This tool will convert ppt/pptx files to Presenter by WorshipTools file format.
- PPT file support
- PPTX file support
- Auto title + verse tags
- Filter unwanted words
- Song title prefix (for easier filtering in Presenter)
- Sentence length filering (for blocks of text like slide number '1/3')
- Song author tag(for easier filtering in Presenter)
Install ppt2planner dependencies with pip
pip install requirements.txt
Tool configuration can be done inside
Available configuration:
(the prefix will be appended to song title for easier filtering inside Presenter tool)MIN_SENTENCE_LEN
minimum sentece length (to filer out unwanted text), default 3ignored_keywords
a dictionary containing words/phrases to be filtered outAUTHOR
used to add song author, for better filtering
The tool will look for all ppt/pptx files inside the provided <input_dir>
and will dump processed files inside <output_dir>
The output file will be a .txt file containing slide text together with Planner specific tags (like song title, verse number etc.).
python -in <input_dir> -o <output_dir>
The output files can be imported into Planner.
Support PPTX file format -
Support PPT file format -
Implement crossplatform GUI