A simple way to get options primes, greeks and implied volatility using Black&Scholes valuation model.
$ composer require "gauss314/bsm"
For Laravel 5, Symfony and any PHP project and framework with a composer.json file
// Instance Object
$bsm = new \gauss314\bsm\Bsm();
// Parameters
$free_risk=0.018; //free risk rate 1=100%
$time=30/365; //time year fraction 1=1yr
$sigma=0.2; //Annualized volatility 1=100%
$mkt_value=2; //Option market value, its only necessary for implied volatility calc
$dividend_yield=0; //not required, default value = 0
GET Call prime, and greeks
$call = $bsm->bsCall($spot, $strike, $free_risk, $time, $sigma, $dividend_yield);
[call] => 2.3601461764389
[delta] => 0.52172023548133
[gamma] => 0.069473882914289
[vega] => 0.11420364314678
[theta] => -0.040524357193283
[rho] => 0.040941269072625
GET Put prime, and greeks
$put = $bsm->bsPut($spot, $strike, $free_risk, $time, $sigma, $dividend_yield);
[put] => 2.2123103559286
[delta] => -0.47827976451867
[gamma] => 0.069473882914289
[vega] => 0.11420364314678
[theta] => -0.035600140877582
[rho] => -0.041129002855723
GET Implied volatility
$iv = $bsm->ivCall($spot, $strike, $free_risk, $tiempo, $mkt_value); // 16.84647
//Use ivPut() method to get implied volatility from put contract.
It doesnt need any configuration line
Enjoy it! ❤️