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Apple Development Instructions

This document describes how to develop and debug for macOS (formerly known as OS X). It assumes you have already successfully completed the build instructions from the top-level README.

Development in XCode

We recommend that you develop OS X specific functionality in the platforms/osx directory. However this is not version-controlled. Once you have made your changes in the platforms/osx directory, be sure to copy it to the version-controlled source code in cordova-plugin-outline/apple/

To run the project in XCode:

  • open platforms/osx/Outline.xcodeproj
  • Make sure you are logged into your Apple Developer account. Go to Preferences → Accounts, make sure your account is set.
  • Click "Outline" in the left navigation bar:
    • Under "Signing" select "Jigsaw Operations LLC"
    • Click Register Device - needed the first time running the app on a new device.
  • Hit Cmd+R to run

The main entry point for Apple specific code is Outline/Plugins/OutlinePlugin.swift

To debug the VpnExtension process

  • VpnExtension runs in a separate process and its output is not logged to the Xcode console. To view its log statements, open the and filter messages that contain "Outline" or “VpnExtension”.
  • In XCode, click top Debug menu → Attach to Process → VpnExtension
    • This can only be done once the VPN Extension is running (after you are connected).
    • Detailed instructions.

Debugging the UI

To debug the macOS webview:

  • In your terminal, run defaults write org.outline.osx.client WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true. This is only needed once, to make the Outline webview debuggable. You may need to re-run the whole Outline app (use Cmd+R).
  • Once this is done, right click → Inspect Context in the Outline client app. This will open the safari debugger
  • To reload the UI without re-running the application, right-click → Reload.

Fixing the VpnExtension configuration:

The VpnExtension is an application extension that handles the device’s traffic when the VPN is enabled. The system must be aware of the extension in order to invoke it. Normally, running the app is enough to trigger the registration of the VpnExtension. However, the system can get confused in a development environment, failing to register the plugin automatically.

If you cannot connect to a server due to a VPN error:

  • In your terminal, run pluginkit -m -v | grep outline to search for the VpnExtension plugin - you should see one for your new Xcode project, where the version and binary location match. This should output something similar to:
    • org.outline.osx.client.VpnExtension(0.1.2) 970A0E28-06F0-4658-A194-EE755155644C 2018-01-26 21:51:06 +0000 /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Outline-buohazzevizjuxclukgvoyyvsonu/Build/Products/Debug/
  • To learn the path of your VpnExtension:
    • In XCode, click on the Folder Icon (top left), then navigate to the Products folder
    • Drag the "" item to the terminal - this will tell you the path of the app, something like /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Outline-buohazzevizjuxclukgvoyyvsonu/Build/Products/Debug/
    • In that directory, look for Contents/PlugIns/VpnExtension.appex/, e.g. /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Outline-buohazzevizjuxclukgvoyyvsonu/Build/Products/Debug/
  • In the terminal, run pluginkit -a , e.g. pluginkit -a /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Outline-buohazzevizjuxclukgvoyyvsonu/Build/Products/Debug/
  • Open Mac Settings → Network, then delete the Outline network