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Validate and map columns from one CSV file to another


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Holy Sheet

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Converts spreadsheets, created and modified by humans, into sheets that can be used by machines.

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Extract column data from source CSV file

Call extractColumnsFromCSVForSchema() to get a set of fields from the transformer that can then be used to match columns in the source file. Possible columns are sorted based on the closeness of their names. This function is very useful for rendering a UI that allows a user to match transformer columns to input CSV columns.

Defining a Sheet Transformer

Sheet transformers are just simple javascript objects which define how to process your sheet. You can start with the empty template below:

module.exports = {
	columns: [
    	    columnName: 'OutputColumnName',
    	    description: 'Use this field to provide helpful information',
    	    type: 'string'

Inside the columns array you will need to provide a set of column transformers you wish to map to/from. All column transformers require a columnName and type. columnName is the name of the column in the transformed output. type informs Holy Sheet as to what type of data is in the column and how it should be handled. Holy Sheet supports 6 basic data types: string, integer, float, boolean, date, & enum.

Some transformer types have custom parameters so you can customize how they do their work. Here is a list of transformer types and their custom parameters:


  • defaultValue - Usually null.
  • matchesRegex - Provide a RegEx to test against. Input strings that don't match will be converted to the defaultValue.
  • replacementRegex - Provide a RegEx and the replacementString to replace against. Useful for cleaning up formatted strings like emails and phone numbers.
  • replacementString - Provide a replacement String and the replacementRegex to replace against. Useful for cleaning up formatted strings like emails and phone numbers.
    columnName: 'String',
    description: 'tis but a string',
    type: 'string',
    replacementRegex: \.*<(.*)>.*/gi,
    replacementString: '($1)'


  • defaultValue - Usually null.
  • minValue - Minimum output value. Smaller values are capped at the minValue.
  • maxValue - Maximum output value. Larger values are capped at the maxValue.
    columnName: 'Integer',
    description: 'tis but an integer',
    type: 'integer',
    minValue: 1,
    maxValue: 10


  • defaultValue - Usually null.
  • minValue - Minimum output value. Smaller values are capped at the minValue.
  • maxValue - Maximum output value. Larger values are capped at the maxValue.
    columnName: 'Float',
    description: 'tis but a float',
    type: 'float',
    minValue: 1.1,
    maxValue: 10.7


Converts truthy values like true, 1, and yes to true and falsey values like false, 0, and no to false.

    columnName: 'Boolean',
    description: 'tis but a boolean',
    type: 'boolean'


Uses moment.js to parse Strings into Dates, validate them, and finally output them as reformatted Strings.

  • defaultValue - Usually null. Returned for parse errors.
  • inputFormat - String containing the moment.format() string for the input value.
  • outputFormat - String containing the moment.format() string for the output value.
    columnName: 'Date',
    description: 'tis but a date',
    type: 'date',
    inputFormat: 'MM/DD/YY',
    outputFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD'


Allows columns with a set of allowed values. Supports single or multiple values.

  • allowedValues - A JavaScript Array of Strings for each allowed value. These are case sensitive.
  • multiple - If true, allow multiple values. Assumes the input is string delimeted.
  • inputDelimeter - Optional. Supports ,, ;, & : by default. Provide a RegEx or String to override.
  • outputDelimeter - Optional. Uses , by default. Provide a String to override.
  • excludeInvalidValues - If true, filters out bad input values. Returns remaining good values as output.
    columnName: 'Enum',
    description: 'tis but an enum',
    type: 'enum',
    multiple: true,
    excludeInvalidValues: true

Optional configuration

| Name | Description | Default | Notes | | ------------- |:------------- :| -----:|-----:| | headerRowNumber | Row number for the headers | | | | skipRowsFromHeader | Number of rows between header and the first row of data | 0 | | | sendUnmappedColumnsInColumnNamed | Adds a column which contains any nonmapped columns | Ignores unmapped columns by default | | | ignoreBlankLines | Ignore lines where all cells are empty | true | Only available for XLSX files |


Run the demo server vue ui and run the 'Serve' task in the Vue UI app.

View the holy sheet demo app at http://localhost:8080/


Validate and map columns from one CSV file to another







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