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ProblemDetails is a Error Handler base on [RFC 7807] standard to map our error to standardized error payload to client.


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ProblemDetails is a Error Handler base on RFC 7807 standard to map our error to standardized error payload to client. The data model for problem details is a JSON object; when formatted as a JSON document, it uses the application/problem+json media type and for XML format it uses the application/problem+xml media type. By defining machine-readable details of HTTP errors, we can avoid defining new error response formats for HTTP APIs.

Our problem details response body and headers will be look like this:

    // Response body

    "status": 400,                                        // The HTTP status code generated on the problem occurrence
    "title": "bad-request",                               // A short human-readable problem summary
    "detail": "We have a bad request in our endpoint",    // A human-readable explanation for what exactly happened
    "type": "",                // URI reference to identify the problem type
    "instance": "/sample1",                               // URI reference of the occurrence
    "stackTrace": "some more trace for error",            // More trace information error for what exactly happened
    // Response headers

     content-type: application/problem+json
     date: Thu,29 Sep 2022 14:07:23 GMT 

There are some samples for using this package on top of Echo here and for Gin here.


go get



Error Handler:

For handling our error we need to specify an Error Handler on top of Echo framework:

// EchoErrorHandler middleware for handle problem details error on echo
func EchoErrorHandler(error error, c echo.Context) {

        // add custom map problem details here...

	// resolve problem details error from response in echo
	if !c.Response().Committed {
		if _, err := problem.ResolveProblemDetails(c.Response(), c.Request(), error); err != nil {

Map Status Code Error:

In this sample we map status code StatusBadGateway to StatusUnauthorized base on handler config to problem details error.

// handle specific status code to problem details error
func sample1(c echo.Context) error {
       err := errors.New("We have a specific status code error in our endpoint")
       return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadGateway, err)
// problem details handler config
problem.MapStatus(http.StatusBadGateway, func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
       return &problem.ProblemDetail{
           Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,
           Title:  "unauthorized",
           Detail: error.Error(),

Map Custom Type Error:

In this sample we map custom error type to problem details error.

// handle custom type error to problem details error
func sample2(c echo.Context) error {
        err := errors.New("We have a custom type error in our endpoint")
	return custom_errors.BadRequestError{InternalError: err}
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.BadRequestError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
       return &problem.ProblemDetail{
           Status: http.StatusBadRequest,
           Title:  "bad request",
           Detail: error.Error(),


Error Handler:

For handling our error we need to specify an Error Handler on top of Gin framework:

// GinErrorHandler middleware for handle problem details error on gin
func GinErrorHandler() gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c *gin.Context) {


		for _, err := range c.Errors {

                        // add custom map problem details here...
			if _, err := problem.ResolveProblemDetails(c.Writer, c.Request, err); err != nil {

Map Status Code Error:

In this sample we map status code StatusBadGateway to StatusUnauthorized base on handler config to problem details error.

// handle specific status code to problem details error
func sample1(c *gin.Context) {
       err := errors.New("We have a specific status code error in our endpoint")
       _ = c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadGateway, err)
// problem details handler config
problem.MapStatus(http.StatusBadGateway, func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
        return &problem.ProblemDetail{
            Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,
            Title:  "unauthorized",
            Detail: err.Error(),

Map Custom Type Error:

In this sample we map custom error type to problem details error.

// handle custom type error to problem details error
func sample2(c *gin.Context) {
        err := errors.New("We have a custom type error in our endpoint")
	customBadRequestError := custom_errors.BadRequestError{InternalError: err}
	_ = c.Error(customBadRequestError)
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.BadRequestError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
       return &problem.ProblemDetail{
           Status: http.StatusBadRequest,
           Title:  "bad request",
           Detail: err.Error(),

Custom Problem Details:

We support custom problem details error for create more flexibility response error:

// custom problem details
type CustomProblemDetail struct {
	    Description    string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	    AdditionalInfo string `json:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.ConflictError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
       return &custom_problems.CustomProblemDetail{
           ProblemDetailErr: &problem.ProblemDetail{
               Status: http.StatusConflict,
               Title:  "conflict",
               Detail: error.Error(),
           AdditionalInfo: "some additional info...",
           Description:    "some description...",


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