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Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
first timers only
first timers only
Open for anyone doing contributions for first time. You do not need permission to work on these.
This issue welcomes contributions for Hacktoberfest.
help wanted
help wanted
Open for all. You do not need permission to work on these.
Invalid issue or PR. Should be closed.
Next Release
Next Release
This resolved issue/PR should be in the next release
platform: android
platform: android
Issues present in Android devices
platform: ios
platform: ios
Issues present in iOS devices
status: blocked
status: blocked
status: discussing
status: discussing
status: merge conflict
status: merge conflict
PRs waiting for merge conflicts to be resolved
status: on the roadmap
status: on the roadmap
Long term features
status: waiting review
status: waiting review
Waiting for review
status: waiting update
status: waiting update
Applied to Issue/PR if a maintainer/reviewer has left a feedback and follow up is needed from OP
type: bug
type: bug
Issues that need priority attention. Things which are obviously broken and are reported as such.
type: feature request
type: feature request
Threads classified to be feature requests. Implementation to be considered as a nice to have
This will not be worked on