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Rafael rafaelfess
Elixir, Vue.js, Solid.js | Focusing on server-side (but not limited to) building majestic monoliths.

Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Teresuki Kitsune teresuki
I want to learn more about game development, so that people will enjoy the most out of my games.
Andrew Lee candrewlee14
Software Developer and Student at the University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

GameJarne GameJarne
I try to be a game developer.


Noah Betzen Nezteb
Senior backend engineer. Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView, OSS, IndieWeb, local-first development, self-hosting, gamedev. Alaskan/Norwegian. Neutral good. DFTBA.

Seattle, Washington

玖亖伍 gsw945
9️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ love technology, favorite language is Python 👍 ; using 🐧 Linux OS(Ubuntu) usually.

pathea games Chongqing

amateur programmer,contact me at
Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

A Person who loves programming! #Zig enthusiast

Planet Earth

Danny Raufeisen guckstift
I love cats and penguins. Studied at TU Dresden, work in Halle (Saale) now.
joylei Joylei

Shanghai, China

Dan Fego dfego

Frederick, MD

涵曦 hanxi
study hard and make progress every day


Olivier Goudron ogoudron
Software Architect


Hiya, I'm an indie game developer with various interests not just limited to game development/programming! he/him
Konstantin Goncharik botanegg

@navikey Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Zephyr Lykos mochaaP
i create weird things / ※ original works on sourcehut
Joseph Werle jwerle

@SocketSupply NYC <> Geneva

Adam Chicorak
@anoraksis on everything else

Nícolas Dornelles nkatte
(Ex)Mestrando em Computação, formado em Sistemas de Informação e com proficiência em linguagens interpretadas, dinâmicas e de script (Python, PHP e JavaScript).
Lion Schitik GrumpyLion

Chucklefish Bielefeld, Germany

Emanuele Manzione emanzione
Backend developer, focused on realtime networked/multiplayer games. C# and .NET enthusiast. Unity tools developer.

MHLab Italy

Matt Sylvia MSylvia
//TODO: Add bio

Boston, MA

Dominik Madarász zpl-zak
📐 Pushing the boundaries of simplicity

@zpl-c Slovakia, Zvolen

Charles Wardlaw kattkieru
salty parabolas

Skeletal Studios Toronto, ON