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Gianluca O edited this page Jul 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Config Configuration

File Name

RMMUD's config is stored within a file named "RMMUDConfig.json", which has to be in the same directory as the script.

File Structure

	"x-api-key": "",
	"download_mods_location": "RMMUDDownloads",
	"check_for_rmmud_updates": true,
	"instances": [
			"directory": "",
			"version": "1.19",
			"loader": "Fabric",
			"mod_links": [

Main Parameters:

  • "x-api-key": Your CurseForge API key if you wish to use CurseForge links.
  • "download_mods_location": The directory where mods are downloaded from the internet
  • "check_for_rmmud_updates": A true/false value of whether the script should check for a more recent release from GitHub of RMMUD and auto download it.
  • "instances": Contains a list of instances. See below.


Each instance is comprised of 4 values. "directory", "version", "loader", and "mod_links".

  • "directory": The location of the minecraft instance. This for most people would be set to "C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft". A valid instance only requires to contain a mods folder inside (.minecraft/mods for example)
  • "version": The minecraft version for this instance.
  • "loader": What mod loader is being used for this instance. Only accepts "Fabric" at the moment, but "Forge" is planned for the future.
  • "mod_links": A list containing strings to a mod page on Curseforge or Modrinth, separated by commas. See below for more details.

Mod Links

Mod links are only valid if they begin with either "" or "", followed by a mod slug and nothing else. See examples below for valid vs invalid links:

These invalid mods are simply ignored and a warning shows up but the script will continue on. This however is more of a feature than issue as it allows you to disable mods from being processed without having to remove them from the list. Unfortunately lines cannot be commented out like they can in Python, so this works as a workaround to that.

Example Config

	"x-api-key": "REDACTED",
	"download_mods_location": "RMMUDDownloads",
	"check_for_rmmud_updates": true,
	"instances": [
			"directory": "C:/Users/RandomGgames/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/1.19",
			"version": "1.19",
			"loader": "Fabric",
			"mod_links": [
			"directory": "C:/Users/RandomGgames/Documents/Minecraft/Servers/Fabric/1.19/Creative",
			"version": "1.19",
			"loader": "Fabric",
			"mod_links": [
			"directory": "C:/Users/RandomGgames/Documents/Minecraft/Servers/Fabric/1.18/Testing",
			"version": "1.18.2",
			"loader": "Fabric",
			"mod_links": [
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