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A modern Minecraft modding framework helping you to create maintainable multi-version mods easily.


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A modern Minecraft modding framework helping You to create maintainable Mods easily

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Flint is a Minecraft modding framework created by LabyMedia GmbH. It is developed with a focus on responsibility-driven design, interface segregation and dependency injection. This allows for easy encapsulation of version-specific code. Flint makes heavy use of bytecode manipulation - Minecraft isn't patched directly - resulting in better compatibility between Mods and a simpler update process.

Warning: Flint is still in development and not stable yet. We are currently working with Minecraft 1.15.2 and 1.16.5, but will soon start to implement other versions (including 1.8.9).

Contributions are welcome, just make sure to take a look at our contribution guidelines first. We would also love to chat with you about Flint on our Discord Server. We always appreciate feedback.

Table of Contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Examples
    2.1. Listen on Events
    2.2. Use Javassist to transform a Class
    2.3. Access private fields
    2.4. Hook into Methods
  3. Architecture
    3.1. Dependency Injection
    3.2. Binding Implementations
    3.3. Separating version-specific Code
  4. Building Flint
  5. Creating a simple Mod
    5.1. Project Setup
    5.2. Create an Installer
  6. Roadmap
  7. Further Resources


Creating Minecraft modifications is often not as easy as it could be due to several challenges.

  • Version Independence is difficult to achieve.
  • Modding APIs are not stable and do not provide enough features to implement the mod.
  • Patching Minecraft directly leads to incompatibilities with other mods and is often not EULA compliant.
  • Bytecode manipulation is difficult and results in code strongly coupled with the Minecraft version it was developed against, meaning it is tedious to port to other Minecraft versions.
  • Distributing a mod with all its dependencies quickly results in a non-trivial installation process and tends to brick when the wrong version of the used modding framework is installed or dependency conflicts appear.

We learned from older projects and tried to approach these issues to make your life as a mod creator as easy as possible.

  • Flint helps you to encapsulate version-specific code properly and is able to bundle multiple implementations for different Minecraft versions into a single JAR file. Flint will then automatically load the correct implementation at runtime.
  • Flint does not patch Minecraft directly and doesn't provide a way for you to do that. Instead, it is completely build using byte code manipulation at runtime.
  • Bytecode manipulation with flint is easy. The annotation based class transformers help you to use your favourite manipulation library while eradicating the need to worry about obfuscation. At the same time, Flint's architecture encourages you to properly encapsulate those class transformations and reimplement them for each supported version.
  • Flint's installer helps you to automatically resolve and install dependencies. Flint also makes sure your mod and all its dependencies are actually compatible with the given environment. As third-party maven dependencies aren't shaded into your JAR file, issues with libraries loaded more than once won't appear.


Many things can already be accomplished using Flint's version independent Minecraft API. There are however many tools provided to modify Minecraft even further. A few examples are listed below.

Listen on Events provided by the Framework

For event listener, Flint uses the @Subscribe annotation. The event type will be inferred from the method's parameter type.

public void onTick(TickEvent tickEvent) {
  if (tickEvent.getType() == TickEvent.Type.GENERAL)

Use Javassist to transform a Minecraft class

Flint provides several ways for bytecode manipulation, including the popular Javassist library as well as objectweb ASM. Class transformations can easily be performed by annotating an appropriate Method with @ClassTransform.

public void transformMinecraft(ClassTransformContext ctx) throws CannotCompileException {
  CtClass mcClass = ctx.getCtClass();
      "public void helloWorld() { System.out.println(\"Hello World!\"); }", mcClass));

Access private Fields

With the help of the @Shadow annotation, interfaces can be used to easily access private fields or methods in Minecraft's classes.

public interface MinecraftAccessor {
  File getGameDir();

Instances of that class can then be casted to the interface type to access fields and methods:

File gameDir = ((MinecraftAccessor) Minecraft.getInstance()).getGameDir();

Hook into arbitrary Methods

Should the included events not suffice, a Mod can hook into arbitrary Minecraft methods using the @Hook annotation.

    className = "net.minecraft.client.Minecraft",
    methodName = "displayInGameMenu",
    parameters = {@Type(reference = boolean.class)},
    executionTime = Hook.ExecutionTime.BEFORE)
public void beforeInGameMenu(@Named("args") Object[] args) {
  System.out.println("Opening the in-game Menu...");


Flint is build using a responsibility driven approach and dependency injection. For the latter, we currently use Google's Guice (the assisted factory extensions is not compatible though, however, a custom alternative is available).

Dependency Injection

To access the tools of the framework you won't call static getter methods but instead use constructor injection to retrieve the instance you need.

public class ChatHandler {
  private final TaskExecutor executor;  

  private ChatHandler(TaskExecutor executor) {
    this.executor = executor;

  public void onChat(ChatSendEvent event) {
    if (event.getMessage().equals("Remind me!")) {
      this.executor.scheduleSync(60 * 20, () -> {

There is no need to manually register the event listener. An instance of the class will be constructed automatically using Guice, an appropriate instance of the TaskExecutor interface will be injected. For further explanations, see the very comprehensive Guice documentation.

Binding Implementations

When creating own interfaces and implementations, there is no need to manually bind them together using a Guice module. Instead, the implementation should be marked with the @Implement annotation, which also allows for version-specific implementations.

Assume a simple interface whose implementation performs an action that requires different implementations for different Minecraft versions.

public interface StuffDoer {
  void doStuff();

Flint will then automatically bind the correct implementation for the running version.

// Class in 1.15.2 source set
public class VersionedStuffDoer implements StuffDoer {

  public void doStuff() {
    // Since the class is in the 1.15.2 source set, this
    // implementation will only be used for 1.15.2

Abstracting your version-specific code like this results in a strong encapsulation and helps you to write big parts of your Mod version independently.

Separating version specific code

Each Flint module (as well as Mods build using our Gradle plugin) is split up into multiple source sets.

The main source set should contain interfaces and classes that make up the public API of the module. This API must always be completely version independent. Minecraft classes can't be accessed directly.

The internal source set should contain version-independent implementations of interfaces located in the main source set.

you can add a source set for every supported Minecraft version. These source sets should contain version-specific implementations. Minecraft classes can be accessed directly. The resulting symbolic references will be remapped automatically at runtime to assure compatibility with both obfuscated and de-obfuscated Minecraft installations. Class transformations and alike should also go into these source sets.

Building Flint

Building Flint is fairly easy. The project is set up using Gradle and a custom Gradle plugin that manages source sets and dependencies. The Gradle plugin also downloads, decompiles and de-obfuscates Minecraft when building for the first time.

After cloning the repository, just run the build task:

# Linux
$ ./gradlew build

# Windows
C:\...\FlintMC> gradlew.bat :build

There is also a task to start a de-obfuscated Minecraft directly out of your development environment.

# Linux
$ ./gradlew runClient1.16.5

# Windows
C:\...\FlintMC> gradlew.bat :runClient1.16.5

If you want to login into your Minecraft account, just set the following property in your global Gradle property file (~/.gradle/


When running the client, a login prompt will appear.

Creating a simple Mod

Getting started with Flint is not difficult. The project setup doesn't require deep Gradle knowledge and IDE support should be available without any extra steps.

Project Setup

To create a simple Mod, the first step is to set up a new Gradle project. We will use the following build.gradle.kts:

plugins {

repositories {

group = ""
version = "1.0.0"

flint {
    // Enter the newest Flint version here
    flintVersion = "2.0.23"
    minecraftVersions("1.15.2", "1.16.5")
    authors = arrayOf("Your Name")
    runs {

dependencies {


    minecraft("1.15.2", "1.16.5") {

You will also need the following in your settings.gradle.kts, otherwise Gradle won't find our custom Gradle plugin.

pluginManagement {
    plugins {
        // make sure to use the newest version
        id("net.flintmc.flint-gradle") version "2.8.1"
    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath("net.flintmc", "flint-gradle", "2.8.1")         
        repositories {
            maven {
                name = "Flint"   

You can then set up the source sets. The Gradle plugin expects the following structure:

└── src
    ├── internal/java/your/group/internal
    ├── main/java/your/group
    └── v1_16_5/java/your/group/v1_16_5

If you now add the ChatHandler class from the Dependency Injection section, you will see that Reminder! is printed to the log output one minute after you wrote Remind me! into the chat.

Create an Installer

The Flint gradle plugin can automatically generate a simple JAR installer. It will contain all the files needed by your mod and will also download and install dependencies (including Flint itself) if not already installed.

To generate the installer, just run following task:

$ ./gradlew bundledInstallerJar

For more comprehensive examples and tutorials, go to our developer documentation. There you will also find tutorials on how to publish your Mod to our distribution service.


This project is not yet finished, there are many things we still want to do.

  • Improve dependency resolution in package loading.
  • Implement Minecraft 1.8.9 and other versions.
  • Make it possible to create server mods.
  • Write more documentation and create further resources on getting started.
  • Improve Minecraft API.
  • Move to yarn mappings.
  • Make the gradle plugin not depend on MCP.
  • Remove Guice and create an own injection framework for better performance and more control over class loading.
  • Improve startup performance.

Further Resources

  • If you would like to contribute to Flint (or any of the related repositories) make sure to take a look at our contribution guidelines. There you will find information on coding and formatting standards we require as well as the process of code review.
  • On, you will find a comprehensive documentation as well as many examples and tutorials.
  • JavaDocs should automatically be available in your IDE of choice if you're including Flint as a Gradle/maven dependency. However, a hosted version can be found here.
  • For more explanations regarding dependency injection, also refer to the Guice documentation.
  • If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to join our Discord Server and talk to us directly.
  • Should you notice any bugs or missing features, you can create an issue right here on GitHub.