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Example App

This guide walks you through the Example app implementation showcasing how 100ms SDK can be utilized to build delightful apps.🀩

For the SDK integration guide, checkout the ReadMe here.

πŸ“² Download this 100ms fully featured Sample iOS app here:

☝️ Pre-requistes

🏎 Run the application

  1. Put in your Token Endpoint at Code completion mark in Constants.swift file Line 15.

    The Constants file is located at path Example/HMSSDKExample/SupportingFiles/Constants.swift

    Make sure it ends with a backslash (/)

    For example:

    static let tokenEndpoint = "<your-subdomain>/"  # βœ… Valid
    static let tokenEndpoint = "<your-subdomain>"   # ❌ invalid
  2. Ensure that Cocoapods is installed on your Mac.

  3. In the Example folder, run pod install to install dependencies of the Example app.

  4. Open the HMSSDKExample.xcworkspace file & Build & Run the HMSSDKExample target on Simulator.

  5. To run the Example app on your device, you'll need to add your Apple Developer Team in Signing & Capabilites tab of Xcode.

  6. Change the bundle id (live.100ms.videoapp) and app group name ( to something unique when running this example in Xcode. Once done, find the app group name string including quotes ("") in the project and replace it with your new group name (for example "").

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ App User Walkthrough

Login Screen

  • For the first run of the app, you'll be prompted for permission to access Camera & Microphone.

  • In the Login Screen of the app, Enter your Meeting RoomID & click on Join Meeting.

  • You'll be prompted to Enter your Name. Type in the name you want to use in the Meeting Room.

Note: Please note that we use 'host' as default role name in this example app. If you have different role, replace the default 'host' role with your custom role in RoomService.swift:

createRequest(for url: String, _ user: String, _ room: String) -> URLRequest?

var body = [  "room_id": room,
              "user_id": user,
              "role": "host"]

Meeting Screen

On clicking Join Meeting, you'll be taken to the Meeting Screen & will see a spinner until you have joined the Room. On the Meeting screen, you have multiple controls for -

  • Showing Meeting Room Name
  • Tap on Meeting Room Name to view Peers List
  • Mute Audio of all Peers
  • Switch Camera (Front/Back)
  • Change Meeting Layout
  • Muting/Unmuting Camera
  • Muting/Unmuting Microphone
  • Show Chat Screen
  • Leave Meeting

Meeting Screen

πŸ“ Files of importance

  • HMSSDKInteractor: Interacts with HMSSDK & conforms to the HMSUpdateListener protocol to listen for updates like Peer Join/Leave, Track Mute/Unmute, etc coming in from the SDK.
  • MeetingViewModel: Controls the View layout & conforms to HMSDataSourceDelegate protocol through which it populates Video Tracks on UI.
  • RoomService: Implements logic to fetch Client Side Token & pass it on HMSSDKInteractor while joining a room.

🀩 View Modes

The Sample app has various View Modes which change the layout of the Meeting. Clicking the Change Meeting Layout button on the top right of the screen shows the following Mode options -

  1. Audio Only Mode
  2. Show Active Speakers
  3. Video Only Mode
  4. All Pinned Mode
  5. Spotlight Mode
  6. Hero Mode
  7. Default Mode

Refer the Getting Started - iOS guide to get detailed SDK information.