Qt based stylish feature-rich Linux Desktop client for TMDb (http://www.themoviedb.org), the free and community maintained movie database with over millions of movies.
Main features
Discover Popular, Now Playing, and Top Rated movies.
Help to search for movies using different filters like Year of release, Ratings, genres, and the combination of all of these.
Filter movies based on region and Language.
Search movie by title.
Filter NSFW content using the filters.
Get detailed information about each Movie item, its Cast, and Crew.
Find similar movies and movies related to a certain actor.
Direct IMDB link access for each title from UI.
Search title on google with one click.
This application is based on the Discover module from Orion Torrent streaming application. (https://snapcraft.io/orion-desktop)
Nightly Build on any snapd enabled Linux Distribution can be installed using:
snap install moviesquare