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Aubergine edited this page Dec 18, 2021 · 2 revisions


The Unified UI (UUI) mod helps collate buttons for various mods in to a single toolbar - it's a great way to declutter your screen.


To move the TM:PE button in to the UUI window, follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe and enable UUI mod
  2. In TM:PE General settings, enable Use UnifiedUI:
    UnifiedUI Option
  3. The TM:PE button will be moved in to the UUI panel:
    UUI Panel

Clicking the button will open the TM:PE Toolbar as normal.


Can I still lock the TM:PE menu button like before?

No, the Lock main menu button position option in General settings has no effect if the menu button is inside UUI panel.

Can I still lock the TM:PE toolbar position like before?

Yes, the Lock main menu position option in General settings, which determines if TM:PE Toolbar can be repositioned, still functions as normal.

I disabled the Use UnifiedUI option but the button is still in UnifiedUI

If you previously used the UUI Grabber tool to force the TM:PE menu button in to UUI, it is likely still "grabbed". To fix:

  1. Open Unified UI window
  2. Click the UUI Grabber button (to activate button grabber tool)
  3. Right-click the TM:PE menu button to release it from UUI
  4. Click the UUI Grabber button again (to deactivate the button grabber tool)

See also


  • General - options to control menu button, toolbar, etc.


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