:[[ :is-by: pro: for-the: [[ anti-social: social-media: for-the: [[ PEOPLE: is-by: WE: people: ]]: ]]: ]]:
:[[ "Forget everything you know about microblogging, the future of personal microblogging is now here." ]]:
:[[:is-by: pro: for-the: [[ only-authorized-online: FULL-AUTO: CrypTEX™: CONVERTER: ]]: ]]:
<div id="media-section">
<img src="https://is-by.pro:3000/images/Death_Angel-555x222.png" alt=":Death_Angel-555x222.png:" width="555"
<!-- :[[ :QWOD-MJ12: ATSOSSDEV-A: is-by: respecting: is-with: user-privacy: we: is-by: not: is-with: cookies: we: is-by: low-sugar-quantumite-diet: is-with: custom-identity-service: is-by: encrypted-authorization: is-with: MySQL: backend: HAX0RY: ]]: -->
<!-- :[[ :for-the: [[ Δ: { ^ <userid: e13bf898c143d065623b4d5fe2ebaa137dd2a5cdd01170dde1cc4bb9b5709a2c> ^ }: ]]:= { postid: "7d648bd26b4873f309f1b4870398845e3b72d3c135f861650913b1a84b8b2d82" }: ]]: -->
<div class="for-the">
<h4><strong>:[[ :for-the: [[ QWOD-MJ12: ATSOSSDEV-A: ]]: ]]:</strong></h4>
<div class="is-by">
<p class="warno">:[[ :is-by: Quantumites: ]]:</p>
<div class="is-with">
:[[ :is-with: for-the: [[ LIVING-PEOPLE: is-by: WE: living-people: ]]:
:is-with: { ^ https://youtu.be/FwvG0olOIv0?si=6Cok4Ax2sE0K5ScF ^ }:
:[[ :for-the: [[ HyperSpire-Foundation: is-by: developing: is-with: future: for-the: [[ self-sovereign: social-media: CLOUD-SOLUTION: for-the: [[ SAVE: earth: is-by: GREEDY-HUMAN-FEATHERLESS-CHICKEN-MUTANT-RAT-HYBRIDS: for-the: [[ micro-service: is-with: micro-budget: ]]: ]]: ]]: ]]: ]]:
:is-with: { ^ http://cryptex.mj12.agency/ ^ }:
:is-with: { ^ https://github.com/QWOD/RESEARCH/blob/master/EARTH-CHICKEN-RESEARCH-NOTES.ctxt.md ^ }:
:[[ :N🚫☥⚠️ CE: for-the: [[ W⚠️ RN🚫: is-with: pr0p3r: RE5ΔRCH-FΩNDING: QW🚫D-〽ʝ12: Hyp3r5pir3-F0und4ti0n: is-by: { ^ [[ Δ5ΔLY: c4ptur3-34rth: is-by: GRE3D%-HUMΔN-FΔ☥HERLE55-CHICKEN-MU☥ΔN☥-𓂀☥-H%BRID5: for-the: r3turn: ]] ^ }: ☥RUE: ]]:
:[[ :for-the: [[
:is-by: QWOD-MJ12:
:is-with: absolutely-must-hire-more-developers:
:for-the: [[
:for-the: [[ FUNDING:
:is-with: please-consider-sponsoring: HyperSpire-Foundation:
:for-the: [[ SAVE: earth:
:is-by: today:
:is-with: please: thank-you:
:for-the: [[
:is-by: SAVE:
:is-with: earth:
:[[ :for-the: [[ Gr33tings: is-with: WΔ: is-by: n0t: is-with: HUMΔN-LΔB-𓂀☥5: WΔ: is-with: Qu4ntumit3s: ]]: ]]:
:is-with: { ^ https://youtu.be/wCb92kNXDHI?si=z6vwnFm3fO9cjt53 ^ }:
:[[ :for-the: [[ Death-Angel: is-by: @: is-with: https://www.youtube.com/@WhiteBatAudio: Karl-Casey: ]]: ]]: