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Yet another debouncer for Elm.

How to use

This library follows the Elm Architecture. See the full example here.

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
  ( { value = ""
    -- Initialize the debouncer.
    , debounce = Debounce.init
    , report = []
  , Cmd.none

type Msg
  = Input String
  | DebounceMsg Debounce.Msg

-- This defines how the debouncer should work.
-- Choose the strategy for your use case.
debounceConfig : Debounce.Config Msg
debounceConfig =
  { strategy = Debounce.later 1000
  , transform = DebounceMsg

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Input s ->
        -- Push your values here.
        (debounce, cmd) =
          Debounce.push debounceConfig s model.debounce
        ( { model
            | value = s
            , debounce = debounce
        , cmd

    -- This is where commands are actually sent.
    -- The logic can be dependent on the current model.
    -- You can also use all the accumulated values.
    DebounceMsg msg ->
        (debounce, cmd) =
            (Debounce.takeLast save)
        ( { model | debounce = debounce }
        , cmd


Multiple Debouncers

If you need to debounce multiple event sources, one approach is to repeat the pattern demonstrated above for each event source. For example, you could define a debouncer and debounce msg for each:

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
  ( { value = ""
    -- Initialize *multiple* debouncers.
    , fooDebouncer = Debounce.init
    , barDeboucner = Debounce.init
    , report = []
  , Cmd.none

type Msg
  = InputFoo String
  | InputBar String
  | DebounceFoo Debounce.Msg
  | DebounceBar Debounce.Msg

You can choose to either have different configs for each event source:

fooDebounceConfig : Debounce.Config Msg
fooDebounceConfig =
  { strategy = Debounce.later (1 * second)
  , transform = DebounceFoo

barDebounceConfig : Debounce.Config Msg
barDebounceConfig =
  { strategy = Debounce.manual
  , transform = DebounceBar

Or to use the same config for both:

debounceConfig : (Debounce.Msg -> Msg) -> Debounce.Config Msg
debounceConfig debounceMsg =
    { strategy = Debounce.later (1 * second)
    , transform = debounceMsg

Note that the above config function takes your specific debounce msg as it's argument, so for example you might do the following:

Debounce.push (debounceConfig DebounceFoo) fooValue model.fooDebouncer

A full example of this approach can be seen here.

