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A sigstore java client for interacting with sigstore infrastructure

⚠️ This project is not ready for general-purpose use! ⚠️

This project requires a minimum of Java 11 and is current in pre-release, apis and dependencies are likely to change

You can files issues directly on this project or if you have any questions message us on the sigstore#java slack channel


Keyless Signing And Verification


Path testArtifact = Paths.get("path/to/my/file.jar")

var signer = KeylessSigner.builder().sigstorePublicDefaults().build();
Bundle result = signer.sign(testArtifact);

// sigstore bundle format (serialized as <artifact>.sigstore.json)
String bundleJson = result.toJson();


Read bundle
Path bundleFile = // java.nio.Path to a .sigstore.json signature bundle file
Bundle bundle = Bundle.from(Files.newBufferedReader(bundleFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Configure verification options
// add certificate policy to verify the identity of the signer
VerificationOptions verificationOptions =
Do verification
Path artifact = // java.nio.Path to artifact file
try {
  var verifier = new KeylessVerifier.Builder().sigstorePublicDefaults().build();
  verifier.verify(artifact, bundle, verificationOptions);
  // verification passed!
} catch (KeylessVerificationException e) {
  // verification failed

Exploring the API

You could browse Javadoc at

To build javadoc from the sources, use the following command:

$ ./gradlew javadoc
$ "my-favorite-browser" ./sigstore-java/build/docs/javadoc/index.html