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boost filesystem path

Aubergine edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Verified: February 2020 - TM:PE 11.1.0


You get an error mentioning boost::filesystem, such as:

  • boost::filesystem::path codecvt to wstring: error


Boost is a C++ library, so this error is very deep - probably in Unity game engine, or the Mono environment in which it runs, and possibly even your operating system or virtual machine.

It can sometimes be caused by strange characters in a file path, but often it will be due to having very old versions of libraries installed.


Completely uninstall and then reinstall the game, and Steam, and then reinstall from scratch.


If not, you'll have to hunt the internet for answers. One extreme option would be a complete reinstall of your operating system.

Other issues? See: Troubleshooting

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