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CoGe - Greentea

CoGe Greentea is a metrics and analytics engine for the CoGe platform written on Clojure's web framework Noir.

How To: Deploy on a Server via Apache Webserver


(You can install these CLI tools using your linux distributions preferred package manager)

  • Apache2 - with plugins
  • libapache2-mod-proxy-html - For proxying the running port to the correct endpoints.
  • libxml2-dev
  • Maven - For Clojure Dependencies
  • Git - For cloning repos in from github
  • [Leiningen] - Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire. [Leiningen]:

Configuring Greentea to the Database

Once you have all the prerequisites installed, you need to get the Greentea (Analytics) repo from Github. Run:

$ git clone

TODO: Create a method of loading settings into Analytics from a configuration file so there's no need to unsafely fudge with the code.

  • Open "Greentea/src/greentea/db.clj" in your favorite text editor.

  • Modify from line 9:

      defdb cogedb                                                                   
          (mysql {:db "<DB>;"                                                            
          :user "<DB USER>;"                                                          
          :host "<DB HOST (probably localhost)>"
          :port "<DB&nbsp;PORT (remove this line if default)>"
          :password "<DB PASSWORD>"})
  • Write to the file. Make sure not to push any sensitive information back to Github!

Get Greentea Running:

  • Inside the cloned directory run:

$ lein run &

  • This should pull in all the required dependencies and start a Jetty servlet running on port 3456.

  • Check localhost:3456 to verify that the analytics platform is running.

Configure Apache to Proxy the Servlet Port to the /greentea Endpoint:

Now to setup apache to point localhost/greentea/ to port 3456.

  • Open '/etc/apache2/apache.conf' (or another conf location) in your favorite editor and add these lines:

      RewriteEngine On 
      NameVirtualHost *:90 
      Listen 90
      <VirtualHost *:90> 
        ServerAdmin ServerName localhost 
        ErrorLog /home/rchasman/logs/error.log 
        CustomLog <PATH>/logs/access.log combined 
        LogLevel warn
        ProxyPass /analytics/ http://localhost:3456/analytics/                       
        ProxyPass /analytics http://localhost:3456/analytics/    
        ProxyPass /greentea/ http://localhost:3456/greentea/                        
        ProxyPass /greentea http://localhost:3456/greentea/                          

These lines proxy calls to /greentea and /greentea/ to port 3456 so that we don't have to type any ugly numbers to reach our site.

  • Finally, run:

sudo services apache2 restart

If it says OK, it means the server should be started and you should be able to point a browser at it.

If everything was configured properly point your browser to /Greentea and Greentea should be up and running!


Greentea is CoGe's Usage Metrics frontend service






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