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Andrew Steinborn edited this page Nov 1, 2021 · 3 revisions


Is LazyDFU compatible with clients and servers?

Yes, and it will have similar impacts for both - reduced CPU consumption on startup and faster startup times.

Is LazyDFU compatible with my mod(pack)?

Most likely, yes. LazyDFU is a very minimally invasive mod.

Why isn't LazyDFU updated?

Because LazyDFU is such a very minimally invasive mod. Due to the use of intermediary mappings and the structure of how DFU is setup in Minecraft, this mod rarely, if ever requires updates. Any updates will involve:

  • code changes if DFU setup is changed in a future version of Minecraft
  • toolchain updates if required

Why does my allocated memory usage go down after I add LazyDFU?

DataFixerUpper initialization is not just CPU-intensive, but also memory-intensive as well. Since LazyDFU skips precaching data fixer rules at startup, the actual memory usage of the game can appear to come down. This is both good and bad. It's bad since allocating less memory can lead to lag spikes from garbage collection, but it's good since the game really is using less memory.

If you are getting lag spikes from LazyDFU and have already optimized your worlds (or they were created on the latest Minecraft version) you are likely not allocating enough memory initially to the game. To fix this, you'll need to increase your minimum memory allocation, preferably to the same value as your maximum memory allocation. Here is an example for MultiMC (the -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch flag is recommended):


Here's an example for the official launcher. Here, I have added -Xms2G before -Xmx2G and -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch afterwards:

Official launcher