Use the Hints Panel to quickly see what shortcuts are available for the active tool.

Advisor tutorials

The first time you use the toolbar or a tool, advisor tutorials will be displayed. You can turn them off in General settings if desired.

You can redisplay context-sensitive advisor tutorials at any time by clicking the green (?) button near the roads menu on the game's menu bar.

Moving the menu button and toolbar

You can drag the menu button and toolbar around the screen with the left mouse button.

To avoid accidental repositioning, you can lock their positions in General settings.

If you want to declutter your screen, you can move the activation buttons of multiple mods - including TM:PE - in to the Unified UI panel.

Persistent Overlays

Most tools have an accompanying persistent summary overlay which visualies customisations of that tool on the map. The persistent overlays will be visible whenever the Toolbar is visible, regardless of which tool is active.

You can enable persistent overlays in Overlays settings and set their transparency in General settings.

Note that while a tool is active, it will often replace the persistent summary overlay with a more detailed overlay that contains more information.

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