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glynos edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 4 revisions

When committing to a release we want to do the following:

Check that everything compiles and that the unit tests succeed

Build cpp-netlib from scratch and run the tests locally. Secondly, refer to the CI server ( to confirm that cpp-netlib builds and the test run succeeds on any other platforms we want to support.

Tag the commit

$bash> cd $CPP_NETLIB_ROOT
$bash> git tag -a 0.9.4 -m "Version 0.9.4"
$bash> git push origin --tags

Update the documentation

Particularly the whats_new.rst file, and the version numbers in index.rst and and check that any new features have been added to the docs.

Build the documentation.

On Linux, I do this:

$bash> cd $CPP_NETLIB_ROOT/libs/network/doc
$bash> make html

Copy the documentation to git://

On Linux, I do something this:

$bash> cp -R $CPP_NETLIB_ROOT/libs/network/doc/_build/html latest
$bash> cp -R $CPP_NETLIB_ROOT/libs/network/doc/_build/html 0.9.4
$bash> git add 0.9.4
$bash> git commit -a -m "Updated documentation."
$bash> git push origin master

Where 0.9.4 is the latest version number.

To do

Automate this process, especially the documentation generation.