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Student, hobby developer, trying my best, python dev
Jonidimo jonidimo

La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

connero conneroisu
Conner Ohnesorge, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major at Iowa State University. Analog ML FTW

Iowa State University Ames, Iowa

Boyan Kostadinov bkostadi

New York City College of Technology, CUNY

Dennis dmichalak

Washington, DC, USA

ayawai ayawai
Web Front-end Development
Jafet Raul JafetRaul
Systems Engineering Student

National University of San Marcos Lima, Peru

John Patrick Roach johnpatrickroach
Senior Software Engineer @ Pattern | Master's in Statistics, Data Engineer, Backend Developer, API Integration

@endexapp New York, NY

Howie Wang ytwanghaoyu
🎹 βUg deVeLΩper


Nimbulaxan Nimbulaxan
Due to restrictions at work, primarily program in VBA/MATLAB now but looking into Python for SageMath and Jupyter Notebook.

St. Petersburg

Elvis Gisiora gisioraelvis
FullStack Web Dev, lifelong student.

GRIFFIN Global Technologies, LLC Alpharetta, Georgia USA - Remote

Toshihiro AOKI toshaoki
Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics.
Barton Rhodes bmorphism
"Parametrised optics model cybernetic systems, namely dynamical systems steered by one or more agents. Then ⊛ represents agency being exerted on systems"

@plurigrid san francisco

JSaroni JoBrew32
I have experience in physics simulations, mathematical modeling, and statistical analysis.
Hong Li Luh1124

北京航空航天大学 北京市海淀区学院路37号

Hu Zhao Hu-Zhao90

RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany

Bharat Raghunathan bharatr21
Masters' student @ Georgia Tech | BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus | Interested in breaking down stuff, building up stuff, and investigating data


Bruno Peixoto brunolnetto
Software engineer leaning Javascript and Python.


Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water

@linksplatform, @deep-foundation Everywhere

Michele Castriotta mikics
Computer Vision Engineer

Specialvideo Imola

Tien Nguyen Xuan chubecode
I'm Mobile Developer. Yay!!

NHN Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City