The yxml
DUB package is a simple library that is designed to parse a subset of XML within the constraints of restricted D.
Allows XML parsing in
nothrow @nogc
. -
One file, but depends on
package for scoped DOM. -
parser from original is fast, however the DOM it constructs isn't particularly efficient. The original library was barebones and intended to be used as SAX parser. But this is a DOM-like API.
Not all of XML is supported. The limitations are stronger than the original yxml library.
- Comments are ignored.
- XML Processing Instructions are ignored.
- Can't parse HTML.
- Can't emit XML.
- Not validating, no namespace support.
// EXAMPLE: the file has this shape.
// ------------------------------------------------
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <results>
// <metric value="5.8" />
// </results>
// ------------------------------------------------
// Note: This example assumes you can use the GC for error reporting,
// but `yxml` doesn't strictly require it.
void parseMyXMLData(const(char)[] xmlData)
import yxml;
// Parse a whole XML file, builds a DOM.
XmlDocument doc;
// Parsing error is dealt with error codes.
if (doc.isError)
const(char)[] message = doc.errorMessage;
// something with the error,
// such as throwing if you can:
throw new Exception(message.idup);
XmlElement root = doc.root;
if (root.tagName != "results")
throw new Exception("expected <results> as root XML anchor");
foreach(e; root.getChildrenByTagName("metric"))
if (!e.hasAttribute("value"))
throw new Exception(`expected attribute "value" in <metric>`);
return to!double(e.getAttribute("value")); // return first seen
throw new Exception("expected <metric>");
return range that iterates on children, who are allXmlElement
return the number of children.
void parseCustomers(XmlElement parent)
// Iterate on the child nodes of `parent`
foreach(XmlElement node; parent.childNodes)
writeln(node.tagName); // Display <tag> name.
writeln(node.textContent); // Display its content and that of its children
π§βπΌ Pro XML parsing tip: Use
to make copies of tag names of text content, because the lifetime of the DOM is the one of theXmlDocument
. You don't want your characters string to disappear over you, right?
- Use
XmlElement.firstChildByTagName(const(char)[] tagName)
for first matching element.
void parseCustomer(XmlElement customer)
XmlElement name = customer.firstChildByTagName("name");
if (name is null)
throw new Exception("<customer> has no <name>!");
π§βπΌ Pro XML parsing tip: You can be even clearer in intent by using
return range that iterates on direct children that match a given tag name, no recursion.
void parseSupportDeskFile(XmlElement parent)
foreach(XmlElement customer; parent.getChildrenByTagName("customer"))
// Do something with customer
π§βπΌ Pro XML parsing tip: Use .array to get a slice rather than a range.
import std.array; XmlElement[] elems = node.getChildrenByTagName("customer").array; writeln("%s customers found.", elems.length);
All these 3 examples are equivalent:
void parseCustomers(XmlElement node)
// null if such an attribute doesn't exist
const(char)[] blurb = node.getAttribute("blurb");
if (!blurb)
throw new Exception(`no "blurb" attribute!`);
void parseCustomers(XmlElement node)
const(char)[] blurb = null;
if (node.hasAttribute("blurb"))
XmlAttr attr = node.getAttributeNode("blurb");
blurb = attr.value();
if (!blurb)
throw new Exception(`no "blurb" attribute!`);
void parseCustomers(XmlElement node)
const(char)[] blurb = null;
// Iterate on all attributes
foreach(attr; node.attributes())
if ( == "blurb")
blurb = attr.value;
if (!blurb)
throw new Exception(`no "blurb" attribute!`);