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Releases: gwathlobal/CotD


24 Mar 22:30
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  • The 3rd dimension was added to the map! Buildings now have several floors, mobs can go up and down the slopes.
  • Gravity added! You can step off the ledges and fall down. You can drop one Z level without any consequences but any distance greater than that and you will take increasing falling damage.
  • Mobs will now recognize the gravity and will short-cut off the ledges if they see they won't take any damage without finding the nearest slope down.
  • Added mansions to the building types.
  • Removed support for small tiles.


06 Mar 21:13
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  • Added Gargantaur to the list of monsters. This is a huge outsider beast (occupies 3x3 tiles) that is impervious to most attacks, can attack minds of enemies, as well as heal and teleport itself. While it is classified as an angelic being, do not get it wrong - it will attack anything in sight. Being huge, it has a "face" so unlike smaller beings it will need to really turn around to change the direction of its movement.
  • Angels are now able to mount Gargantaurs at the cost of half of their HP. Apart from increasing their defense (the Gargantaur's 3x3 size means that it will take all melee hits first), this gives them an ability to invoke Gargantaur's mind burn.


24 Feb 16:22
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  • Momentum added! When you have the Momentum ability, that means that you gain speed when moving in a direction and are able to cover several tiles within one turn but you can not drastically change your direction when at high speed (unlike normal movement when you can make all kind of turns and backpedal at any time). If you bump into an obstacle, your speed drops to zero. If you bump into another unit, your speed drops to zero but you will try to push this unit (similar to the Charge ability).
  • Horses are added to the game. They are allied with all non-demon factions and have momentum. Horses can be found in the stables.
  • Fiends added to the game. They are demonic beasts who will attack everybody (even demons). They also have momentum.
  • Horseback riding added! Military units are able to use horses as mounts. When riding a mount, your mount moves independently of your actions, you can only give directions to it. This means that once you've gained speed, the mount will be moving in the chosen direction on its own, while you can shoot the enemies as you pass them by. Mounts may also be used as meatshields as enemies have 50% chance to hit your mount instead of you.
  • All demons are able to mount fiends.
  • Added scouts to the military. They are armed with rifles, are able to reveal a single enemy and start riding a horse.
  • You may now start as a scout. Scouts gain no followers but compensate that with their unsurpassed speed.
  • Added stables to the buildings of the city.


17 Feb 19:42
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  • Angels can now chop off body parts when they kill somebody (they are armed with swords after all)
  • Characters leave corpses upon dying, for purely cosmetic reasons
  • Added "Shift + Q" command to exit the current game and return to the main menu
  • Added dots showing where the bullets hit
  • Added damage types to weapons and damage resistances to armor
  • Added bullet dispersion over distance
  • Added machine-gunners to the Military. They shoot the whole magazine in one round
  • Introduced cooldown abilities. The first cooldown ability "Charge" added to archdemons
  • Added "Fear" ability to demons and archdemons
  • Added "Blindness" ability to archangels
  • Added barricaded cities to the city generator


05 Feb 11:23
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  • Made the military a playable faction
  • Added sergeants to the military. They are armed with six-round revolvers, that deal less damaged than a rifle but do not need to reload every turn
  • Added chaplains to the military. They are armed with six-round revolvers and are able lead troops, pray to reveal angels and demons around them and grant divine protection to allies
  • Ranged combat accuracy is now affected by distance. The farther the target - the less likely you are able to hit it
  • Added forest cities to the city generator
  • Added island cities to the city generator


29 Jan 22:34
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  • Made help articles be read from files
  • Added snow terrain
  • Added an option to go to the main menu from the game over screen
  • Added rivers to the city generator
  • Added indication of the general direction to the nearest angel/demon
  • Added sea ports to the city generator
  • Added an option to customize the current scenario by choosing city layout, weather and player faction


17 Jan 19:05
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  • Linux 32-bit binary packages added
  • Added Soldiers to the city. Soldiers arrive to help humans towards the end of the battle, are opposed to both angels and demons and will shoot them if they see their true form
  • Added Satanists to the city. They are allied with demons and are able to call them for free and curse enemies with inaccuracy
  • Added a new command 'm' to view the full message log
  • Priests can now pray. Prayers may sometimes lead to smiting all enemies in priest's sight for minor damage or granting all allies divine protection. Divine protection prevents the next attck or harmful effect from application
  • Upgraded city generation and added variety to some bulding types
  • The City now has maximum 1 church, 1 warehouse, 1 prison, 1 library and 1 satanist's lair
  • Fixed bug with the time label becoming red while it's still player's turn


12 Jan 19:13
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  • Added new buildings to the city generator: Warehouse, Library
  • Added option to choose tiles to options.cfg
  • Added options.cfg where you can specify various game options. For now, you can only choose the size of tiles
  • Removed ability to attack members of you own faction (except demons). You can still attack allied faction though.
  • Introduced new terrain types: Cabinet, Crate, Bookshelf. Added it to appropriate buildings.


08 Jan 11:25
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Jan 08, 2017 v1.0.1

  • Fixed lags during the first 20 turns
  • Added access to help via '?' from the game screen (not only main menu)
  • Added large tiles
  • Added a new building to the city generator: Church
  • Added new human unit types: Priest. Priests can not be possessed and are able to detect evil
  • Introduced new terrain types: Chair, Table and Bed. Added them to appropriate buildings


08 Jan 11:22
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Initial release