A (minimal) Render Hardware Interface (RHI) for Vulkan and DirectX 12.
The RHI is compromised of 3 projects:
The Vulkan backend is always available while the D3D12 backend is enabled only when building for Windows.
You can use CMake to include the library in your project.
target_link_libraries(<target> ... RHI)
target_include_directories(<target> ... <path_to_rhi>/src/include)
The window used for rendering is passed to the RHI on creation and should implement the RHIWindow
You can create and use an instance using the desired backend:
#include <RHI.hpp>
// ...
const auto RHI = createRHI({
.apiType = RHIInterfaceType::D3D12,
.pWindow = window,
// Resource creation using the RHI instance:
const auto vertexBuffer = RHI->createBuffer({
.bufferSize = geometry->vertexCount() * sizeof(Vertex),
.bufferType = RHIBufferType::Vertex,
.debugName = "VertexBuffer",
// ...
Namespacing of the RHI interface (and customizing its name) can be configured near the top of the top-level CMake file. (Disabled by default.)
Note: The project is primarily tested and developed on Windows using MSVC, however the Vulkan backend should support macOS via MoltenVK.
A minimal example rendering a cube can be found under example
Building the example requires Python3 to be installed as shaders are compiled by a python script.
(The example target can be toggled via the RHI_EXAMPLE
CMake variable.)
The code is licensed MIT License. Please see the license file for more information.