Get the lyrics to songs right in your terminal.
to display the lyrics of the currently playing song on Spotifylyrics "The Beatles - Blackbird"
for getting lyrics for a specific songlyrics "Can't you see im trying"
for finding the song based on it's lyricslyrics --watch
to stay open and update the lyrics when you get to the next song- Alternatively
, or-c
- Alternatively
lyrics --version
to get the current version- Alternatively
- Alternatively
lyrics --help
to show what commands are available- Alternatively
- Alternatively
This script should support Linux, MacOS and Windows. Color highlighting is unfortunately not supported on Windows (you're welcome to add this in a pull request ๐ ).
Requires Python 3 with pip installed.
Install the packages from the requirement.txt document with pip:
$ pip install -r ./requirements.txt --user
Then you can add a link to your bin so the lyrics can be executed from anywhere in the terminal:
$ ln -s ./lyrics/ /usr/local/bin/lyrics
(The /usr/local/bin
path will have to be in your $PATH